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Can you tell me where else there is a 'celebration' on remembrance weekend?

I don't understand. You want us to act like everyone else? This tribute was lauded at the time. I can understand if you didn't personally want to embrace it, but supporting someone who officially complained about it? Step too far for me. But, this has become accepted amongst many. Big, bad Rangers at it again. :rolleyes:

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I don't understand. You want us to act like everyone else? This tribute was lauded at the time. I can understand if you didn't personally want to embrace it, but supporting someone who officially complained about it? Step too far for me. But, this has become accepted amongst many. Big, bad Rangers at it again. :rolleyes:

Nope, I don't want to act like everyone else. I want to have half time celebrations for the homecoming of a regiment etc. just not on rememberance weekend. That is the time of year for sombre reflection and nothing else.

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The Queen needs to get involved in this shite, im fkn moving to America its beyond a joke here

FKN CHARITY? It was never more appropiate?? a gun starting and finishing a minute silence????

2 guys flying there flag?? have they not earned the right to do what the fcuk they want?

having all our heros on the park at ibrox???

Were the fcuking hell was anything inappropiate...

honestly This country is being taken over snd were standing back accepting this nonsense

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Major General Nick Eeles? I'd like a skeg over his c.v. too.

The people who oppose open displays of support for our armed services need a few history lessons on where we might be today without these selfless men.

I usually manage to just ignore the cretins who are queuing up to take a pop, in fact I can get a good laugh out of them. But this sort of thing has me reaching for the sick bowl.

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D 'accord

We should ADD an armed forces day to our calendar in response to this. We can then have Remembrance Day plus a more celebratory charity fund raiser for Erskine. What could Timmy complain about then?


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If it wasn't for these brave men and women and their sacrifices these ppl wouldn't be here too be antagonised by anything , and my personal opinion is that rememberance weekend is a celebration of everything we are as a country , we should be joyful and unbelievably thankful and so proud that when our country needed them our fathers / grandfathers etc stood up and protected us so we could be free

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“The focus of Remembrance activities must be on the fallen, not on those who are serving in the Armed Forces today.”

Since when did this bloke make the rules?

We combined the solemnity of a minutes silence for the fallen with a celebration of those serving today and those veterans in Erskine

What exactly is this cunts problem?

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"The focus of Remembrance activities must be on the fallen, not on those who are serving in the Armed Forces today."

Since when did this bloke make the rules?

We combined the solemnity of a minutes silence for the fallen with a celebration of those serving today and those veterans in Erskine

What exactly is this cunts problem?

Someone complained that they were 'offended' at this show of solidarity and respect and in this PC world, we now find ourselves living in, they gave in. It really is quite pathetic.

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On reflection,I can see the point that Rememberance Day is a time for sober respect,and the sight of servicemen having a good time and kickabout has dismayed top brass.We should not miss the opportunity to engage with military chiefs and ask them how they would like us to honour those currently serving.I like the idea of an Armed Forces Day,when we could show our support,vocally and financially.Turn this negative into a positive,and do not allow those who hate our country to drive a wedge between us and military chiefs.

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On reflection,I can see the point that Rememberance Day is a time for sober respect,and the sight of servicemen having a good time and kickabout has dismayed top brass.We should not miss the opportunity to engage with military chiefs and ask them how they would like us to honour those currently serving.I like the idea of an Armed Forces Day,when we could show our support,vocally and financially.Turn this negative into a positive,and do not allow those who hate our country to drive a wedge between us and military chiefs.

Brilliant post mate

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Its not like it was done without the blessing of the forces ffs, they would have been consulted and would have been more than happy to go ahead with it. This country is a shambles! If Scotland gets independance i'm moving to England...

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I'm quite sure there's serving troops at the cenotaph in London,gonna whine about that too ya disgraceful bheast pricks? the poppy fund also supports serving personnel in all theatres where UK troops are on active service protecting our country and it's interests,for a support that prattles on about being formed out of charity they're the most hypocritical parasites ever to be shat into creation

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This is just my opinion on it. I think Remembrance Sunday should be about quiet reflection for the people who fought and died for this country. The poppy display was amazing and having the gun start and finish the minute silence was a good idea.

I think we should have a separate Armed Forces day to celebrate the wonderful job the current Troops are doing for the country when they can come on the pitch and enjoy the affection and appreciation we have for them.

