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Spiers Caught Lying..............again!


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Only thing is was LBJ right when he said, "better to have him inside the tent pissing out, than outside the tent pissing in"?

Would normally agree but don't think it will matter with someone the like of Spiers. He has been quite happy to piss all over us when 'inside our tent'.

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Compulsive liar . He has done it so much ,he just believes he tells the truth even when his own lies are staring him in the face .

Human excrement just doesn't cover it

He forgets what he lies about, the guy is a BO ridden moron and has had a petty vendeta against us since DM gave him it tight.

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In his own mind he hasn't done it. The bloke is a mental retard.

Someone who was caught blatantly and knowingly lying about our club, and then admitted it is still given employment by the Scottish media. How credible are those who employ a known fabricator of the truth.

He even wrote a book on Rangers and expected us to buy it.

FFS there are not many people with standards lower than those attributed to this nob.

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Tweeted the ban has no effect as he has not reported from Ibrox from 2012,someone retweeted Spiers posts from Rangers v Falkirk 2014 !Ouch!

Did britney give any reply or defense?

Is there a difference between reporting and posting?

The slimy prick will have some way of slithering out of the accusation no doubt

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