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Will there be another golden age of Scottish football?

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I often wonder will there ever be another golden age of Scottish football.  Top European clubs coming to Glasgow to play in top tournaments, the finest Scottish players facing up against the finest continental stars, big crowds.  Perhaps not.  To think that in 1972, Glasgow had two European semi-finals in the same night.  Makes me hungry for the early 1960's when we had a very strong team that could compete with the best of them.  

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Well seeing as the biggest club in England can pay £89m for one player and it be nothing to them and all money can be recouped in shirt sales and then the biggest team in Scotland would struggle to pay £1m for a player, then I would guess no.

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Quite possibly. So much changes can change over time. Football today is a lot different to football 30 years ago.

However something will have to change, right now football isn't moving forward together. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. If we get a hefty Sky deal at some point in the future with real money pumped in then maybe. However at this point it looks unlikely.

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Scottish Football is finished. 6 games for the champions to get into the champions league group stages only going to get worse. We could have been a lot better off but diddy clubs wanted setanta money rather than thinking with their heads. Taking sky out was what fucked us monetary wise.then sky came back and picked up the pieces for pennies.

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Something has to change.

Some of the biggest and most famous clubs in Europe, cannot compete due to simple geography.

In Scotland we need to compete within the same enviroment as the English clubs.... same tax laws, same broadcasters, etc. Even if the SFA did a fantastic job, we would still be pissing in the wind.



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Best days have gone which is sad, the only thing i can say is, that i was part of the good days, and seen some great teams, and days when we held our own against some of the best teams in Europe. In my opinion money has killed football, as gone are the days players signed because the loved our club. All the love now is the money which is sad.

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Course not.

Diet, lack of application, drink culture, lack of finance, arrogance when you are only actually slightly better than the shit around you, not listening to people who know better than you. All point towards us failing time and time again.

Some on here actually reckon its acceptable for a professional player to "have a wee drink, they're only young lads". A fucking nonsensical way to look at a job were your fitness is paramount, an approach which any professional athlete would treat with the disdain it deserves.

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Financial disparity ensures Scotland has no longer a league of any credibility. This won't ever change unless the old firm either capitalise on the very attractive OLD FIRM games TV potential or are invited into a different league. I won't hold my breath on either so we'll just have to content ourselves with a backwater league . 

Ps  The playstations and x box's have also ensured we'll struggle to produce home grown talent in anything like the numbers of the past. 

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Unlikely but not impossible.

Financially we will never compete but money doesn't always mean better. You look at the amount of money spunked in the EPL and I genuinely struggle to see the value or improvement in the majority of teams. Yes teams are spending money like no one's business but they're very rarely getting better as a team. So much money is being spent on average players.

Now I'm not saying any of our team would walk into EPL teams but I just feel the overall standard and product of the EPL has declined significantly and has been deteriorating for a long time. Even the stars of the EPL are not quite what they once were. 

We have a heck of a long way and it won't be easy but I don't see why we can't aim for the last 16 on a regular basis or extended European runs. Who knows maybe one day something special can happen. Good organisation, management, work ethic and a bit of luck go a long way. I think to get better value and to enhance our chances though we need to broaden our scouting to a global scale. There is so much talent out there for great value that I think we are missing out on. I know the farcical scouting situation the new team inherited has been addressed significantly in the short term but I feel if we were to grow our scouting network globally we would reap the rewards.

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The disparity between what we can afford and what the EPL can afford will only grow larger. I think one day Rangers and Celtic will join a newly formed league and the rest of Scottish football will then die without being able to hold onto our coat tails.

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no chance of that happening apart from the money mentioned in other threads the structure in scotland is all wrong

firstly the wrong people are running the game here. i am not being anti english but why are 2 english guys running our game when their track records were dismal

secondly we need to get back to what made us good boys playing for the school team then in the afternoon or next day playing for the boys clubs. all that has died now we have academies where boys play their own age group in a non competetive fashion.

young guys have to be playing to win all the time and if they are good enough then they got thrown in against older and experienced players

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17 minutes ago, billscott said:

no chance of that happening apart from the money mentioned in other threads the structure in scotland is all wrong

firstly the wrong people are running the game here. i am not being anti english but why are 2 english guys running our game when their track records were dismal

secondly we need to get back to what made us good boys playing for the school team then in the afternoon or next day playing for the boys clubs. all that has died now we have academies where boys play their own age group in a non competetive fashion.

young guys have to be playing to win all the time and if they are good enough then they got thrown in against older and experienced players

Was Liewell not behind Regan's appointment? Sure there were some links between them exposed a while back.

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