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Time is up for the manager


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Our history has been finding the right man at the right time; (apart from McCoist & McDowall) - MW was probably the right guy to get us out of the championship and not the right guy to win the SPL.

No bad feelings towards MW he did what others couldn't do, now it's time to appoint someone who can do what MW canny.

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'He has brought in such a volume of players, that he cannot point the finger at Ally McCoist, or Stuart McCall or Kenny McDowall'. This is an interesting assertion, on its own merits, because why would Warburton blame any of those previous coaches anyway when the underlying issues transcended both them,in terms that none of them have coached/managed this club in any conventional context? And that's where I would find fault with this: it begins with the normally correct assertion that managing Rangers has it's own complexities at the best of times, but the present situation of the club is even more complex, and it is a pity that this otherwise rather well balanced point of view has in some way ignored that. Why was there 'such a volume of players' to begin with, and why judge Warburton in that context and in the context that the level of investment expected never materialised?  In other words, who would do better, and do we expect Warburton to replaced with with that same anticipated investment not materialising?


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I Tend to agree now too, the fact we have not had ANY offers for any of our players, is a nightmare.

For Rangers to survive going forward we need to buy and sell players and the fact not one offer means there is not as good a job going on behind the scenes as we think.

Defo Time to go.

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11 minutes ago, Turnberry18 said:

'He has brought in such a volume of players, that he cannot point the finger at Ally McCoist, or Stuart McCall or Kenny McDowall'. This is an interesting assertion, on its own merits, because why would Warburton blame any of those previous coaches be blamed by Warburton anyway when the underlying issues transcended both them,in terms that none of them have coached/managed this club in any conventional context? And that's where I would find fault with this: it begins with the normally correct assertion that managing Rangers has it's own complexities at the best of times, but the present situation of the club is even more complex, and it is a pity that this otherwise rather well balanced point of view has in some way ignored that. Why was there 'such a volume of players' to begin with, and why judge Warburton in that context and in the context that the level of investment expected never materialised?  In other words, who would do better, and do we expect Warburton to replaced with with that same anticipated investment not materialising?



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Who do we get who will be on less of a wage and whose going to turn the team, which comprises of OAPs, loans and free players from Accrington Stanley, around? The absolutely shocker of a performance aside, the worry is MW stating that we are to be basically a club that is to be feeder club to improve loan players. WTF. I remember DK saying in a press conference last year that the club should use loans more. Loan players will provide no long term stability and should only be considered if they will make a considerable improvement to the team.

We are currently hamstrung due to the wages of failed transfers. Joey Fartin should’ve been a success but we fucked that up good and proper. He’s a cunt no doubt but someone, probably Jim Trayner, leaked his medical records to the press which is why we are supposed to still be paying his fucking waged. And how much are we paying JT and what exactly does he do to improve the club on the field?

I have no idea how the club managed to convince itself that Senderos, Rossiter, Kranjcar were either not past it or not long term crocks. It was fuckin obvious to me that these players were not going to work. Joey Fartin, Rossiter, Kranjcar, Senderos were to be first team regulars and must be the best part of £70k per week. That’s a third of the team and probably half the wages. So we are more of less stuck with a team that was promoted from last year. And we're still second.

Whoever was part of the final decision on those transfers needs fuckin sacking too if MW is to go. Personally I’d see how we do the rest of season and see how we do the Scottish Cup with MW and then make a decision.





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39 minutes ago, dummiesoot said:

Not much I can disagree with, except Fod is becoming a nightmare with the ball at his feet.  I feel sorry for Hill and Fod carrying the rest of the defence. Tav needs chucked and hodgson put in 

To be fair, while having a couple of heart-stopping moments with the ball on the deck, Fod gave them 2 goals last night that were pure goalkeeping howlers.

He should never have given Halliday that roll-out & the punch for Cowie's goal was the type of thing that got Scottish goalkeepers such a reputation in the seventies!

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25 minutes ago, Turnberry18 said:

'He has brought in such a volume of players, that he cannot point the finger at Ally McCoist, or Stuart McCall or Kenny McDowall'. This is an interesting assertion, on its own merits, because why would Warburton blame any of those previous coaches be blamed by Warburton anyway when the underlying issues transcended both them,in terms that none of them have coached/managed this club in any conventional context? And that's where I would find fault with this: it begins with the normally correct assertion that managing Rangers has it's own complexities at the best of times, but the present situation of the club is even more complex, and it is a pity that this otherwise rather well balanced point of view has in some way ignored that. Why was there 'such a volume of players' to begin with, and why judge Warburton in that context and in the context that the level of investment expected never materialised?  In other words, who would do better, and do we expect Warburton to replaced with with that same anticipated investment not materialising?


The opportunity to progress laddies and bring in talent that would improve was lost in the climb thru the divisions.

No it's not his fault that the players who were here weren't capable but he brought in frees, cheap signings and prospects it's as if he's convinced he was going to coach them into superstars.

They have shown something but the main fact has been their inconsistency and lack of fight. 

You can see why these players bounced from club to club.

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Just now, Juniorsparkie said:

The opportunity to progress ladies and bring in talent that would progress was lost in the climb thru the divisions.

