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Rangers Lee Wallace: I don't know if I can contemplate another year in the Championship if we don't go up

06:00, 21 March 2015 By David McCarthy

DEFENDER opens up his heart on a horror year off the park and how he has questioned his decision to remain at Ibrox when he had a chance to move on.

LEE WALLACE laid bare the personal and professional pain he has felt this season as he insisted Rangers can put a catastrophic campaign behind them and still emerge as a Premiership club.

The left-back provided a brutally frank assessment of the Ibrox clubs season from hell that could see Hearts clinch the Championship tomorrow.

Rangers plan to rampage up the leagues to the top flight crashed and burned months ago when it became obvious Hearts would not be caught.

Since then Hibs have gone unbeaten since December and are now strong favourites to finish second.

Rangers only hope is to come through the play-offs and with new boss Stuart McCall's ideas still filtering their way into the minds of the players there has not been the initial bounce Wallace and Co had hoped for.

There remains belief though he insisted and a determination to get it right.

But whatever happens Wallace seems deeply wounded by the events of this season.

He admits he has questioned his decision to stay at Ibrox in 2012 when a host of stars jumped ship and believes his time as a Scotland player is gone.

But it was the personal trauma of losing his best friend Murray DAngelo, who was hit by a car in December, and the death of his grandfather a few days later that hit him harder than results and performances.

He said: The season has been a major disappointment.

Ive had my own personal lows round about the Christmas period, losing Murray and my Grandad a few days later. It was not a great period.

I played the Livingston game on the day of Murrays funeral. I dont know if it was the right thing to do at the time.

So in terms of lows there have been a few off the field while on the pitch it has been one of the lowest seasons imaginable.

Im not going to use those moments as an excuse for my form or how the team played.

But there is an obvious strain on the mentality when you play high-pressure games and the environment around Ibrox wasnt great at that period, with the manager handing in his notice and all the stuff off the pitch. It does have an effect.

Im a football man, Ive taken my mates amateur team on a Tuesday and Thursday night in pouring rain for the last four years, going halfway across Scotland for midweek games.

I love football and always wanted to be a footballer but moments like that off the pitch put everything into perspective.

The constant grind, the playing against a background of chaos, has worn down Wallace and his team-mates down. That much is clear.

And yes there have been times hes wondered if he should have left. The 27-year-old said: Ive got to stand by my decision but Im not going to lie and say Ive never rethought it, more so this season with how bad it has been.

It was a decision I made at the time, knowing I wanted to be part of this journey coming back up. The guys who moved on had all been a success at the club and they had won trophies and become full internationals.

I still saw myself in that bracket at that point in terms of trying to reach what they had won in the game. I still wanted to be successful.

If that meant doing the Third Division, League One, the Championship and the Premiership so be it.

We did the first two at the first attempt and hopefully we can get back up from here at the first attempt. The job would be complete and we could all take it from there.

Although this season has been a major disappointment it will become a small speck in the clubs history in a few years.

If were still here in four or five years time well look back at that when theres a possibility of playing Champions League football again.

Thats what I signed up for. I made my debut in the qualifiers.

We can look back and say, That was just a period when it wasnt great but look where we are now. Thats still the plan.

And if it doesnt work? It would feel like a lost season but it would also feel like it has been a wasted three years, he said.

We always felt we were going to make it a seamless transition straight to the Premiership.

It would be a massive disappointment and not many of us could contemplate staying and playing another year in the Championship.

It would be a tough one for the mind. The mental strain that has been there over the past three years has been more difficult than anyone can imagine.

Yes, youre playing against part-time players and Ill always take that into consideration.

It has maybe been a bit different this year with the better opposition. We need to make sure while theres still a chance, we 110 per cent get out of this league. Its as simple as that.

His international hopes have gone though. At least he thinks they have.

He said: It might be too late now. There has been the emergence of a number of players, not just at left-back.

Andrew Robertson came in and has done ever so well. The rise he has made in football has been astonishing.

Having played against him in the Third Division, to go and be where he is probably as the No.1 left-back in Gordon Strachans team now is great.

I never considered myself as a proper Scotland player.

I was in and out of squads and what have I got, six caps?

I was in then I was away then I played a game and I was away again. It didnt really feel like I was a Scotland player.

