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4 star hotel


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In fairness, Ally had no idea 4 star hotels were more expensive than cheap hotels. He had no knowledge of their pricing structure until Graham Wallace talked to him last week. It was news to Ally, as I'm sure it was to a lot of other people at the club. Ally's view is Rangers are a big club and their hotel bills should be larger than those of other clubs. Ally would have liked to spend more money on hotel bills this month.

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Heard boots are pretty expensive. They should train in plimsoles.

while we are at it, lets get rid of our training complex and play at local parks again.

fuck it, lets just pay our players minimum wage, problems solved.

.... And use zero hour contracts

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This is one of those situations we will never ever win. Can you imagine the uproar if we booked into a semen stained travelodge, as a fan it would be another low...

We should travel when we can in our luxury coach, and we should stay over when we can't and it should be four/five stars cos we are Rangers.

Dont forget too that at the start of the season accommodation and travel will be budgeted for. I agree though that accommodation on short trips is lunacy.

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I have no problem in using these facilities for bigger games , cup ties among others. But in the present situation it seems to be rather daft pampering our team so we can defeat the might that is Forfar.!!!

It's all very well Ally saying he will do it until otherwise told... Besides what is the fancy bus for then?

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I honestly think Ally is living in another planet from the rest of us. Forfar also went somewhere for food, i`m guessing they must have went to the hilton seeing they were playing Rangers. Would not surprise me if they were using 10 pound notes for loo roll until someone tells him to cut back and get supersaver loo roll.

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Usual format on here nowadays. Ally loyal defend it / him. Enough of Ally camp against it / him.

Topic changes, the format doesn't. So entrenched, objectivity seems a thing of the past.

For what its worth, and given this was discussed on here last year, its clearly supported by Ally and previous boards.

Can see this changing bar the odd exception after Mr Wallace's review.

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Rangers - Its all the scottish public wants to read about! :7325:

and anyway if Im ever on business with work I sure as feck aint staying in a travel tavern. :ph34r: decent digs has been a staple of "Business trips" for ever. to suggest that the greatest institution in our country cant have it it bollocks :thumbup:

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Fair do's if so mate.

Just going from what I've read.

And my gut feeling is that no matter the topic, you can already determine the views of dozens of posters before they post.

Some Ally loyal have stated previously they defend Ally on all points as they believe its a bit of a witchhunt against him.

And for some against Ally, yeah I reckon every little thing he is associated with is condemned.

Just find it a bit tedious just now.

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Firstly, was it not the case that they didn't actually stay overnight? - they only used if for a wee nap in the afternoon after the tortuous journey of under 2 hours in the luxury coach.

Secondly all the sarky comments (apart from mine) are out of order - we shoot ourselves in the foot when we pull a stunt like this - it is like food and drink to the haters.

And finally, how many times has Butcher talked about buying the team a fish supper on the LONG (compared to ours) coach journey to Inverness?

We need to earn the right to be so bloody precious and we haven't done that yet.

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I presume the hotel was after the game not before. I would like to know the cost first, I suspect this question will arise when Wallace meets the fans groups.

not according to the training schedule being shown in the "Ally looks sad" thread..... they left in the morning for the hotel. That is if the schedule is not a complete wind up...... which I am sure it is

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