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Not a Bear!

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I'm a karma kind of guy so would have handed it in with 70 quid in it. But we are all tempted by cash and depending on a persons circumstances it's not unusual to be tempted, despite their general nature. If I found a grand I would probably keep it and dump/hand in the wallet/purse. Anyone with a grand in there wallet has likely got a good few more elsewhere would be my rationale........................... :rolleyes:

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If I ever lost something as a kid the first words out of my mum or dads mouth were some variation of "should have been more careful"

Aye it's shite she had her money taken but at the end of the day if she was careful about watching her purse then it wouldn't have happened.

The whole bears wouldn't do this is a lot of shite, fifty thousand people in one place there's going to be arseholes and thieves regardless of where you are.

Half the folk on here wouldn't be so nice about this if it wasn't a decent looking bird that was the victim.

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My first post was frank but not insulting, the replies were juvenile and idiotic (comparing losing money to being raped). I'm clearly not the only one who thinks that either.

Your first quote was insulting to BNB and a few others on this thread, I will concede the the rape quote was OTT, but the girl is hurting, and all you have done is keep piling it on, She will know herself that she was careless for a moment, but she has paid a rotten price for that and all of your comments have been insensitive, getting to the extreme.

It was a simple mistake that led to her theft, but you want to make her feel small and lay all the blame on her, just because it was a lapse in concentration, the blame lays with the thief no one else.

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Your first quote was insulting to BNB and a few others on this thread, I will concede the the rape quote was OTT, but the girl is hurting, and all you have done is keep piling it on, She will know herself that she was careless for a moment, but she has paid a rotten price for that and all of your comments have been insensitive, getting to the extreme.

It was a simple mistake that led to her theft, but you want to make her feel small and lay all the blame on her, just because it was a lapse in concentration, the blame lays with the thief no one else.

I guess some people can only make themselves feel big by making others feel small.

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I am glad the majority on here have not castigated me for being human.

Thats just it BNB we are all humans and (supposedly all bears).

Some sad people in our support that get their kicks from kicking people when their down.

The sadder thing is BNB this will be the highlight of their pitiful existence.

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Saddest thing imo is it made no difference to the sad scumbag who took it, and the fact he was able to attend the game probably means he was not in dire financial difficulties..

Chin up BNB, at the end of the day you know you keep the higher moral ground on this and your kudos in supporting Erskine hospital is far more important than money. I for one respect you immensely for this.

So for anyone on this thread who thinks its wrong (i.e 100% of you) lets find a positive. I copied this from a post I did ages ago.

Posted 07 September 2013 - 09:39 PM

Here's a true story about British soldiers.

My mum worked for British Telecom in the early seventies. They used to have a collection every month for Erskine Hospital. Once a month the money was used to buy a couple of 100 cream doughnuts and cakes and a bus was hired and about 30 of the ladies and lassies and half a dozen blokes at BT would travel from St Vincent Street to Erskine Hospital after work. Me aged 11 and my sister would go along too, as my mum and her best friend helped organise it.

The cakes would be distributed around the wards, a wee treat for those guys. Was nice for them to see us youngsters. We loved it, we got cream doughnuts and a night out with the BT people especially the lassies who were great fun.

It was during the troubles in Ireland and many had been injured there, but the eye opener for me was the guys who had been injured in places like Kenya, Suez, Borneo, Aden etc in the 50s and 60s.

After the cake distribution there was bingo, blind guys played too with a helper, with small cash prizes, then in the main hall a three piece band of accordion drum and guitar/banjo led the dancing, the "slosh" was great fun then, and the lassies of the BT were great at dancing the modern and more traditional dances with the soldiers. Many were true gentlemen and all of them treated us youngsters great and a lot of them were funny and clever. And some of the badly injured soldiers missing limbs even, were terrific old style dancers and you could see their enjoyment.

Anyway, to the point. These guys weren't heroes who would necessarily step out a parade to comfort a wee lassie crying, or have a chinwag to pass a walkie talkie to a young mother. These were ordinary, down to earth people who had been hurt whilst doing their duty. But I knew even at that age we owed them big style. I always like to see Erskine Hospital given a mention on here. Its not really about the politics or even football, its just respect.

(on the bus home the BT lassies on the back seats would always have a wee half bottle or two and a sing song, and some of the songs they sung and gossip they had were very impressional and educational on a wee innocent 11 year old 4 or 5 seats further down pretending to be half asleep ;) )

Can you see how much pride, enjoyment and good memories I had from that ?

Erskine hospital was and is a terrific place. So if any of that appealed to you, or if BNBs story touched a nerve, do something to support those guys.

If you send money, you are a star.

If you want to help more directly get in touch with Erskine and ask how you can help. Volunteer to help if you can, trust me, it will be one the most rewarding things you do.


I believe Gogzy is already doing some sterling work on their behalf, so maybe he can advise too.

Gogzy !!!!, get yourself in here mate and tell them where its at if they wanna help...........

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I know how you feel BNB. Has my pocket dipped in the Fanzone before the game against Sporting during our run to the UEFA Cup Final. Lost my cash, and match ticket, for some reason the Bawbag left my cards as I discovered when I found my wallet lying on the ground a few yards away.

The Rangers steward who I approached with my predicament was brand new, handed over a replacement ticket no problem when I to him what had occurred, seems that I was far from being the only one targeted by the Portuguese pocket dippers.

At least I was not thieved by a fellow Bear unlike the time I was sold a counterfeit for a game at Pittodrie by a so called Bluenose. I was just a youngster at the time, early teens, how a Bear could do such a thing to a fellow Bluenose, a kid at that , just beggars belief.

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There are good bears out there. Whilst I was posted to a NATO job in Holland I had to do a course in Porto a few years ago and it coincided with a European night for us. Sadly I had to fly back to Holland on the day of the match but met loads of Bears in the hotel the night before. They clocked me straight off being in a Brit uniform lounging about a hotel bar in Portugal. A blindingly drunk night was had and when I finally awoke the next day, wrecked and very late for the last day of the course I realised my wallet, along with the hotel money was gone.....bollocks. After a wee look around and chatting to other Bears I was told that my wallet had been found by a slightly more sober fella and he was looking for me to hand it back. I was so relieved, thankful, impressed....all the words could not describe how I felt, but the galling thing was I never found out the lads name. So if by chance any of you know of this story or may know the guy let me know.

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Im feeling a wee bit sheepish here, I made a piss poor joke about her purse being used as a "sniff wank" aid on the original thread.

My Spidey Senses fink that the Security rather than a fellow Bear or Bearette took the cash. But then I am probably being nieve in the extreme in thinking a Bear would not resort to taig like behaviour. Times are hard all round. But that is no excuse for what BNB has experienced.

Do that mob that make the fancy purses and handbags not do a nice "Bum-Bag!?" And I really really want to be getting myself one of those ASSHATS.

Would go lovely with my COCK-NOSE.... :thumbup:

:D :D :D
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