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McCoist STV Interview

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I remember back in 89 we lost to the scum 1-0 to deny us a treble that year and the day after I picked up the phone in my then girlfriends parents house to be greeted by a chirpy McCoist wanting to speak to my girlfriends sister,who he was knocking off at the time.

Still a bit hungover and totally posed of I let rip and after a barrage of abuse from myself about the days beforehand performance I was met once again by laughter before I slammed the phone down!

So I have to say that I have first hand experience of how Ally reacts to criticism and defeat!

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Ally does talk a good game and I have no doubts he was hurting after that defeat as we all were. He is a proper Rangers man and some of the people on here wont understand what that means going by there comments. Try and show a little more Rangers class when commenting.

C'mon Ally its time to turn these words into performances at the end of the day thats all that matters or im afraid your days are numbered

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They should've asked Ally, why was that scumbag Doncaster sitting with our so called custodians (our Board)?

Another fkn disgrace, this scumbag tried to kill us along with his wee corrupt pals.


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Im actually starting to dislike Ally now, not just he's a great guy but a shit manager but the last week has shown me a side of Ally McCoist i neither repect nor like and i never ever thought i could feel that way, even a few weeks ago i couldn't imagine it. A boyhood hero has totally lost his appeal :(

Mate i feel the exact same.
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Spiv suit for Mr McCoist.

Why should I finance that clueless clown any more?

He is praying for Dave King to take control so that he can get another couple of years to demonstrate he is totally inept.

Half inclined to see how that plays out & watch Ally separate King from his money!

However, I couldn't bear to see how that would affect the club & it would be more than I could take to see that lot do 10.

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I'd love to believe Ally could prepare a team to win tomorrow, instill the belief and the desire, select the right players, to get the tactics right and utilie subs when required.

I would love to believe our players could lift their game and play with a pace and tempo and applied workrate and give them cunts a right doing.

but I don't.

but if they did I'd fucking love it.


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That has to be some of the biggest shite I've heard in football this season. Not just at Rangers... football overall!

The season has not been a success, because it's not over yet. Only when it's done and dusted, it will either be considered a success or a failure. Sadly, it seems that this "It's over, we've already won" mentality has seeped into the playing squad.

Fight is something our current squad doesn't have. The match last Sunday clearly pays testament to that.

And at the end of that interview when asked about the karaoke, McCoist flapped his gums too quickly and left like that kid who used to take his ball home and ruin everyone's fun.

Raman didn't even accuse him of not caring/hurting about the result. Raman said that fans feel that way, which the vast majority of us do. We haven't been given any good reason to think the team aren't just there to pick up a wage every month and when they are playing, it looks like they'd rather be somewhere else.

Sorry Ally, but that's how the majority of supporters see your current squad and management abilities.

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Loyalty? Not in evidence on this thread - none - what is evident is a section of our support have the arrogance to think managing Rangers is easy, rebuilding is easy, and delivering is easy! For some on this thread the grass will always be greener on the other side no matter who is in charge. This thread is a stunning indictment of a section of our support who have allowed their anger to turn on one of our own in a totally unjustified way - folk saying it's only about the money, that Ally is no loner one of us - aimed at a man who has lost two games all season! Winning it's what we do - Ally delivers but fuckit let's stab him in the back - shameful! Pitiful and juvenile!

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Loyalty? Not in evidence on this thread - none - what is evident is a section of our support have the arrogance to think managing Rangers is easy, rebuilding is easy, and delivering is easy! For some on this thread the grass will always be greener on the other side no matter who is in charge. This thread is a stunning indictment of a section of our support who have allowed their anger to turn on one of our own in a totally unjustified way - folk saying it's only about the money, that Ally is no loner one of us - aimed at a man who has lost two games all season! Winning it's what we do - Ally delivers but fuckit let's stab him in the back - shameful! Pitiful and juvenile!

He stabs the fans in the back with the shite he spouts

Take your tongue oot his anus m8

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Loyalty? Not in evidence on this thread - none - what is evident is a section of our support have the arrogance to think managing Rangers is easy, rebuilding is easy, and delivering is easy! For some on this thread the grass will always be greener on the other side no matter who is in charge. This thread is a stunning indictment of a section of our support who have allowed their anger to turn on one of our own in a totally unjustified way - folk saying it's only about the money, that Ally is no loner one of us - aimed at a man who has lost two games all season! Winning it's what we do - Ally delivers but fuckit let's stab him in the back - shameful! Pitiful and juvenile!

Loyalty, trust and respect are two way streets, IMO Ally, his staff and his players haven't shown that with their efforts in a footballing sense or with their recent off field conduct (and I don't just mean the karaoke).

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I think the fact that Ally chose to deflect the question by Raman speaks volumes, if he felt he had done nothing wrong then he would have happily spoke out about it but he obviously did.

I wasn't happy with the photo although I was willing to wait until it was verified as to when it was taken, I don't think it was a sackable offence but I do think after the photo was posted that Ally should have came out and explained the situation.

All he had to do was say he had a horrible day like the rest of us but due tothe IImportance of todays game he felt he had to pick the players up ASAP and in doing that felt acting 'normal' would be the best way to deal with it.

It wouldn't have made me personally feel any better with regards to the Raith game but I feel its an understandable explanation and while many still wouldn't have agreed at least they would have had a reason for it rather than this in house deflection that only serves to wind up fans even more.

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Loyalty? Not in evidence on this thread - none - what is evident is a section of our support have the arrogance to think managing Rangers is easy, rebuilding is easy, and delivering is easy! For some on this thread the grass will always be greener on the other side no matter who is in charge. This thread is a stunning indictment of a section of our support who have allowed their anger to turn on one of our own in a totally unjustified way - folk saying it's only about the money, that Ally is no loner one of us - aimed at a man who has lost two games all season! Winning it's what we do - Ally delivers but fuckit let's stab him in the back - shameful! Pitiful and juvenile!

If you think some fans underestimate how difficult a job he has to rebuild the squad and win these diddy leagues the I think you vastly ovwrestimate how difficult it is, he isn't building a side to match Celtic here, he is getting squad to get him through the leagues and the players he has equired at uunparalleled expense ever for these divisions means its impossible to not progress from the 2 tiers we have already completed.

those two titles were the biggest gimme in football ever

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