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A few reasons why Mark Warburton is the man to take us forward


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2 minutes ago, Dazzler said:

At the moment, maybe.

Never really got excited by any of Ally's teams though.



Ally never really moved out of the shadow of Smith he just couldn't motivate the teams the way Smith could, players were scared to fuck up in games under Smith.

To be a Rangers Manager now i think you have to go out on your own and make a successful career it's too tough a job for an inexperienced coach.

Were you at the Cup final v St Mirren the nine men and a pigeon game Ally was making a cunt of it Walter came down to the touchline and changed the game he was fantastic that day.

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2 hours ago, Max1872 said:

'He's everything we've ever wanted in a Rangers manager'

Speak for yourself, the way he conducts himself is first class but ultimately results come first and they've been shite for 6/7 months

'he's got class'

Aye, that doesn't mean he's a good manager tho...

'he's brought back an identity to our style of play'

Biggest myth in football, we havent had an identity since about March when we ditched the high tempo, fast paced game, now we just pass. And Pass. And pass. With no urgency. Refusing to play it long under any circumstance isn't having an identity

'he wants to win'

Literally every manager on the planet wants to win?

'He's learning as well'

He isnt tho and that's his downfall



The first half against St. J the other night was played at very high intensity and pace. People who think we were slow didnt watch the game I was... Had we won, they would probably say something else but people need to be level headed. A bad result doesnt equate to a bad performance. We OBVIOUSLY want to win every game, but everything about our game isnt bad.. There are good things and improvements. 

That we just pass and nothing else is a myth as well.. Look up the statistics.. Our problem is that we need 19 attempts before we score a goal.. 433 and our heneral play isnt really the problem - putting chances away IS!!!

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Won't let me quote...

Dont agree that we played with high intensity and pace, O'Halloran aside. He gave us something different but other than that we were very pedestrian. A bad performance is obviously different from a bad result but that was a bad performance...

We take about 19 passes to get in the opponents half! I dont need to look up statistics I watch us every week, we have loads of problems, being clinical is only one of them.

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negatives- Rangers are starting at the lowest base of a squad they have ever had in the top league. The cause of this was the squad he inherited was substandard but the money had been spent on them. They needed replaced, so he was left with putting in a base squad of better talent but with less money to spend. He put in the base of the squad and won a cup and the Championship.

The Premiership is of a higher standard, the squad is to small and inexperienced at this level. He again needs to build up the squad, get in talent and experience on a shoe string budget.  9 out of 10 teams he will meet have experience at this level, his team mostly have not. He has to manage them, demand of them without breaking their confidence. Inexperienced players go for safety first and will pass the ball off or in a rush of pressure pass it to the opposition. He has to get them to learn to be brave and play the way they were doing in the Championship.

The experience he got in lacked pace but that was the trade off as he did not have the money to but experience off the top shelf. He will now be looking for the younger players to pick up on that experience and perform but confidence turns a beautiful pass in to a bad one, he has to manage their confidence while they are learning and results are not being produced. 

He was unprepared for the expectation placed on his squad in their first season, how every team he played would give it their all to beat Rangers, how Rangers equal other teams cup final 4 time a season. They need to peak 4 time a year, Rangers need to peak every game. He did not expect the level of performances from all other teams. The Championship had given him a false baseline. Cup games are cup games but every league game being a cup game is something new. A period of adjustment is in play but he has no control of how quickly the experience is absorbed by his younger players.

433 is his favored tactic but it is not working. Lack of confidence is being shown by players trying to play it safe, pass the ball off, pass it square or backwards, not getting in to position but being safe by not being there, slowing up the play and looking to other to lead. 433 works when the players are confident, they become brave, a square ball becomes a forward ball to a bursting run that opens up the defense. We have seen this both working and not working. 

Some of his experienced players are not doing it on the field and one was a disruptive influence that had to be removed with all the disruption that brings.

Positives- The manager knows what he is trying to achieve and it is more that scraping wins, it is a style of play. He has despite the lack of real cash he has brought in players of a good standard and when they become confident in what they are doing, they will achieve.

He is smart and is man managing the situation and taking the flack with dignity. He knows what he wants and knows it is a mater of time before it happens. He has seen it in spells and so have we but he and we know it needs to be throughout the game and end in wins for Rangers.

He is stubborn and will stick to what he knows works despite others proclaiming doom and gloom. We seen it in the Championship and we will see it in the premiership. He is not a flip flop manager. He has shown strength by the removal of a big noise player who is a presence in the media for the betterment of the squad.