No it's not his fault that the players who were here weren't capable but he brought in frees, cheap signings and prospects it's as if he's convinced he was going to coach them into superstars.

They have shown something but the main fact has been their inconsistency and lack of fight. 

You can see why these players bounced from club to club.

Inconsistency I'll give you, but the the lack of fight wasn't in evidence just over a week ago, neither was it in evidence on Hogmanay- we lost, but we fought hard for a draw; there wasn't a lack of fight against Hearts and Aberdeen at Ibrox. Inconsistency yes, lack of fight? I disagree.

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16 minutes ago, HG5 said:

To be fair, while having a couple of heart-stopping moments with the ball on the deck, Fod gave them 2 goals last night that were pure goalkeeping howlers.

He should never have given Halliday that roll-out & the punch for Cowie's goal was the type of thing that got Scottish goalkeepers such a reputation in the seventies!

Agree with the punch for cowies goal (was a horrible moment),but the blame for the other goal is firmly with Halliday for me. He let the ball roll past himself,to give himself space on the ball I guess,but he had the opportunity to trap it,and gave the ball away

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19 minutes ago, Juniorsparkie said:

The opportunity to progress laddies and bring in talent that would improve was lost in the climb thru the divisions.

No it's not his fault that the players who were here weren't capable but he brought in frees, cheap signings and prospects it's as if he's convinced he was going to coach them into superstars.

They have shown something but the main fact has been their inconsistency and lack of fight. 

You can see why these players bounced from club to club.


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8 minutes ago, Negri's lovechild said:

Agree with the punch for cowies goal (was a horrible moment),but the blame for the other goal is firmly with Halliday for me. He let the ball roll past himself,to give himself space on the ball I guess,but he had the opportunity to trap it,and gave the ball away

Agreed, Halliday still had all sorts of options & time, but I don't think Wes had to give him it.

A combination of both of them at fault, I think.

Tell you what, though - how quick was Walker in nailing Halliday, then getting that shot away?

I wish to God some of ours could think, act & execute things so quickly!

Ours look like they're doing it by numbers, while wading through treacle!

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27 minutes ago, HG5 said:

Agreed, Halliday still had all sorts of options & time, but I don't think Wes had to give him it.

A combination of both of them at fault, I think.

Tell you what, though - how quick was Walker in nailing Halliday, then getting that shot away?

I wish to God some of ours could think, act & execute things so quickly!

Ours look like they're doing it by numbers, while wading through treacle!

Look to me as if Halliday was asking for the ball than looked  up when he received it and walker was in on him just got pushed of the ball  by Walker 

Halliday physical is pish poor makes you wonder if they do a lot of core work 

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Just now, loyal said:

Look to me as if Halliday was asking for the ball than looked  up when he received it and walker was in on him just got pushed of the ball  by Walker 

Halliday physical is pish poor makes you wonder if they do a lot of core work 

That's true - Halliday, particularly, spends too much time on his arse or face.


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59 minutes ago, Turnberry18 said:

Inconsistency I'll give you, but the the lack of fight wasn't in evidence just over a week ago, neither was it in evidence on Hogmanay- we lost, but we fought hard for a draw; there wasn't a lack of fight against Hearts and Aberdeen at Ibrox. Inconsistency yes, lack of fight? I disagree.

Maybe worded that wrong I mean a lack of tackling, harrying, chasing back, even positional sense you don't have to try and kill someone with a tackle but there are shitty jobs that need done and this lot don't do it.

How many times has someone just waltzed past x amount of players, they don't get tight when defending and some of their defensive positional awareness needs to be seen to be believed, dreadful in fact.

Its only the goalie and blind luck that we haven't be pumped in quite a few games since MW got the job.

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28 minutes ago, Juniorsparkie said:

Maybe worded that wrong I mean a lack of tackling, harrying, chasing back, even positional sense you don't have to try and kill someone with a tackle but there are shitty jobs that need done and this lot don't do it.

How many times has someone just waltzed past x amount of players, they don't get tight when defending and some of their defensive positional awareness needs to be seen to be believed, dreadful in fact.

Its only the goalie and blind luck that we haven't be pumped in quite a few games since MW got the job.

The really big issue I have, and it is what affected me the most last night, is the losing of goals when we have the ball. This alone points to players who are not good enough. I'm not sure I can ever remember a Rangers team in the past where that has happened, and the frequency is concerning. Last night, I think it got to a lot of players; we may criticise them, but last night I think they felt they had worked hard to get back into that match, we nearly scored just after, and four minutes into the second half, after what Tavernier said was a talk at half-time about their areas which we could exploit, we were back to square one. That goal did the damage and turned the whole match, they were not even that good till they scored it. Players shouldn't fold so easily, but last night they did, and it showed; and it looked purely out of frustration. I'm not making excuses, they should have done better to come back, but even my head went down in such a way that I almost gave up- it was a goal with the ability to demoralise a team, because it was literally out of nothing; they didn't even have to work for it.

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I agree with the statement, unfortunately it won't make any difference, the boss talks about a bad day at the office and we all have bad days at the office blah, blah, so how many have the scum had in this league ? Yes they have some good players, so have we, the difference is they have a manager who knows what he's doing, we don't.

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