Again I think Remembrance Sunday should be reflection for the fallen.

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2 years ago I was walking along St Vincent St, heading towards George Sq for Armed Forces Day with a Union Jack round my shoulders.

I was stopped by 2 police officers and told to fold it up and put it away. They were told in no uncertain terms what I thought and if they arrested me I would look forward to the court case.

I quite believe that story,Jack.

I'm personally not one for using the national flag of a country as an adorment,probably because it would look daft on an auld cunt like myself, but I fully support anybody to carry the flag of the country they live in,as opposed to the country they were born in.

I would strongly resist any Police officer or security bawbag who tried to remove the flag of the nation, AND I can guarantee you he/she would regret trying to do so.

Don't let the Gestapo bastards rule you, young fella :pipe:

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Some people can find anything to moan at and, in our (your) current PC world, the minority can over shout the majority.

I think the main issue here is that the offended has taken offense at our fans, and our troops on the field, being seen to enjoy themselves at a remembrance parade rather than sitting somberly.

An Armed Forces Day is a brilliant idea.

Oh, and carrying a Union Flag is now deemed inappropriate by the police? Well kiss my BRITISH ass! We had flags painted and flown on all our vehicles/helicopters during any of the conflicts I fought in AND we wore Union Flags on our uniform too.

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We should ADD an armed forces day to our calendar in response to this. We can then have Remembrance Day plus a more celebratory charity fund raiser for Erskine. What could Timmy complain about then?

This is a cracking idea but lets go a bit further, have a normal remembrance day with the poppies and a minutes silence.We have three main armed services so lets have an Army day, a Navy day and finish off with an R.A.F day which could involve a fly past, but invite all the services to their own special day to IBROX to join 50,000 union jack flag wavers so we can do 3 celebratory charity fund raisers for Erskine,this I am sure if done right could raise even more money for the charity and allows us as Scottish / British proud people to tell Salmond and the republic of scotland GO FUCK YOURSELVES. NO SURRENDER . :mad: :mad: :mad:
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This is just my opinion on it. I think Remembrance Sunday should be about quiet reflection for the people who fought and died for this country. The poppy display was amazing and having the gun start and finish the minute silence was a good idea.

I think we should have a separate Armed Forces day to celebrate the wonderful job the current Troops are doing for the country when they can come on the pitch and enjoy the affection and appreciation we have for them.

Again I think Remembrance Sunday should be reflection for the fallen.

As a serving member of the Royal Air Force, I'm very proud of how Rangers respect and honour the Forces. I love being away on tour and reading about the troops at Ibrox and the welcome they get. I love pointing out to my colleagues from all over the commonwealth about how this little part of a tiny country gives a damn about us and what we do, and I get nothing but appreciation and admiring nods from them.

I do, however, feel Remebrance Sunday is best served as a solemn occasion. We [the forces] use it as the perfect opportunity to forget what we are doing at that moment, and reflect on those that have fallen before us. It's the one day that we take a breath, whether on Operations or at home and think about why we donned the uniform in the first place and remember those who did before us and fell in theirs.

Rangers have a wonderful history and reputation with the Armed Forces. The poppy displays are incredible and the silences are impeccably honoured, and I genuinely look forward to them every season. Long may that continue.

Armed Forces Day in June serves to allow the public to see the showcase side of the Forces, that's where the abseiling, parachutes and fly pasts are ordered and I firmly believe that if football clubs in general embraced this day ( as a previous poster has mentioned, with a possible Chelsea friendly) then it could really be a day to celebrate.

Whatever happens in the future on these days at Ibrox, the message is always clear and wonderfully presented...

"Lest We Forget"

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That goodness for that. These displays are rather embarrassing and lack sincerity. The aim of them is simply to antagonize taigs rather than remember old soldiers.

Absolute nonsence .

You are accusing our Club of scoring points when it is doing nothing but Raising cash and showing our thanks for the sacrifice these guys are making.

As well as the sacrifice that has been made.

Im disgusted by your suggesting .

I would urge our Club to make an Armed Forces Day and shut this filthy mob up.

I am ex forces nyself ,and know for a fact the guys appreciate it.

If people are offended by this it tells me they should all just get back on the offended bus and go back to where they came from.

I have had enough of this shit hole of a Country .

Disgusting thing to suggest.

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