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Dae You Know Who Ah Um?

Carsons Dog

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What an arse of a man. I read that story then seen this pile of jobbies.

ONE day there was a pile of ashes a couple of feet away from the bottom step [of the back door my house]. It was quite a considerable size. It was really strange.

I looked at it long and hard and racked my brains. I wondered: "Why the hell’s there a pile of ashes at the back door?"

Tracy came into the kitchen and noticed it immediately too. She asked: "What's that?" I didn't want to distress her so I dismissed it.

I said: "It'll just be from the barbecue. The wind will just have caught it." But it definitely wasn't. I am convinced it was a message, a warning, from somebody. To this day, I have no idea who.

It wasn’t the only unsettling thing which happened. We lived in a quiet little cul-de-sac. One day I was coming back and I met our neighbour who had been out walking his dog.

He said: "Who were the guys up looking for you at four o'clock this morning?"

I replied: “What are you talking about?

"There were three transit vans here early this morning. I got up because the dog was barking. There were guys pointing at the house. Who’ve you upset?"

"I haven't upset anybody."

"Well, they weren't here looking for me."

It was quite worrying. I didn't know who it was. Somebody we were shouting abuse at on match days? Fans who didn't like what we were doing? Somebody whose job was under threat? Heavies who had been sent to put the frighteners on me? I don't know. It certainly wasn’t as a result of anything else I had done in my life. I felt at the time it was done to scare me. It was somebody saying: "We know where you live."

They each revealed to me independently of each other that my name was being bandied about in some fairly serious circles. By all accounts, the message being put out was: “This boy should keep his mouth shut or he’ll end up getting a doing.”

I was told: "People have been asking questions about you. The sort of people you don’t want to be getting on the wrong side of.”That made me sit up straight with a jolt. It wasn't as if I was wearing a bullet-proof vest and looking over my shoulder as I walked down the street

But I was certainly told: "People are asking about you, wanting to know where you lived." It just verified what I suspected at the time. That certain individuals were unhappy.

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It gets better

"I was in a well-paid job at the time. Money wasnt an issue. My business partner and I had two company cars at the time. One was a Bentley and the other one was a Jaguar. But the pressures of work, of being away from home, of not being around to help raise my young children, all took a toll.

Managing my own business was a large part of it. I was in charge of a company which was generating millions of pounds a year in revenue and had several staff members."

Then he obviously forgets all that and says....

"When I was getting sued I hit another real low. I started to think: "I can't cope with this. I'm never going to get out of this." I realised how much this whole campaign had impacted on my life.

I don't own much, but I could have lost everything."


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rather than The Members RFC should be opening The Profiteers, would be filled to the gunnels.

No cunt would put a penny in and RFC would have to make sure it had sufficient space, for all the back-slapping, but at least it would segregate them from the actual fans who contribute to the club.

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Wonder how the mhedia will react if his side kick gets done with the charge thats hanging over him? He can write all the books he wants but when the other member of his two many group cannot control himself then its a problem and will allow the mhedia to drag our name through the gutter. The Club and other supporters groups are doing us no favours by associating themselves with these guys.

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Aye and the vans at his house so he says where prob bailiffs to take his jag etc away.

It is well known in the Glasgow martial arts community that Craig is a trained Ninja. He would destroy a mere 2 transit van loads of baseball bat wielding warriors hence 3 were required but it turns out they shat it when Craig adopted the praying mantis stance.

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