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A small subtle,but potentially effective campaign strategy against Daily Rhebe


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Gers50champ, just before Christmas when I was doing last minute stuff I was in tescos at shettleston and saw some union jack shorts. Didnt get them cos I was in too much of a rush.

Two weeks ago I was in tescos at Forge Retail Park and remembered the shorts, went looking for them but couldnt find them. I found scottish ones and green n white ones.

I asked an assistant and told her I'd seen the union jack ones in another store. She asked my size and came back with a pair of union jack ones.

I asked why they were not on display and she said it was because the store was near septic park.

I know its not the same but its pandering to the scum, or maybe they just didnt want the store wrecked.

Jack its goes on all the time mate .Dont know how many times i hear the Frutellies or Walk alone shit but heaven forbid if you ever hear the classic Simply the best . Im speaking from experience working in these places.

The place in which you refer is near scumdome but believe it or not has many bluenoses working there .The same cant be said for the Asda in the forge where you would be doing well to find one of us.

And Section Red i do ask anyone that comes into my path :thumbup:

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Any time you're in a newsagent, hide the Rhebel behind the Sport, Mirror or Star.

You'd be amazed at how a small thing could hit their circulation. If we all make a point of being that wee bit more obsessed about small actions that require little effort, but merely a reasonable sized consensus to have an effect, then you could effectively hit them. Your extra 5 seconds doing this, along with hundreds if not thousands of other Bears, could potentially cost them a fair whack.

The same could be said of other papers, such as the Herald who have recently re-employer the Creep.

It's one of those small acts that can build into something bigger as time goes on, a bit like the "V for Victory" painted on walls throughout occupied Europe in WWII. In other words it won't do any harm and it'll sure as hell annoy the other lot. Btw, if you feel that store is showing a bias fell free to write to their head office and complain and then post their response on here and the other Rangers sites. Remember "every march to freedom starts with one small step".
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Oleg mate-

I sense your pain and frustration, but possibly you are letting them get to you. I now have a vision of you single handedly taking on this mob, taking the fight to the newsagents of Scotland. I can only applaud your single minded determination. Good luck. If I remember I will try and do a little shelf rearranging myself at WH Smiths in Helensburgh.

Vive la resistance

Rene Artois

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Jack its goes on all the time mate .Dont know how many times i hear the Frutellies or Walk alone shit but heaven forbid if you ever hear the classic Simply the best . Im speaking from experience working in these places.

The place in which you refer is near scumdome but believe it or not has many bluenoses working there .The same cant be said for the Asda in the forge where you would be doing well to find one of us.

And Section Red i do ask anyone that comes into my path :thumbup:

Asda in the forge is a pape ridden hole. Ive got a mate who is now a trolley retriever in there, used to work on the sites with me. Poor guy got a brain injury few yrs ago. Hes ok now buy nothing like the guy he used to be. I see him regularly and hes told me its infested with them.

I was in early one morning last year and announcement came over the tannoy "Would the bakery department please meet in the staff-room for the group huddle"! while U2 was playing in the background.

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Oleg I used to do audits in all the stores ,convenient stores years back and all the stores with beggar connections always had the Rangers view covered or had the place they were meant to go filled with our rivals .Phoned the Rangers news and adviced to do some spot checks and they took note of what I said .ffs even Hairmyres hosp had the alternative beggar mag over ours .Its does work although it seems petty ..Believe me for years I do believe these are tactics the rodents have been using . To be totally honest after I did some work in there building last week I'd love to see this rodent infested newspaper out of business

Interesting post.

The idea may sound trivial, but my mate did this when he worked in a newsagent and it was the Sun he did it with. He always said it did have an impact as most people didn't bother to look behind the front paper. On some days, nobody would get a copy of the Sun.

Thanks for the contribution. (tu)

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