Dont get me wrong, I had team-mates there and Im not saying I wasnt a good player at the camps. That wasnt the case. But for me personally I was in a squad then I was out, in and out. If I get it back itll be a bonus but at this moment I dont see it.

Right now, international football is the least of his concerns. He wants a win against Hibs tomorrow and for Rangers to rescue themselves from the rubble of a season that has fallen around their ears.

He said: There is still a fighting chance we can go up.

We are all aware this is a big one for us. We are becoming organised and are looking at different ways of playing against Hibs.

Its an opportunity to take to the field and put right what has been wrong.

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Sad that it has come to this with him. I had real high hopes when we signed him but he has been a huge disappointment. I am not sure i like his attitude here, looks a little like i am jumping from this sinking ship. He hasn't nearly been value for money either. £1.5m transfer fee and £12k a week wages for the last 4 years. For what in return exactly? Time to part ways i think. I am not convinced there is any coming back from his dip in form, certainly not at Rangers.

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He can go fuck aswell. Another one who has downed tools. I remember the SC Raith game at Ibrox, think Wallace lost the baw and Miller was getting at him for it and Wallace told him to 'calm doon' with a pissy wee look on his face. Miller has PLAYED FOR CELTIC and still shows more passion and fight for this club than these shitebags!

Fuck up Wallace

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He joined Rangers under Whyte as he was not wanted at Hearts and they were offered well over the odds for him. He was TUPEd over by Green for silly money. Was a Scotland player then. Not now. Another player that has wasted under the McCoist management.

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He can go fuck aswell. Another one who has downed tools. I remember the SC Raith game at Ibrox, think Wallace lost the baw and Miller was getting at him for it and Wallace told him to 'calm doon' with a pissy wee look on his face. Miller has PLAYED FOR CELTIC and still shows more passion and fight for this club than these shitebags!

Fuck up Wallace

Been dragged down wi all the shite that's gone on and having to play with rank rotten players and a manager who wanted it lumped up to Daly. I'd play him in the left side of midfield. McCall will get him going.

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Wallace was massively overrated by the fans in the first place, he was never that good and then in 2012 he got the same blind faith treatement Lee McCulloch got because he TUPE'd over, Wallace has been shite for 18 months, he is slower, heavier and a much worse player now than he was 3 years ago, he's only 27 but hes a footballer on the way down, he'll never be as good as he was when he was vastly overrated, that for me is a worry.

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Hasnt kicked his arse for well over a year.

If he was as good as he thinks he is he would be some player.

Sums up what a hell of a lot of us think, that being that players havnt been trying a leg and their thoughts are elsewhere.

Cheerio Lee you wont be missed, you were given a tremendous chance and blew it along with a host of others.

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We are all aware this is a big one for us. We are becoming organised and are looking at different ways of playing against Hibs.

Its an opportunity to take to the field and put right what has been wrong.

thought this was very interesting - what the fuck has been going on the last 3 years, first mccoist, then mcdowall (and throw durrant into the mix) - should try to reclaim their wages

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Said before Ally and co missed a great opportunity to replace this dud with the boy Robertson who played for Queens Park a far better prospect but did the three wise monkeys spot the guy playing against us in div 3,well i think we all know the answer to that one as they were so blinded by "experience" that they never noticed Scotlands left back ffs.How many guys have we lost out to we " need experience" in positions all over the park due to a clueless bunch of chancers in the dug out covering up their own incompetence by bringing in experience.

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Decides to start playing now after his recent interview , wonder why ?

New manager and restored hope ? God knows what went on with that defensive shambles when Ally and Kenny were in charge, we'll probably find out in time, but Wallace suffered the most from a lack of support there, whilst tracking up and down the line constantly as well,with virtually no proper cover from the centre backs. No wonder he slowly lost motivation.

Still next year's captain of choice for me.

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New manager and restored hope ? God knows what went on with that defensive shambles when Ally and Kenny were in charge, we'll probably find out in time, but Wallace suffered the most from a lack of support there, whilst tracking up and down the line constantly as well,with virtually no proper cover from the centre backs. No wonder he slowly lost motivation.

Still next year's captain of choice for me.

Love the optimism , my guess after his interview is he knows to get away he has to start putting a shift in to attract a buyer and shows how much effort hes been putting in in recent months.

Wont be here much longer and nowhere near as good as he thinks he is .

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