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Club 1872 - Statement of Resignation

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19 minutes ago, Sportingintegritymyarse said:

This whole EH CIC thing can be easily cleared up by Greg


Greg, the floor's all yours, so what's the state of play?



Still going ahead. Should be before season's end - most work in the background done. 

It's not a pub in Edmiston house - surprised it hasn't been leaked on here tbh.

Also worth remembering a CIC's goals are not the financial rewards of its shareholders but the benefit of its designated community.

if you want to earn £s for yourself you don't start CICs to do so. 

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33 minutes ago, piperpete said:

As a Rangers shareholder has you asked whats going on ?  Do we ask about every company or person who rents space IN the stands on what they pay for rent or do we leave that to the club the sort out. Yes ITs strange that an INdividual has on the face of IT permission to develope unused space the club owns but ITs no different from a company renting a space. I would like to think a full going rate contract would be IN place before a key for the door IS handed over. 

It looks like one of those deals where TLB couldnt move forward IN their plans with out permission and permission was only granted IF certain criteria IS met. Do you think Weatherspoons buy all their building or have rental deals IN place after getting permission from licencing board ect ? If before they would be pouring cash down the drain, they would have a holding agreement IN place that would kick IN when the authorities gave a green light to what ever has been applied for. This IS no different.

Tell me one company that advertises at Ibrox, and has a CIC in place with Companies House.

Maybe Arnold Clark have the SJ Stand CIC because they have an advertisement on it?

Away and fling shite at the moon. ?

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22 minutes ago, Beaujolais said:

I get that. But if they are ones energising the project in their own experience/operational knowledge, time and with their own resources, and critically at a time when the Club has other more important areas to focus on- then I don't see why they should not be involved. 

However I can also see the concern- and yes rightfully it should be part of a transparent tender process. The problem as I said earlier, is the jobs for the boys (which appears to be prevalent with those who have supported King) has created a culture of suspicion and worse there are clear examples of blatant personal gain. I don't see the Club as really losing out- as the Louden Tavern is currently trading and appears busy whilst Ed House is dereliict. All that would happen is the Louden Tavern would transfer its existing business and rather than pay rent to another Landlord, that rent would be received by the Club on a property that the Club currently makes nothing from. It improves the area and could enhance the Supporter experience. Rents tend to be determined by turnover- the more successful it is the more rent the Club receives. To me it's a no brainer. There is no risk in effect to the Club.

Yes you could look at a Wetherspoons option, and yes at the end of the day it would probably come to who is prepared to pay more. But the Louden Tavern is currently running a similar business nearby, and if unsuccessful would effectively be in competition. 

But it's only open a couple of days a week. I'd expect EH to be open 7 days a week with a successful pub offering quality drinks and food.


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10 minutes ago, Louden_Greg said:

Still going ahead. Should be before season's end - most work in the background done. 

It's not a pub in Edmiston house - surprised it hasn't been leaked on here tbh.

Also worth remembering a CIC's goals are not the financial rewards of its shareholders but the benefit of its designated community.

if you want to earn £s for yourself you don't start CICs to do so. 

So there will be no monetary gain for yourselves when this goes ahead?

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4 minutes ago, Louden_Greg said:

Still going ahead. Should be before season's end - most work in the background done. 

It's not a pub in Edmiston house - surprised it hasn't been leaked on here tbh.

Also worth remembering a CIC's goals are not the financial rewards of its shareholders but the benefit of its designated community.

if you want to earn £s for yourself you don't start CICs to do so. 

Will this venture have anything to do with the Louden Tavern in name then? because it could be argued that there would still be financial rewards with it - like raising the profile of the business. It's the same as saying paying for advertising isn't a financial gain, but you will still reap the financial gain in a roundabout way because it's getting the brand noticed and promoted.

Or will there be no money to be made from Ed House? for example a free-entry museum or match day venue? and the Louden's name not used? if so then fair play - it's getting used for the right purpose in that case and hat's off. 

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5 minutes ago, Louden_Greg said:

Still going ahead. Should be before season's end - most work in the background done. 

It's not a pub in Edmiston house - surprised it hasn't been leaked on here tbh.

Also worth remembering a CIC's goals are not the financial rewards of its shareholders but the benefit of its designated community.

if you want to earn £s for yourself you don't start CICs to do so. 

Good stuff, thanks.

Still no clearer on what the CIC involves, why the secrecy, why further delay (November?), why the discrepancy between the initial application and secondary one as highlighted by Virtuoso above.

Folk just want to know what's going on with it which isn't unreasonable.