He is learning but the learning of individuals in the heat of the game is out of his control. Afterwards he will be going through the games with the players and be looking to promote their learning in game, a difficult skill to pull off. He knows every game is a battle and is now preparing the players to play for the battle until they can play their football. Once the players trust in themselves we will see the fruits of this but we are still in the process of the players taking it on.


I said before the season started that it would be a roller coaster up to Christmas/ New Year time. Once we have faced most of the teams home and away we, Rangers will know what is in front of them the next game. I have seen nothing that I did not expect in our first season back. I said that I thought we could win it and I still do. Celtic will have a poor patch, I hope it is in February / March as I think by that time we will be up and running. We are stuttering at the moment but I expect that to reduce with the only the occasional game being a problem after January. Celtic will stutter and we will have to take advantage. This season is not over, those points can be and will be clawed back. We the Rangers support need to call on the players to be brave and go again when it breaks down. Play safe or play to win, we have to call for one or the other because this Rangers team it not set for going out to sneak a 1-0 away win.

We are Rangers, we are in adversity, time we showed our true attributes of steely determination. Thank you Mr Struth for putting better than me.

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23 minutes ago, Max1872 said:

Won't let me quote...

Dont agree that we played with high intensity and pace, O'Halloran aside. He gave us something different but other than that we were very pedestrian. A bad performance is obviously different from a bad result but that was a bad performance...

We take about 19 passes to get in the opponents half! I dont need to look up statistics I watch us every week, we have loads of problems, being clinical is only one of them.


No we were really quick with good movement first half second half they got more physical and we let them bully us a bit and they stopped us playing.

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25 minutes ago, Max1872 said:

Won't let me quote...

Dont agree that we played with high intensity and pace, O'Halloran aside. He gave us something different but other than that we were very pedestrian. A bad performance is obviously different from a bad result but that was a bad performance...

We take about 19 passes to get in the opponents half! I dont need to look up statistics I watch us every week, we have loads of problems, being clinical is only one of them.


You dont get access to the quote function till you have 100 posts.

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I think we have too many fans with a big time entitlement complex. We've had some glorious moments over the last three decades, and for some, the struggles that came beforehand aren't visible to them. Good time Charlie's. Nicky Law gave a statement that incensed me at first as him being an ungrateful bastard, but the more I contemplated it the more I couldn't help but agree with it.                                                                          'Ibrox has no atmosphere, people come and expect three points and then go home '                                                                              We've become densensitized to failure. Well, failure might be coming this season and if we are to catch the taigs before ten in a row we need to grin and bear it. Otherwise position another man in the dugout with unbearable pressure and expection only to fold in the final hour.


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21 minutes ago, ZZed said:

negatives- Rangers are starting at the lowest base of a squad they have ever had in the top league. The cause of this was the squad he inherited was substandard but the money had been spent on them. They needed replaced, so he was left with putting in a base squad of better talent but with less money to spend. He put in the base of the squad and won a cup and the Championship.

The Premiership is of a higher standard, the squad is to small and inexperienced at this level. He again needs to build up the squad, get in talent and experience on a shoe string budget.  9 out of 10 teams he will meet have experience at this level, his team mostly have not. He has to manage them, demand of them without breaking their confidence. Inexperienced players go for safety first and will pass the ball off or in a rush of pressure pass it to the opposition. He has to get them to learn to be brave and play the way they were doing in the Championship.

The experience he got in lacked pace but that was the trade off as he did not have the money to but experience off the top shelf. He will now be looking for the younger players to pick up on that experience and perform but confidence turns a beautiful pass in to a bad one, he has to manage their confidence while they are learning and results are not being produced.

He was unprepared for the expectation placed on his squad in their first season, how every team he played would give it their all to beat Rangers, how Rangers equal other teams cup final 4 time a season. They need to peak 4 time a year, Rangers need to peak every game. He did not expect the level of performances from all other teams. The Championship had given him a false baseline. Cup games are cup games but every league game being a cup game is something new. A period of adjustment is in play but he has no control of how quickly the experience is absorbed by his younger players.

433 is his favored tactic but it is not working. Lack of confidence is being shown by players trying to play it safe, pass the ball off, pass it square or backwards, not getting in to position but being safe by not being there, slowing up the play and looking to other to lead. 433 works when the players are confident, they become brave, a square ball becomes a forward ball to a bursting run that opens up the defense. We have seen this both working and not working.

