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Rangers fans for yes


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On my opinion.. I find it great the club has a long standing tradition all things British and I've always loved that part of the club and being a Rangers supporter but when it comes to doing what I feels best for me and the future for my kids or their kids then it has to come before football. Yes vote from me and I know a lot of bears voting no just because of our club even though they've admitted to me a Yes should be what their voting for. Some folk need to waken up and realise there's more to life than football, although it does come close lol.

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Hearing that the Rangers for Yes group are going to be giving out flyers to try and persuade bears to vote yes at games between now and the vote.

Bit controversial in my book as sport and politics shouldnt mix and i think some bears may not be receptive to such things.

Any truth in the rumours that this group have gained a lot more support recently due to that twitter campaign, and that they may even have a card display?

Also, I would really love to borrow your book sometime! :lol:

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On my opinion.. I find it great the club has a long standing tradition all things British and I've always loved that part of the club and being a Rangers supporter but when it comes to doing what I feels best for me and the future for my kids or their kids then it has to come before football. Yes vote from me and I know a lot of bears voting no just because of our club even though they've admitted to me a Yes should be what their voting for. Some folk need to waken up and realise there's more to life than football, although it does come close lol.

Nothing to do with supporting RFC and voting "No". Independence may suit other particular countries but the UK is an entirely different situation. How any sensible person can think about voting for independence is a mystery. There are NO guarantees with independence, it is all ifs, buts and maybes. There are so many UK interlinked jobs that only an idiot would think to jeopardise them. The basis of the fiscal policy for independence is oil which is a finite resource. It WILL run out or become uneconomic to bring out. I could go on about so many reasons on keeping the Union.

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Nothing to do with supporting RFC and voting "No". Independence may suit other particular countries but the UK is an entirely different situation. How any sensible person can think about voting for independence is a mystery. There are NO guarantees with independence, it is all ifs, buts and maybes. There are so many UK interlinked jobs that only an idiot would think to jeopardise them. The basis of the fiscal policy for independence is oil which is a finite resource. It WILL run out or become uneconomic to bring out. I could go on about so many reasons on keeping the Union.

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I really hope they don't. Enough this week with them setting up a stall along from our local high school..

Any other strange adult approaching kids and offering them balloons and badges would be chased but these extremists seem to be above normal behaviour.

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I'm not one to argue who should vote what.. Its up to the person voting. There is no guarentees with independence but they keep saying better together.. Well it can't get any worse than it is now. SCOTLAND is going to end up the whipping country again more than we already are. Oil I know won't last forever but why do England want Scotland to remain part of the UK so badly? If we didn't have the oil and gas we would of been separated 30 years ago when it first came round.

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I've got 10,000+ 'Vote Naw' stickers, if any Bears want some. Need to get the message out there for the last few weeks of campaign, so any takers who can distribute them (sticking them onto lamposts, etc) would be much appreciated. I'll be at Ibrox tomorrow, so private mail me if you're after some.

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I'm not one to argue who should vote what.. Its up to the person voting. There is no guarentees with independence but they keep saying better together.. Well it can't get any worse than it is now. SCOTLAND is going to end up the whipping country again more than we already are. Oil I know won't last forever but why do England want Scotland to remain part of the UK so badly? If we didn't have the oil and gas we would of been separated 30 years ago when it first came round.

Billions have just been spent on Glasgow for the commonwealth games.

£1.5B is being spent on a new Forth Bridge (based on lies that the existing one was at the end of its life)

Billions have been spent on building aircraft carriers in Rosyth even though Belfast had a better yard for doing the job

all this during a UK recession caused by two Scottish left-wing politicians, Brown and Darling, and two Scottish banks.

Some poor whipping country.

Privileged Scotland has 15 universities compared to Northern Irelands 2. These Scottish universities discriminate against students from the rest of the UK by charging them £36k for a degree while their ain folk pay nothing.

Why the hell would the rest of the UK continue to support thousands of financial service jobs, civil service jobs and ship building jobs in a foreign country that discriminates against their people.

Why would their bad nuclear powered armed forces do anything to assist when Mr. Putin sends his bombers and war ships back to test the new liberal lefty Scottish defence system?

Too negative?

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