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Kenny Farquharson Tweet

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IF it is a sardonic dig, it's not aimed at us though. The point he would be making is that it isn't just big, bad Rangers that sing distasteful songs.

ha ha I read that as sarcastic. That's what I was trying to elude to rather than have a crypticall dig just come right out and Condem it.
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It's pretty clear he is using it tongue-in-cheek, unless you think Rangers fans are dressing up in Dundee Utd colours to go and pay to watch two teams they don't like? Is that more likely than him making a joke?

But,it's not clear,or we wouldn't be debating it?

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It is beyond comprehension that statement,

Yeah must have been hundreds of Rangers fans that decided to go and buy a cup final ticket, A Dundee HIV shirt and watch them two hideous teams just to sing a song.

The tweet sums up professional journalism in Scotland today.

You've seen the lengths Celtic fans go to to watch and obsess over Rangers. To fans of other teams the idea of paying to watch a team you hate just to say you sang a song at them is actually normal.

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Am I the only one that thinks he's actually just highlighting the fact that it's not just a problem* in Glasgow?

*At the end of the day I don't think it's a problem anywhere, it's a daft fucking sing, more important things to worry about in the world.

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I cam imaging the usual apology will be forthcoming but to me the damage intended or the purpose of the tweet has already been done.

The club will then ignore it but it's a pity we never had someone in place to challange this like a fans rep on the board.

Step up to the plate John Bennet.

Didn't Gilligan say he would be defending us ferom this type of shite too?

Honestly nnot sure if the guy was taking the piss or not, but he should be challenged on it.

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he possibly doesn't but look at the confusion it has caused in this thread alone.the whole of Scottish football has to be held to the same standards as ourselves.

Sure, but that doesn't mean he didn't think it would be easy to get what he meant. Happens all the time on social media, people type some shit and it's taken completely differently from how you meant it.

I have to say, if I hadn't read it on here, I think I would probably have not batted an eyelid.

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TBH,mate,it's no laughing matter.

If this "journalist" is serious in this claim,King(and anyone else who is trying to build our brand up again by investing their hard earned) should have lawyers at this guys door asking for proof to back up this non-sensical bullshit.

This constant besmirching of all things Rangers has got to be fought.

Line in the sand time,surely?

Has anyone Tweeted to ask him if he is being serious or not? Personally I think he's actually pointing out the double standards; if not then there is no hope at all in this backwater of a country!

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Stop being such a liberal apologist and man up

How's that now? Genuinely asking the question, would help if he would clarify what he really meant.

There is potentially a good serious point about it being wider than just us, there is also a disgraceful potential slur on us which basically would see every single action that they criticise being pinned on Rangers infiltrators.

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While I see this as a stupid joke gone wrong it's also a perfect opportunity for someone on our board to question him on his motives for his tweet and show other journalists (haha) that we are no longer willing to be lumped in when other fans are deemed to be doing wrong (a fuckin' song FFS).

Let's stop taking it up the arse and start challenging these kind to not so subtle attacks, like I said a perfect opportunity to show that someone in authority within our club will start to show our fans that we will no longer be willing to accept these " subtle" attacks on our club.

However I do reckon the deafening sound of silence from within Ibrox will once again show that our feelings will be ignored on matters such as these, I hope I'm wrong but I won't hold my breath waiting.

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