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21 minutes ago, siddiqi_drinker said:

In fairness, He's locked out of the SoS facebook page  :mutley:

I think it's his own Facebook page mate. He can still post on SoS page but has delegated this task to someone else.

I don't get someone being locked out of their Facebook page, and I'm not doubting Craig, but is it possible he's been locked out by a 3rd party?

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42 minutes ago, thebooler said:

The only thing I'd disagree with there mate is, if EH were to be used in such a way, it should go out to tender, or people should be interviewed for positions.

I'd rather see the club renovate it, then employ suitably qualified staff to run it.

That way ALL profits go to the club.

I honestly don't give a fuck about people making a living off the club. Unless they're doing it off their own backs.

I wonder if the staff would be safe from aggression if the tender went against the will of some.

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13 minutes ago, Louden_Greg said:

Still going ahead. Should be before season's end - most work in the background done. 

It's not a pub in Edmiston house - surprised it hasn't been leaked on here tbh.

Also worth remembering a CIC's goals are not the financial rewards of its shareholders but the benefit of its designated community.

if you want to earn £s for yourself you don't start CICs to do so. 

We're just awaiting MD and CG attaining their positions then, and that's everybody sorted? ?

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1 minute ago, Virtuoso said:

So there will be absolutely no monetary gain for yourselves when this goes ahead?

As I'm sure you are aware directors remuneration is published within the cic accounts. This will show that there has been no money earned or will be earned. 

When you see what the project is I'm sure you'll understand that this is not about the money. 

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4 hours ago, Virtuoso said:

The whole Edmiston House CIC is shroud in secrecy. According to the submitted documentation (by the Marshalls), it was originally planned that:


Yet according to Greg and Rab, the Declaration for the Formation of EH CIC has nothing to do with Edmiston House - yet they submitted the above documentation, stating quite clearly the above in bold. Maybe there's two Edmiston Houses? 

Here is the company set up to do it:


So basically, EH CIC exists within companies house...but it doesn't feature Edmiston House itself - despite what is stated on the submitted paperwork (according to TLT). 

Now the CIC is signed off by James Blair  here (page 46). A RIFC board member, a previous member of RF and now on the board of C1872, all very cosy....but something happened after the formation of the CIC.

The previously asked questions which went unanswered were:

If it doesn't feature Edmiston House, then...

1)  Why call it Edmiston House CIC ?

2)  Why make reference to Edmiston house throughout the incorporation document ?

3)  Why specifically talk about the restoration of Edmiston House ?

4)  Why specifically talk about the jobs the restoration work will create ?

5)  Why specifically talk about the jobs there will be once its been restored ?

6) Why is there only one line on the "surrounding area"

This CIC was about Edmiston House despite protestations otherwise. Having managed to get the gullible to swallow the RF / RST will never merge line, they obviously thought that deflection and denial would work here as well.

People would have far more respect had they held up their hands and said 'this was the original plan, but something happened so it's been shelved' instead of treating people like mugs.

The alternate scenario is that someone lied on the formation documents.

I thought I read that it was only Edmiston House by name and nothing to do with the actual Edmiston House as per this discussion



fux sake  - nobody has any morals anymore with us....  pisses me right off

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15 minutes ago, thebooler said:

Tell me one company that advertises at Ibroxa fullmoon t and has a CIC in place with Companies House.

Maybe Arnold Clark have the SJ Stand CIC because they have an advertisement on it?

Away and fling shite at the moon. ?

I dont even know whatva cic IS so how the feck would I know which companies have them, I will wait until ITs a full moon as I reckon I would have a chance of hitting IT . I have taken lessons from the football dart guys on saturday so all should be good.

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6 minutes ago, Sportingintegritymyarse said:

Good stuff, thanks.

Still no clearer on what the CIC involves, why the secrecy, why further delay (November?), why the discrepancy between the initial application and secondary one as highlighted by Virtuoso above.

Folk just want to know what's going on with it which isn't unreasonable.

The delay was not on our part. The club needs to authorise it and it's simply taken longer than anticipated to line up the ducks in a row due to factors outwith our control. 

The 'secrecy' was part of an agreement that we wouldn't publicly discuss the project until it was released. We try really hard to keep our word on these things .

Edmiston House is a potential option for the funds of the project to go towards but that aspect was just an obvious option not an agreement itself (nor did we try to move the louden there). As long as the excess funds raised go to developing the area around Ibrox to the benefit of the fans then the cic will have fulfilled its objectives

If all goes well the launch will be soon enough and the impact of the project will be obvious imo and you can see what motivated my dad to drive this project and why it's not for £s but for the right reasons. 

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1 minute ago, Louden_Greg said:

The delay was not on our part. The club needs to authorise it and it's simply taken longer than anticipated to line up the ducks in a row due to factors outwith our control. 