Some of his experienced players are not doing it on the field and one was a disruptive influence that had to be removed with all the disruption that brings.

Positives- The manager knows what he is trying to achieve and it is more that scraping wins, it is a style of play. He has despite the lack of real cash he has brought in players of a good standard and when they become confident in what they are doing, they will achieve.

He is smart and is man managing the situation and taking the flack with dignity. He knows what he wants and knows it is a mater of time before it happens. He has seen it in spells and so have we but he and we know it needs to be throughout the game and end in wins for Rangers.

He is stubborn and will stick to what he knows works despite others proclaiming doom and gloom. We seen it in the Championship and we will see it in the premiership. He is not a flip flop manager. He has shown strength by the removal of a big noise player who is a presence in the media for the betterment of the squad.

He is learning but the learning of individuals in the heat of the game is out of his control. Afterwards he will be going through the games with the players and be looking to promote their learning in game, a difficult skill to pull off. He knows every game is a battle and is now preparing the players to play for the battle until they can play their football. Once the players trust in themselves we will see the fruits of this but we are still in the process of the players taking it on.


I said before the season started that it would be a roller coaster up to Christmas/ New Year time. Once we have faced most of the teams home and away we, Rangers will know what is in front of them the next game. I have seen nothing that I did not expect in our first season back. I said that I thought we could win it and I still do. Celtic will have a poor patch, I hope it is in February / March as I think by that time we will be up and running. We are stuttering at the moment but I expect that to reduce with the only the occasional game being a problem after January. Celtic will stutter and we will have to take advantage. This season is not over, those points can be and will be clawed back. We the Rangers support need to call on the players to be brave and go again when it breaks down. Play safe or play to win, we have to call for one or the other because this Rangers team it not set for going out to sneak a 1-0 away win.

We are Rangers, we are in adversity, time we showed our true attributes of steely determination. Thank you Mr Struth for putting better than me.

A good post and many decent points

I,d only take into question celtic might stutter this is posiible only if the thumb & dembele get crocked at once.


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2 hours ago, OhW said:

Good positive read. Nobody should be turning on the manager as viciously as some are.

Haven't really seen much viciousness in criticism , it tends to be frustration . If I spent 6 months at work making the same mistake over and over again I would be out on my arse . 

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1 hour ago, cd true bluenose said:

would you rather go back to ally`s style

No but if you offered me the choice between warburtons style and the inconsistency it brings or Walters winning yet somewhat boring style then I know which one I would choose 


this is not me saying "get Walter back" as I think that is not the correct step to take at all , I am just comparing the two styles of play . At rangers it is about winning , the performance comes second 

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Its a good read Gaz - plenty in there to like.

My only concern is that MW for all his positive attributes has to date, no experience of seeing such a long term project through to fruition. Dont get me wrong he may get it right 1st time but I think with such a bold and radical project id be more confident if it was someone who had shown such a project to work previously.

My other gripe would be that I take my hat off to MW for trying to play attacking entertaining football -  I just dont see why it always has to be in a 4-3-3 formation. Could we not do the same with a 4-4-2 or any other formation which was attack minded and suited to the players we have in our squad ?

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3 hours ago, Gaz52 said:

I want to start off by saying I wrongly called for his head after the Old Firm and Ross County results but low-confidence, low-belief and frustration clouded my judgment at that time I'd say.

I could write war & peace about how good his managerial record is but there's a few things I'd like to point out which impressed me and some of it sounds very familiar to our current situation.

He said this to his wife in 2011 - "We have the money in the bank, the house is paid for, our lifestyle won't change. I want to do this: 10 years to achieve something in the game. It’s now or never" before embarking upon his career in coaching, he left his job at HSBC as a trader behind.

It's been 5 years since then and he wasn't wrong was he? In 5 years he's guided Brentford to the Championship by finishing second in League One and in their first season in the Championship he took them to third spot for a lot of the campaign (Brentford's highest ever position since the 1953). He won "London Manager Of The Year 2015" and various manager of the month awards in the Championship. The most impressive thing he done that year though, was guide Brentford to the Championship Play-Offs, even though half way through the season it was agreed that he would part company with Brentford due to differences with the owner, who wanted to take use statistics and mathematics to pick the team but Warburton believed a manager should always pick his team. He left Brentford with a win ratio of 51%, the highest of any manager in Brentford's history.

