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Im getting thoroughly sick of it all.

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Shite football, awful manager, players who do my head in, board in disarray, will he / wont he from King, laughable self appointed spokespeople.

It really is starting to make supporting Rangers a fucking chore.

I turned round the Hearts game the other day to begin watching the charity shield in England. It was a different sport entirely. Fast paced, exciting and skilful.

The number of fans and future fans we must be losing at the moment is just crazy. The game in this country is dying, I shudder to think what things will be like in 20 years time.

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We missed a chance to bite the bullet two years ago and start up in the lower levels of English football.

I regret that more every single day. The top tier of the SPFL, winning it and occasionally qualifying for the group stages doesn't really look all that attractive.

That said, I'm still in this for the long haul. It's more a matter of principle now, rather than passion.

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I'm scunnered with it all.

Coupled with working away from home, I'm detached from the club.

I don't even check up on what's happening at Rangers with regularity any more... there have been times in the last 6mths we have had games and I didn't even know.

That was unimaginable a few years ago.

Same - was down your neck of the woods last Tuesday and forgot all about HIV's game til i phoned home and was told result. Quick review of the forum when back at hotel told me all I needed to know and that I'd made better use of my time!

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I still get that feeling the night before and morning of a game, I think I always will. However, day to day it's becoming harder and harder to keep the huge interest I have in the club. It just seems to be one thing after another and has done for the past 2 and a half years. As mentioned above, it is worrying the potential support we could be losing.

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Folk gave Casey pelters for chucking it but can anyone honestly say they blame him?

It's certainly never felt close to being the Rangers I knew and loved ever since that day in Feb.

Casey deserved the abuse he used the same line as paysmith and shittaker. No excuse... We are fucking pitiful just now but it is still the same club that we were born with.

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The fact is that when fans in Scotland started to pay for Sky Sports, they all but signed the death warrant up here for football. It's the same around Europe for most of the smaller nations, the fans moan that their teams can't compete while they themselves fund the cause they are moaning about.

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FFS gents. We are thru the worst, I would certainly think. Yeah the football is dire but can you possibly envisage your world without Rangers. I can't and will continue to follow. The managerial stuff will sort itself out. It did with the greatest Ranger ever, and my hero John Greig. Btw did you see him at the game on Sunday. Magic but just a pity he wasn't on the park with the rest of the Barca bears. Sorry I digress.

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Fuck Casey.

There's a good amount of delusion going on if we thought it would be easy getting back to the top. Reality bites, and some are starting to find out how deeply their passion runs and how much fortitude they have for the fight.

Not much, it would seem.

Buck the fuck up, people.

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This is not what we're all about lads, where has the battle fever went ? What happened to the No Surrender spirit that was bred into us by our forefathers ?

Fuck this surrender monkey pish, football is unpredictable and power swings in cycles , our great club will rise again, might take time with a lot of heartache along the way but we will get there eventually ...

I'll be there till the very end through thick and thin. We need to take this shit on the chin like we always have and carry on supporting the team then when the good times return it will be all the sweeter.

Hang in there Bears.

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