The 'secrecy' was part of an agreement that we wouldn't publicly discuss the project until it was released. We try really hard to keep our word on these things .

Edmiston House is a potential option for the funds of the project to go towards but that aspect was just an obvious option not an agreement itself (nor did we try to move the louden there). As long as the excess funds raised go to developing the area around Ibrox to the benefit of the fans then the cic will have fulfilled its objectives

If all goes well the launch will be soon enough and the impact of the project will be obvious imo and you can see what motivated my dad to drive this project and why it's not for £s but for the right reasons. 

so is your Dad's "Q&A" on here still ring true?



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14 minutes ago, thebooler said:

Te hat's imps where mates can leavetssible mate if TLT doesn't continue in its current form. Unless they're going to work for nothing.

Its to be a soft play area mate not a pub IT where mates can put other Loonie  mates during the Games  knowing they wont harm themselves when we score.

I think Greg and his auld mans IDea for care IN the community could get Rab an MBE for his service to sane Rangers fans.

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11 minutes ago, Louden_Greg said:

Booler, there is no suggestion that we are giving up The Louden. 


11 minutes ago, Louden_Greg said:

Booler, there is no suggestion that we are giving up The Louden. 

Welcome back Greg , the threads are pages shorter with out you as a pin cushion.:Banane21:

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8 minutes ago, thebooler said:

Wouldn't they be receiving EH?

If they did you would still be in a position then of owing a building still requiring millions to renovate and upgrade it.If we're going down the road of the club selling the building to the fans group.

Rab Marshall and his son have both admitted they don't have the finance to fund this themselves.

It's also highly doubtful that they would up sticks and move the Louden to EH given the very substantial amount of money they have spent doing the Louden up, Even selling the Louden wouldn't bring anywhere near enough money to finance the renovation and refurb of EH.

EH is a pretty big building based over several floors, There has been numerous figures splashed around about the actual cost of fixing and renovating the building, Unless there are actual plans and quotes for doing the work,Then it would only be guesswork as to costs, Loads of folk reckon anywhere between £1.5m/£2m.

Looking at it another way,One way to vastly reduce the costs would be to renovate a certain percentage of the building,Say a couple of floors and the costs would drop by quite a bit.

The only other way to finance it would be to offer shares to raise the money for it or/and offer a yearly subscription for membership and part ownership,Something that was owned and run by the supporters.

Rab Marshall love him or loathe him seems to be the only one who's interested in doing something with the building,If it's funded,run and being used by the fans and others that can only be a good thing.

EH is as it stands still costing the club money in rates and the longer it stays empty and gets worse the more the costs will increase to fix it up and revamp it,It also has two good size car parks front and rear already in situ.

Let's also remember there are numerous award nights and dinner dances throughout the year and money that the club doesn't see a penny of,Using our own facility's would see the money from all these including bar and food profits would stay with the club/fans and could be invested in revamping more of EH if that was the case.

You have to speculate to accumulate,But in order to speculate you first have to get the finance to do so

A building owned,used and funded by our own fans sounds good in theory, But will take a pretty big investment to do so.

I remember when EH was called Morley's and they had some great nights in there almost always sold out, So would be good to see a modern version for the fans and some great nights once again.

As always money is the biggest factor here.

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1 minute ago, K.A.I said:

Those nights are busy because of loads of factors such as flute bands, loyalist DJ's, collections etc.

There's no way the club would allow that. It would be different types of nights for different audiences IMO. 

The nights would still probably be busy because there's a lot of people who enjoy both but it sounds like my idea of hell going into a night like that and have Alex Rae or John Brown as a guest speaker, penny arcade playing in between speakers, wankers selling LionBrand and Club1872 stuff and whatever else. 

We could ask the Drifters to come back :bow::dance::dance:

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1 minute ago, Rangersfansmediawatch said:

We could ask the Drifters to come back :bow::dance::dance:

My Auntie always talks about that concert. Ceiling dripping with fanny condensation from middle aged woman wanting a black pudding supper. 

Those weren't her words btw. 

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1 minute ago, K.A.I said:

My Auntie always talks about that concert. Ceiling dripping with fanny condensation from middle aged woman wanting a black pudding supper. 

Those weren't her words btw. 

They used to go there quite regular and people loved them and the place was always packed.

In it's heyday it was a great night out,But that was in an era where most people looked forward to a good night out and it was safe to stagger along the road, Loads of people now like to just sit in with a cargo at the weekends.

Really wish they would do something with it as it's been sitting for years and becoming a bit of an eyesore,They should either use it or just sell it.

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