This is where I think it starts to sound a bit familiar.. He guides Brentford to promotion in his first few months in charge and then he gets a swing at the Championship, the clubs expectations were to avoid relegation - but he said fuck that - he built a young squad with many of the players being untested at a high level, they started off slowly and Warburton had this to say - "We've got a lot of young players who will find their feet, but when you start a new job and move up you have to adapt to your new environment quickly because no allowances will be given"

The part in bold is what strikes me the most, a slow start with a group of young players, fans probably think they're destined for relegation but they quickly pick up pace and start winning game after game, they sit third for a lot of the season and after it was announced he was departing, their form obviously took a hit but they still managed to qualify for the play-offs in a very tough and competitive league.

I don't need to document what he done with us last season, he pretty much built a squad from scratch and implemented a new style of play which was alien to Rangers, a style that us Rangers fans had screamed for since as far back as I can remember. He won the PFA Manager Of The Year in Scotland. He guides us to promotion with ease when you look at it. I'm not saying we were invincible, he made plenty of mistakes last season but we're talking about a guy who's achieved so much in such a short space of time as a manager. He gave us all reason to go back to Ibrox and actually enjoy watching our team playing again. His influence has been great from the first team right down to our young kids coming through, he's brought with him staff and personnel who have improved everything about us, we had absolutely nothing under McCoist, we were buying washed up SPL players and ignoring youth development altogether.

I believe he'll turn things round here, he's a winner and has been his whole life, he's probably feeling pressure that he's never felt before but there's no reason he can't change things, he deserves this season at least, let's see where we are come May. He's got a young squad, many of who are still settling in to life at Rangers, he probably knows a couple of his signings weren't maybe right but he brought in who he could afford whilst the rhats at the east have the luxury of bringing in one player who costs more than our whole squad pretty much.

He's everything we've ever wanted in a Rangers manager, he's got class, he's brought back an identity to our style of play, he wants to win. He's learning as well.

Thanks for reading if you did. I just want to make a case for him as I strongly believe he will take us forward if we give him the time.... and money.

Finally a right good positive post on here.

I'm as furstrated as everyone else that we aint rampaging our first season back in the diddy league.

I grew up being able to enjoy watching us run amok to 9 in s row with players like Laudrup and Gazza. 

However as tough as it is ive had to adjust expectations for this season.

I'm calm that we will finish 3rd by end of season behind Hearts (sheep will bottle it as usual).

The issue i have is the calls from our own support to punt Warburton. If this does happen i can only imagine in 5 years or so on here the fickleness of us saying we should never have let him go. Like the posts about the players we let go that are still doing well in the premiership.

For once, as tricky as it is, we just need to be patient. 

Heres hoping for a convincing win tomorrow!

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3 hours ago, Gaz52 said:

I want to start off by saying I wrongly called for his head after the Old Firm and Ross County results but low-confidence, low-belief and frustration clouded my judgment at that time I'd say.

I could write war & peace about how good his managerial record is but there's a few things I'd like to point out which impressed me and some of it sounds very familiar to our current situation.

He said this to his wife in 2011 - "We have the money in the bank, the house is paid for, our lifestyle won't change. I want to do this: 10 years to achieve something in the game. It’s now or never" before embarking upon his career in coaching, he left his job at HSBC as a trader behind.

It's been 5 years since then and he wasn't wrong was he? In 5 years he's guided Brentford to the Championship by finishing second in League One and in their first season in the Championship he took them to third spot for a lot of the campaign (Brentford's highest ever position since the 1953). He won "London Manager Of The Year 2015" and various manager of the month awards in the Championship. The most impressive thing he done that year though, was guide Brentford to the Championship Play-Offs, even though half way through the season it was agreed that he would part company with Brentford due to differences with the owner, who wanted to take use statistics and mathematics to pick the team but Warburton believed a manager should always pick his team. He left Brentford with a win ratio of 51%, the highest of any manager in Brentford's history.

This is where I think it starts to sound a bit familiar.. He guides Brentford to promotion in his first few months in charge and then he gets a swing at the Championship, the clubs expectations were to avoid relegation - but he said fuck that - he built a young squad with many of the players being untested at a high level, they started off slowly and Warburton had this to say - "We've got a lot of young players who will find their feet, but when you start a new job and move up you have to adapt to your new environment quickly because no allowances will be given"

The part in bold is what strikes me the most, a slow start with a group of young players, fans probably think they're destined for relegation but they quickly pick up pace and start winning game after game, they sit third for a lot of the season and after it was announced he was departing, their form obviously took a hit but they still managed to qualify for the play-offs in a very tough and competitive league.

