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Walter - "Ally hung out to dry by board"

Gandalf the Blue

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Walter is just being loyal as you would expect. Regarding being hung out to dry by the board only in the sense of all the crap coming from the board by the way they run it. Financially given the level of football we have been playing at Ally has had a bigger advantage than Walter ever had . Ally as a player was and is a great but he is not a top level manager. We in a footballing sense have not moved on in 30 yrs

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For to long its was the old friends shit at Ibrox.Need a good clear out especially at football management level. Remember Walter saying in daily rag that Craig Whyte would need to invest 20 million in squad when he took over."20 million to beat the likes of St Mirren,Motherwell,Kilmarnock etc FFS Walter you are part blame for the shit we are in now.You and that other fucker Murray who seems to have walked off with no one asking is part in this fiasco.As said all sticking together like the band on the titanic as it went down. Think they all should take a look at the part they have all played in the mess of our great club

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For to long its was the old friends shit at Ibrox.Need a good clear out especially at football management level. Remember Walter saying in daily rag that Craig Whyte would need to invest 20 million in squad when he took over."20 million to beat the likes of St Mirren,Motherwell,Kilmarnock etc FFS Walter you are part blame for the shit we are in now.You and that other fucker Murray who seems to have walked off with no one asking is part in this fiasco.As said all sticking together like the band on the titanic as it went down. Think they all should take a look at the part they have all played in the mess of our great club

How the fuck is Walter Smith partly to blame for where we are now? Really?

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This typifies the problem with all those who had been involved with us pre Admin days. We used to buy the best around, that was our model to achieve success.

Admin changed all that, but the level of player we have been competing against should have compensated for that. When we spent millions, we were competing against the mhanks multi million pound squad, and in Europe. Recently, it's been against part timers and kids.

McCoist has signed over 20 players, had over £20m salaries for them in 3 years, and had dozens of youth players at his disposal. Hardly a lack of support, and surely enough to be delivering more than he is.

But that Ally can't have that as he needs to mask his failings, and Walter won't admit he got it wrong with proposing Ally.

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Sticking up for his pal.

He was in the studio a few months ago tearing into Ally's management decisions but now because the duds about to be kicked out he's trying save his job.

Say whatever you want Walter but McCoist will be gone sooner rather than later....thanks for leaving us with him!

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I don't know how anyone can say McCoist hasn't been backed...

Is this the same McCoist who was allowed to bring in more than 10 SPL or former SPL players on big wages?

Is this the same McCoist who brought in players like Peralta, Cribari and the likes from abroad?

The same McCoist who was given the second biggest budget in Scotland?

Aye he's no been backed Walter....


It's getting bad when someone like Walter is trying to twist the truth to protect his mate.

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Think Walter means that there has been no continuity at CEO level,no one to share visions,no one to support Ally.Don`t get me wrong,Ally`s time is up,but I can see vaguely where he`s coming from.A manager needs a strong confident board.

So tell me what's McCoist not been given that you think he should have been given?

The boardroom is none of his concern, it's the team on the park that he should be concentrating on.

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“Ally will need a little help – in the last three years he has had none whatsoever.

“I was fortunate enough to be given great support by the likes of David Murray with the signings I was allowed to make.

Remind me again how much money (21M would be a rough estimate) to win two titles in two of the worst leagues in Europe all the while playing abysmal football that has many fans 'walking away'.

Sorry to say this but piss off Walter you're having a laugh.

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“Ally will need a little help – in the last three years he has had none whatsoever.

“I was fortunate enough to be given great support by the likes of David Murray with the signings I was allowed to make.

Remind me again how much money (21M would be a rough estimate) to win two titles in two of the worst leagues in Europe all the while playing abysmal football that has many fans 'walking away'.

Sorry to say this but piss off Walter you're having a laugh.

It's a downright lie from Walter that line.

What does he want? Ally to be given millions more to spend in the lower leagues of Scottish football?

He's at it.

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There has nothing changed for most clubs in Scotland for 150 years.Apart from that lot in the other side of the city and Rangers no club has had millions to spend none. We are all guilty or riding the wave of whos like us when we spent millions to beat clubs put together for nothing.Various managers have excused this excessive spending on "mounting a challenge in Europe shit " when plain and simply we spent millions to win a league which paid next to nothing and to beat teams who spent next to nothing.Now we have a manager with no money,no youth development and worst of all no clue.This is the same guy who took over a 20million pound team and got humped out of Europe twice by Malmo total wage bill 5million,Maribor total wage bill 1.5 million and also out the league cup by Falkirk total wage bill who knows.The same Falkirk that Rangers beat the following season with a team of old guard and youths.Walters prodigee alright a would be cheque book manager only problem no fucking cheques left.

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Walter forgot to blame the wind for being against Ally, or plastic pitches and the other excuses used.

Walter may have been speaking to the converted, but I'll bet many in that room didn't agree with him.

Edit - Ally's had more backing from the Board, but we can't say that the other way round, who was it who cowardly gave his shares to a supporters group to vote against the Board ? .... Ally.

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I am stunned that Walter thinks Ally has not been backed by the biard

Initially, I am too, but he's probably trying to help Ally get more funds and players for the next couple of transfer windows and playing on his own reputation to do so.

There's definitely a bit of the old pal's act at play here, but then again, you wouldn't expect him to be that critical of anyone else in the role.

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Ally could have brought in a load of good young freebies, we released Scott Gallagher and resigned Simmonsen and brought in lee Robinson, and does anyone remember that Andrew robertson we played multiple times at queen of the south which everyone was ranting and raving about. Ally had the chances but missed them. I think he would have been a great Acquisition to the squad.

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Never mind good men and women are losing their jobs at Rangers Football Club this week Walter….let’s just focus on getting the board to give Ally more money we obviously don’t have while everyone else suffers…

It really is beggars belief…

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Walter forgot to blame the wind for being against Ally, or plastic pitches and the other excuses used.

Walter may have been speaking to the converted, but I'll bet many in that room didn't agree with him.

Edit - Ally's had more backing from the Board, but we can't say that the other way round, who was it who cowardly gave his shares to a supporters group to vote against the Board ? .... Ally.

dont forget his role in the ebola outbreak and bird flu and his backing of the 5p carrier bags (tu)

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Always remember him charging down to the dugout in cup games that Ally was meant to be in charge when it wasn't going too well.

One of the best examples of a manager actually managing was the League Cup final against St Midden. When we went down to 9 men and Walter appeared on the touchline, shouting, organising, threatening and literally willing the team to win. What a buzz it gave me never mind the team.

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