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Don't know if there's any mileage in this or not. Won't say its rubbish just cause I want it to be.

2 things tho;

Regardless of what we think of Thompson he is a respected journalist. Still struggle to understand why he got involved in all this.

If CW had a claim id expect we'd have been in court by now.

Hopefully proves to be shite.

Nothing about his coverage of our situation has been worthy of respect
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Just more pathetic nonsense from a once respected journalist! If he had any integrity surely the story is GCC land deals and subsidised loans yet once again another non story is used to deflect from it! Anybody taken in by this needs their head examined....how did your source do with that winding up order Alex?

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More like a once-respected journalist or soon to be ex-Channel 4 journalist.

Agreed, the mouthpiece Thomson is after sensationalist headlines, nothing more nothing less.

He jumped into bed with some of the world's most unsavoury and sectarian Rangers haters.

Thomson's poisonous opinions should be dismissed by all right thinking Bears (Merlin McMurdo excluded, I mean deluded).

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I cannot believe that the prick Tomo has actually apologized to the Fuddleboard for equating septic to those fine English thugs, Millwall.

At the time he wrote that blog, many of us were totally taken aback...but one poster on here called it exactly right.

He said that what tomo was doing was giving a coded warning to septic fan-sites, to reign in the shit-spreaders and let our sites carry on regardless, so gaining the moral upper hand, just as they milked the TGFITW title.

That poster got it absolutely spot on.

One thing to note from his blog, is that posters have brought up the Land Deals and the GCC, so at least part of the message is getting out.

Apparently, he even mentioned this back in 2012?????

Here is what one poster left in the comments section;

Typical Alex. Instead of being a proper investigative journalist you write a fluff piece, using an unnamed source, with the (one must assume) mission of spreading as much unease amongst the Rangers support as possible.

Meanwhile the European Commission has in recent weeks written to a Scottish football club and Glasgow City Council requesting details on alleged state aid and stories continue to appear on blogs and twitter regarding further questionable dealings between the football club and council and the Co-Op bank.

Where is the journalist who wrote;

“‘Right – let me make two things absolutely clear at the outset.

First, I am writing this imagining that one or two people outside Glasgow use the internet, so I might make some observations familiar to Clydeside surfers.

Second, this arises from my continuing investigation into Rangers which is still in early stages. That is to say, I am not investigating Celtic. If I were, rest assured RFC Bears – they’d get just the same treatment.”

One might suggest that given your inability to report (what a journalist does) on a potentially giant story breaking in Scottish football with documents, facts and figures in the public domain already, contrasted with your continued determination to comment and speculate (what a gossip columnist does) using unnamed sources render your above comments nothing but a smoke-screen for a determined attack on a football club, and by extension a section of British society.

Who knows, the above article may yet turn out to be true, or it might prove to be once more all Craig Whyte bluster. The European Commission may yet find Glasgow City Council did not partake in “State Aid” and that everything is squeaky clean in the East End of Glasgow. Or it might find a level of dealings which may border on corruption. This is all speculation.

What is for certain the continued double standards of all reporting on football matters in Scotland stinks to high heavens, and will continue to do so while editors a one sided agenda such as yours to continue.

Think I’m wrong Alex? Prove me wrong and do some digging into land deals and cheap loans like you promised you would back in 2012…

- See more at: http://blogs.channel...h.qpzI5w3t.dpuf

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Thomson at it again - even though he's been informed about the State funding of celtic he'd still rather run with "information" he's being fed by his cronies.

Wonder where he'll end up when his contracts finished at Ch 4?

Hope he ends up like his pal the past Celtic Lawyer, either that or a chisel in his brainstem in the hands of a pathologist.

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Helicopter Sundae

That was my post which you quoted. To clarify the 2012 comment, it was a reference to the quote of a previous blog of Thomson's I included where he talked about treating Celtic equally to the "investigations" he is reporting on Rangers;

"Right – let me make two things absolutely clear at the outset.

First, I am writing this imagining that one or two people outside Glasgow use the internet, so I might make some observations familiar to Clydeside surfers.

Second, this arises from my continuing investigation into Rangers which is still in early stages. That is to say, I am not investigating Celtic. If I were, rest assured RFC Bears – they’d get just the same treatment"

The above was posted in 2012 and my inference was that if he was true to what he had written he should be investigating the State Aid and cheap loans story instead of writing fluff pieces about Craig Whyte, not that Thomson had knowledge of the State Aid stuff back in 2012 as I think you have taken from it.

I was rushing so wasn't my best piece of writing!

Sorry for any confusion it caused! (tu)

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Helicopter Sundae

That was my post which you quoted. To clarify the 2012 comment, it was a reference to the quote of a previous blog of Thomson's I included where he talked about treating Celtic equally to the "investigations" he is reporting on Rangers;

"Right – let me make two things absolutely clear at the outset.

First, I am writing this imagining that one or two people outside Glasgow use the internet, so I might make some observations familiar to Clydeside surfers.

Second, this arises from my continuing investigation into Rangers which is still in early stages. That is to say, I am not investigating Celtic. If I were, rest assured RFC Bears – they’d get just the same treatment"

The above was posted in 2012 and my inference was that if he was true to what he had written he should be investigating the State Aid and cheap loans story instead of writing fluff pieces about Craig Whyte, not that Thomson had knowledge of the State Aid stuff back in 2012 as I think you have taken from it.

I was rushing so wasn't my best piece of writing!

Sorry for any confusion it caused! (tu)

Good response m8, pity the mhanky arse licker doesn't need to answer questions.

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Interesting to see Craig Whyte and Aiden Earley directorships of sevco 5088 terminated,

Only for Earley to be appointed again on 3 Feb...along with Law Financial..........

Law Financial was set up by Craig Whyte...........

Thought Earley was banned for 5 years????????

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