I don't need to document what he done with us last season, he pretty much built a squad from scratch and implemented a new style of play which was alien to Rangers, a style that us Rangers fans had screamed for since as far back as I can remember. He won the PFA Manager Of The Year in Scotland. He guides us to promotion with ease when you look at it. I'm not saying we were invincible, he made plenty of mistakes last season but we're talking about a guy who's achieved so much in such a short space of time as a manager. He gave us all reason to go back to Ibrox and actually enjoy watching our team playing again. His influence has been great from the first team right down to our young kids coming through, he's brought with him staff and personnel who have improved everything about us, we had absolutely nothing under McCoist, we were buying washed up SPL players and ignoring youth development altogether.

I believe he'll turn things round here, he's a winner and has been his whole life, he's probably feeling pressure that he's never felt before but there's no reason he can't change things, he deserves this season at least, let's see where we are come May. He's got a young squad, many of who are still settling in to life at Rangers, he probably knows a couple of his signings weren't maybe right but he brought in who he could afford whilst the rhats at the east have the luxury of bringing in one player who costs more than our whole squad pretty much.

He's everything we've ever wanted in a Rangers manager, he's got class, he's brought back an identity to our style of play, he wants to win. He's learning as well.

Thanks for reading if you did. I just want to make a case for him as I strongly believe he will take us forward if we give him the time.... and money.

Well penned, but his track record in football isn't that of winning. He first gave the impression that he is a people person, but the veneer has worn under the current pressure. He listens, but he doesn't hear. He takes criticism personally, such is his self belief. He is no lateral thinker, as borne out by his doing plan A better. He just doesn't learn and that sets alsrm bells ringing. He is as one dimensional as his system.  Every team n the land has his system sussed. Not that it would be hard.

He isn't a bad guy by any stretch, but this club is just far to big for him, far less our heritage and culture. It is alien to him and he doesn't get it and it's unnerving him.

I won't go into his many errors as they are there for all too see. No harm to him, but he isn't the man, even if king miraculously found him the funds to challenge the filth. 

As for this squad, they are limited, not being of the desired quality, far less the lack of exuberance while playing for the jersey. Warburton's system alone is above their skill level. Just have a look at us trying to play the ball out from the back.

He done a job, but cannot take us any further and whilst the player's abilties are limited, so are his footballing management skills. He is no tactical genious and far from it.

In saying all that, no matter who follows him, they will have one hand tied firmly behind their back due to the lack of funding to mount a challenge to the filth, as the quality needed costs money.


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I really hope he can turn it around and make it work but theres massive doubts there now , just after the part you highlighted in the op though he talks about adapting and that is what will make or break him here , if he adapts the parts of our game that just isnt working at the moment he can turn it around if not its only gonna go 1 way 

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3 minutes ago, orange&blue92 said:

Not saying warburton is anywhere near fergie, but in his first season he was poor, could have been sacked, the board stuck by him and look how he turned out. Give the man a season in the top league then judge him.

He had won a european trophy etc beforehand though

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1 minute ago, ger4life_1872 said:

He had won a european trophy etc beforehand though

Fair enough, but we seen what MW is capable of when he gets it right, the way we were playing last season. Just need to get the pressing and quick direct passing back. I'm still confident it will return.

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4 hours ago, Vwbear said:

What is the blind love all about? At least with ally I understood a blind love as he was a hero as a player 

but we owe warburton absolutely nothing 

In comparison to the gardener, the football now is at least watchable. :love:

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3 minutes ago, orange&blue92 said:

Fair enough, but we seen what MW is capable of when he gets it right, the way we were playing last season. Just need to get the pressing and quick direct passing back. I'm still confident it will return.

Yeah im hoping he can turn it around , i will take your fergie though and raise you a wenger - guy goes from invincibles to not being able to win anything , so sticking by a manager doesnt always work either

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1 minute ago, ger4life_1872 said:

Yeah im hoping he can turn it around , i will take your fergie though and raise you a wenger - guy goes from invincibles to not being able to win anything , so sticking by a manager doesnt always work either

Good point mate, but tbf to AW he's had champions league football on the table every year, just not had the money from the board IMO. Still got a gut feeling MW will come good again though

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1 minute ago, orange&blue92 said:

Good point mate, but tbf to AW he's had champions league football on the table every year, just not had the money from the board IMO. Still got a gut feeling MW will come good again though

I hope so mate as i also dont want us turning into a club that chops and changes manager every other year 

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