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"Ready for TOMO", follow on from his interview with tompson


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Agree with Bill to an extent, we need to keep the moral high ground here, if that means engaging with some of these clowns, then if needs must.

However, in certain cases they are beyond redemption. The piece about the John Greig statue is a bridge too far for me I'm afraid. Nothing short of a full apology and admittance he knew fine well what he said will do for me.

It's kinda like having a yappy dug, if it refuses to learn and stop yappin ye pit it doon!

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I don't get any of this shite. What was Thomson trying to prove here? He is now saying nice things about Rangers fans after 2 years of slagging our club and calling them cheats etc.

He says he only wanted to tell Rangers fans the truth? What truth? He never told us anything about Craig Whyte infact he interviewd Craig Whyte a number of times after he put us into admin.

Then when we got taken over by real business men he trys to stir up shit between them and the fans.

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I find that CUNT works well for that cunt.

He used to argue back with me on Twitter, however when put in his place on numerous issues, he now doesn't bother. He loved to re tweet my slagging of him and the tramps, so that all his unwashed followers would get involved.

Great joy was had in swatting away those illiterate gypos, however it was the measure of the coward that he never liked a factual debate.

He is a cunt.

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I understand the point of keeping the media on board and "playing the game" but not with this lowlife bhigot.

Thompson's anti Gers comments should never be forgotten or forgiven.

It would appear that Thompson got off lightly and he is full of lies and shite...so he can fuck off !!

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I'm sure if Bill had interviewed Phil 3 names he would have sounded reasonable but that's not the point, Bill had the chance to ask for explanations for some of his blogs, blogs that were in no way sympathetic to Rangers or the fans.

Bill had him on a hook and let him go

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I find this a strange article from McMurdo. Before his call with Thomson he was dead set against him, and now he says we require him as an ally. Furthermore, it is our fault that he is the way he is. Our tweets annoy him and this is the reason that he continues to put the boot in. Sorry Bill, don't buy that. The dalek story was enough for me, no going back. This is the same with the other parochial press - Cosgrove, Keevins, Speirs, Grant, Gibbons etc. etc. I do agree that we - the club and the support - need to be hugely better in our PR and Media usage. Charles Green recently described Craig Whyte as insignificant. Before we can become better we have to turn the present press/media incumbents into insignificant players. We can't engage them, and we know that complaining to them is of no use because they gleefully ignore us. Money is power, so that means our approach must be to 'starve them of oxygen' as has been mooted before. No more tweets, no more site hits, no more letters to the editor, no more calls to the radio call-in shows and where possible, severely curtail watching the BBC sports programmes. That will leave them with customers who have proved that they become bored of nonsense very quickly, look at the lack of bums on seats at Parkhead and elsewhere in the one-horse SPL. Look at the reduced numbers for televised games not involving Rangers. What sponsor/advertiser would choose to support such entities? So where does that leave us? Well, I think Charles Green has shown us the way. I think you would all agree that Celtic, and the rest of the cabal, were very disappointed that they couldn't finish us off. The resurrection is entirely due to the loyalty of the fans. The cabal did not reckon on Charles Green either. His greatest act, in my opinion, was to be able to raise the necessary investment from the City. This one act astounded the Celtic board and has them scrambling to find out why investors would choose to invest in a Third Div. team rather than the SPL champions. Charles went outwith Scotland's borders to achieve this. Why can't we do that also? We have recently heard radio shows such as TakSport ( I know the guy is a waffler and can change his stance anytime, but it's a start ) , and the other one from the States, give us positive coverage and at the same time lay into Celtic ( hence negative coverage ). We have seen reports of many foreign journalists/media engage in reports about Rangers. This is heartening and should be encouraged further. We have seen official organizatios such as ECA and UEFA endorse Rangers' unbroken history. We have heard from such notables as Brian Laudrup how people in his country empathize with rangers' plight. Charles wants to increase Rangers exposure as a Global brand and he's certainly been racking up the air miles in his quest. Maybe as a support we can can ask the press/media of England, Europe and beyond - our new friends - to assist us in shining a light on these dark, agenda-driven, biggoted cabal of incumbents that masquerade as Scotland's press/media. Perhaps, Bill, if we have new friends who can do the job we should not need to depend on those who have irrevocably thrown their hat in the ring. I don't think I could stomach 'forgiving and forgetting' that lot, not even if they showed a modicum of contrition.

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Screw Thomson! I really do not believe a word that he says or scribbles. His actions all too often betray his phoney "I have nothing against Rangers" diatribe.

Rangers Football Club, fans or bloggers should not be giving this muppet the attention he so desperately craves by publishing his feeble excuses.

What motivates his hatred of us baffles me still, I just wish he would man up and say what his actual beef is, there has to be something.

I know at first he aligned himself to the bigot, terrorist coward supporting moon beam that is Phil McFuckwit. But surely the penny has dropped with him since then. Why has he failed to distance himself?

Why does he not have the balls or the integrity to say he got it wrong? He is far too arrogant to do that I reckon. Sad git.

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This is the guy who endorsed a book by an individual who he knew to have an abject hatred of Rangers.

This is the guy who made a spurious complaint to the cops about an online threat (despite the fact the person responsible had apologised) then labelled the cops conduct as "shameful" and implied they were corrupt.

This is the guy who wrote an article claiming every man and his dog were the subject of intimidation from Rangers fans - including the Sun newspaper because they refused to serialise a book by a man who has been accused of been tarred with a sickening sectarian brush. Something the PCC felt was a fair and reasonable description.

A man who insulted the memory of the 66 via twitter and then tried to claim he was unaware of the significance. More lies.

A man who uses a liar like Whyte to try and discredit employees of our club.

Do I really need to go on any further ?

For heavens sake get a grip.

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