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41 minutes ago, Copland bear said:

If nothing happens regarding this then our club should complain to UEFA.  

Its not for Our Club to sort out mate. 

Its a good article on what is a difficult subject matter. Hard for a neutral not be concerned by the whole sordid affair. Surely there will be some charge levied against that disgusting club. If you know your history indeed.

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The 'excusers' used to mention that BJK only did what was standard in those days i.e kick a paedo up the backside and let him go. What they refused to acknowledge was that Torbett was allowed to return to the Boys' Club after the allegations. A known child molester who was subsequently photographed enjoying the company of Celtic management and directors even after his perversions had been exposed, allowing him access yet again to children. It is astounding that there is so much evidence of a possible paedo ring existing at that club, but little to nothing has legally been done to expose and bring them all to account for their actions. Such is the shroud of secrecy it might even be going on to this day.

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I have said it before that going with what happened to Penn State they are craping themselves because if found guilty it could mean removing titles & cups. And would you believe they stole the big eared cup right in the middle of it.


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"A separate and distinct organisation"

Of the whole child abuse fiasco it's difficult to say which is the most disgusting , the abuse or the cover up which led to more abuse, but for me  the Peter Lawwell Quote is absolutely astonishing .For any victim or parent to carry this burden for years only to hear him utter these words must open up all the wounds again.Lets get this straight, in August 1996 Celtic FC (I'll use their full name on such a serious subject) set up, and received PRAISE for setting up, a hotline for victims of Celtic boys club sexual abuse at a cost of £5,000. Are we to believe they set this hotline up for a "separate and distinct organisation" , my my how wonderful that they continue with their acts of charity .

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59 minutes ago, Tom0411 said:

I have said it before that going with what happened to Penn State they are craping themselves because if found guilty it could mean removing titles & cups. And would you believe they stole the big eared cup right in the middle of it.


This has absolutely NO chance of happening in this Country mate .None 

Zero chance 

Are you not aware what has been going on in these last 20 odd years .Especially in Glasgow 

Apologies to para police beforehand 

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Filth is a very good word for them .... after all the shite this club has covered up since it's inception by wilfred, to this day .... their history is one continual line of denial for their crimes against society.

From bigotry to sympathy for the H*** to  paedophilia ..... it has been denied and deflected in all directions other than theirs ..... filth is something you sweep up and dispose of .... this mob have got the sweeping down to a fine art .... but some filth just cannot be hidden or disposed of .... no matter how hard you try to "sweep" it away.

Scum of the earth ...... :megaanguish:


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