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Media Impartiality And Integrity. Rest In Peace


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1 hour ago, Rangers No Other said:

West End Hotel in Edinburgh, he was there with Mike Galloway and a couple others, this was a lock in Rangers bar and I was privy to what was said,  happy to banter and congratulate us on our win that day, muttering full on abuse once backs were turned, no wonder no one likes them, are they all alcoholics, suppose you would have to be etc.. etc.. 

Great innuendo though Host,  loads of the obsessed have "Worlds Most Successful Club" as an avatar, I can see the merit in your dig, should'a gone for 1872 loyal to help bat away the conspiracy 

Quick question if you don't mind mate. Do you enjoy the taste of your own chilled spunk?

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I thought that the reference to us being buried was enough to get him sacked.

Can you imagine any other sports commentator being allowed to say that about the filth in the stade de paul gadd?

Is this the dialogue that BT want? It would be the end of Scottish Football and their poxy involvement.

I hope the fans hammer him big time at his next Rangers commentary.

Loud and clear and fuck anyone who complains.

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4 hours ago, jcb said:

To claim that Pat Bonner can barely conceal his hatred for us is nonsense.

Anyone who has had a conversation with him will tell you he is a absolute gentleman who has many good things to say re -both past & current Rangers players.

Sutton on the other hand is typical of what passes as journalism/punditry in Scotland today. His double act with Terry Butcher is pathetic and does nothing for BT Sport.

Tend to agree with what you say about Bonner,I've never heard him say anything really bad and more often than not comes across as someone who has no bias with Rangers.

It's quite a bizarre read and although Sutton should have considered his words a bit more carefully given the time of year for Rangers fans,I also think Sutton's piece would have been written days before Saturdays game.

He's still a cock though

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Sutton is a bitter snidey plastic paddy .

Not the first player I've seen run around with his arms stretched out poking people in the face , it's an old trick .

He's trying to bam everyone up and get himself noticed .

Well it's no working that well with me , cause I'll no be reading or watching anything he does .

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Sutton is a wank, and a windup merchant.

His analysis and knowledge of the game is really quite poor, and resorts to 'controversial' statements to gather interest in him and his punditry - which he MUST make a success of after being declared bankrupt. 

The fact that Bears take the bait and foam at the mouth every time just helps him. He is biased against us because it gets him the biggest reaction, which turns into more jobs, which means more money. It's desperation. He even bams the filth up occasionally, just because 'controversy creates cash'.

However, while his language is inappropriate (as it just stirs up hatred in the West of Scotland IMO) it wasn't any kind of dig at the 66. 

I like the VB, and they stand up for us where our own club won't - but they've badly made an arse of this. 

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Sutton is a cunt. In point of fact he's a cunt's cunt. The cunt of all cunt's. But this is a real stretch to say he was even considering the 66 or would've been aware of them ( in his job as a pundit he should be) when he wrote that article. At most he would be guilty on this occasion of lacking compassion, something cunt's aren't well known for.

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"◄ 1 Timothy 6:4 ►

Parallel Verses

New International Version
they are conceited and understand nothing. They have an unhealthy interest in controversies and quarrels about words that result in envy, strife, malicious talk, evil suspicions"


I really am not a bible intellect but haphazardly came across this and the name and meaning sums this mutton prat completely, not forgetting some of his tim followers. Maybe this bible malarkey has some use after all. 

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7 hours ago, BLUEDIGNITY said:

Got to give the athletic wing and accomplices their due but they come at you with a bunch of flowers in one hand and a gun in the other and still the gullible amongst us fall for it ! No wonder we are where we are !


Did you save that wee Sherlock smiley so that you could keep using it after it got taken off the site? :lol:


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14 hours ago, Bellshill_Bear said:

Most of the stuff VB comes out with is paranoia on a level with JJ and Phil smack.

Just a shame there is not more fans like VB who fight against the people who attack our club and fans. What annoys me is it is left to VB to defend our club while our board which is full of cowards like the good old dignified silence, that prefer to build bridges with our haters.

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i think the date when when this article was released is what you have to look at ,did sutton know what he was doing of course he did also the editor approved the content both knew that what was being said would be controversial and in turn make headlines they knew exactly what they done ,but never mind just let,s have ago at some of our own for highlighting what the likes of sutton and the rest of the media do on a daily basis chip chip chip away at our club and supporters

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