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Derek Johnstone....Oh Dear..


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Aye drowned out by Hearts fans singing super Ally. Do all these fucking idiots where blue tinted specs? Am getting sick of this idiot. Used to just listen to him on Clyde 1 and hes got not fucking balls either to stick up for the club or actually tell the truth about what we play like on the park

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“Ally’s remit was to get the club back to the top tier and he still has a chance to do that”

No Derek, I disagree, Ally’s remit was much more than that!

His remit was to build a team to get back to the top tier and be capable of competing when they got there, and on that remit he has failed !!

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So from where you were sitting at Tynecastle it was a minority singing about Ally?

I don't think Ally should be manager of Rangers any more than the next man. He's not a great football manager and will never be the man to lead us to success, but I'm not going to boo, hiss, be abusive or personal about him because of that view.

He's the one man in our club that has stood up for us, stood by us and been with us through this whole three year debacle where we nearly lost the club altogether. If it wasn't for Ally's interventions, Green was all for acquiescing and giving the animals what they wanted...a dead Rangers with a pheonix club taking our place with no history, no trophies and even then, the "old" club having some stripped from the record books. So sorry, I won't be forgetting that.


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When thousands of fans stay away as a result of Ally s Poor management skills it's outrageous that DJ invites even more to walk away. Every Rangers man gets upset when they see a legend treated with disrespect but there is only one way to make it stop and that's for Ally to walk away. It's often said that no man is bigger than the club but coisty is a contradiction to that theory because 9 out of 10 bears want him to go yet he seems unsackable. I've said it often enough that Allys departure will be messy so DJ, Brown, Goram and the likes better take their earplugs with them if they don't like hearing their chum abused because the fan's have had enough and Ally won't walk away so strap yourself s in while we see John Greig s last days revisited . The fans are the lifeblood of the club and anyone who deters them from turning up every other Saturday must be shown the door pronto and no amount of the predictable backing from his chums will prevent him getting his p45 and the unfortunate pay off . Only one man can bring an end to this in a civilised manner and that's Ally so he must choose cash or respect as he can't have both.

Ps no amount of bad results or performances would make me abuse Ally but a bit of booing seems fair.

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Maybe he can follow Ally out (whenever the fuck that is).

Ally is a terrible manager. Aye he was a brilliant player! One of our best but that means he haw now that he's a manager. The fans have every damn right to complain and shout stuff. It's fucking shite football thanks to Ally.

and asking people no to turn up? Exactly what we need.

What an idiot.

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John Grieg was a much bigger legend than any of them so they should fucking respect the Rangers Fans cause as you say we are the fucking club not them.

Dillusional Arseholes who think they are Bigger than any fans just because they played for us.

They can all piss off and take their pals with them.

He is a shit Manager and has to go now.

Fucking sick of this shit.

As if we haven't got enough Arseholes to listen to in themedia about boardrooms and shit.

3 years we've had to put up with Mcoist.

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