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Galloway on Rangers media


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  1. George Galloway@georgegalloway 30 Sep

    @SShahidrehan rangers media my dear. Not many Muslims on there

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  2. image_normal.jpgGeorge Galloway@georgegalloway 30 Sep

    @jimacre they are not. Rangers Media has few Muslim adherents

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  3. image_normal.jpgGeorge Galloway@georgegalloway 30 Sep

    @glasgowbiker11 lol

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  4. image_normal.jpgGeorge Galloway@georgegalloway 30 Sep

    @YuleAndrew exactly. "Look the other way"

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  5. image_normal.jpgGeorge Galloway@georgegalloway 30 Sep

    If ONE Muslim on Internet made ONE death threat against ANY British MP they would already be behind bars. Hundreds against me in Scotland?


  6. image_normal.jpgGeorge Galloway@georgegalloway 30 Sep

    @gman1512 @MullyOfficial "Rangers Media"

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  7. image_normal.jpgGeorge Galloway@georgegalloway 30 Sep

    @BooGarry oh, but there is....

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  8. image_normal.jpgGeorge Galloway@georgegalloway 30 Sep

    @glasgowbiker11 you see?

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  9. image_normal.jpgGeorge Galloway@georgegalloway 30 Sep

    @MullyOfficial @gman1512 after the fact? Sure. In the space of last night hundreds of crimes were committed on RM. police did SFA

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  10. image_normal.jpgGeorge Galloway@georgegalloway 30 Sep

    @STBRangers you see?

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  11. e46ae55697894143c43e7eb8d99085a5_normal.jpegChrisConroy@chris72808510 30 Sep

    @georgegalloway http://www.theguardian.com/media/greenslade/2013/sep/29/rangers-military … Have you seen this man?

    Retweeted by George Galloway View conversation

  12. image_normal.jpgGeorge Galloway@georgegalloway 30 Sep

    @gman1512 because of threats to slash and murder me. About which the police have done SFA

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  13. image_normal.jpgGeorge Galloway@georgegalloway 30 Sep

    Fascistic frenzy involving the armed forces last weekend. Indy Scotland will contain these people. By definition more powerful. Be afraid


  14. image_normal.jpgGeorge Galloway@georgegalloway 30 Sep

    Because of their violent threats ( see hundreds of criminal offences last night on RM). The police do nothing.The FM is struck dumb by Ibrox

    Is he a guest or a member ?

What a fucking wee wank. Not long ago he shook hands with sadaam and pocketed a nice wee earner in oil which just happend to go through various charities he was assiociated with. He would kiss anybodies ass for money including ours ie remember big brother the cat prat. George if you see this then go take a look at yourself and just fuck right off. Oh just remember how he stuck up for a would be rapist too, the list goes on mr galloway!

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A senior MP who takes a public position and airs his thoughts on almost anything anti unionist, has a history of singing republican songs,self acclaimed may I add, gets a little touchy because a football forum filled with teenage posters with polar opposite views have a pop at him.

George you are a troll, you are nothing more than a halfwit blogger taking a wage from the very establishment you despise.

There are plenty rocks in the Libyan desert you can crawl under, on yer bike or should I say camel.

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Normal people should ask themselves....... Why is a subversive regime appeaser, anti Semitic, anti British, pro terrorism and a MP for a council in England, getting involved with a Scottish football club?


It could make you think he is a bigot, with a hatred of all things British, unionist and possibly sees this club as target for his hatred, with friends who tell him what to do.....

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Haha, sad man. The real problems in the world are caused by big nasty Rangers fans saying naughty things on a Rangers fan only website. George, if you are reading this, go and actually do something for people for once instead of just being a media whore who gets off on being controversial.

If you really care about the damage done by sanctions to middle eastern countries or the plight of the displaced Palestinians, get your ass over to these countries and help them out on a voluntary basis. Have you ever once done something in your life which is selfless or do you just appear on reality shows and champion causes you don't actually give a fuck about to get yet more attention for yourself. Please ask yourself these questions George, but I think both of us already know the answer.

You despise us all as if all our fans have the same views on the world. You have the mind of a 15 year old boy after an old firm game and 2 bottles of Buckie.

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Haha, sad man. The real problems in the world are caused by big nasty Rangers fans saying naughty things on a Rangers fan only website. George, if you are reading this, go and actually do something for people for once instead of just being a media whore who gets off on being controversial.

If you really care about the damage done by sanctions to middle eastern countries or the plight of the displaced Palestinians, get your ass over to these countries and help them out on a voluntary basis. Have you ever once done something in your life which is selfless or do you just appear on reality shows and champion causes you don't actually give a fuck about to get yet more attention for yourself. Please ask yourself these questions George, but I think both of us already know the answer.

You despise us all as if all our fans have the same views on the world. You have the mind of a 15 year old boy after an old firm game and 2 bottles of Buckie.


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Go fuck yourself George words can't describe how much I despise you and people of your ilk. You are nothing more than an anti semetic, hate filled bigot who craves attention and controversy above all else. You love to rebel against society pretending/deluding yourself into believing that it somehow makes you intellectually superior to us, but the fact you are supporting regimes and a few select religions which happen to promote murder, genocide, homophobia, anti-semetism and terrorism completley obliterates the moral high ground you attempt to take over the western civilization/way of life you so love to hate.

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Sickens me that these so-called journalists give more respect to a dead convicted terrorist than they do to the troops who fight for them!

What has singing "Fuck Bobby Sands, he's dead" got to do with sectarianism? I'd like them to point out at which point this is do with religion rather than to do with celebrating the death of a convicted terrorist. If we sung, "Fuck Bin Laden, he's dead"... I doubt there would be this ridiculous uproar from certain individuals. Although, Galloway would claim we're anti-Muslim all of a sudden.

Most people have family, or know someone close to them who's served in our military. These people were the target of terrorist scum like him, I'm not going to apologise for being glad he died.

Apparently everything is sectarian now... being proud of your Ulster heritage, being proud of your own religion, being opposed to terrorists who still operate and not so long ago slaughtered our troops as they collected pizzas.

On the other side, you've got septic fans that sing songs glorifying a terrorist organisation, players socialising with IRA members, banners that read the likes of 'no blood stained poppies on our shirts'. Yet this is all acceptable, it's political... it's fine. Well, that's what they tell you.

I don't think a man who included dictators among his close circle of friends, has any right to talk about how we celebrate with our troops. He's everything that is wrong with this country.

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