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11 minutes ago, Blue Avenger said:

Well they haven't done so thus far.

MW, a nobody. Pedro, an even bigger nobody. Then we couldn't even attract McInnes and remain without a manager for seven weeks now, so I don't see anything to suggest we can afford a somebody.

Course but my point is that they could easily enough do it if they really wanted to.

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3 hours ago, McEwan's Lager said:

Bang on mate.

There are players out there in those prices still. We should be looking at players in smaller nations that have won league titles or have international caps and you can get players who have both for the price range you are quoting. celtic do it, why can't we?

He's right. The trouble is every once in a while you dig out a gem like Morelos for 1m and then the board think they can do that 11 times over and everyone's happy. Whereas the truth is that most of those players are at those clubs for a reason. I've also seen, time and again, players come to Scotland and excel for a few months then drop their standards and become bang average at best.

The irony is that if Warburton comes in for Tav and Fod at say 2 million each, this board will sell and tell themselves they've done good business because they got them for buttons. As everyone is saying, the problem is they really need to spend 2.5-3 million on two DECENT replacements from DECENT teams. There must be some talent at Wolves or similar we could get for that kind of money?

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1 hour ago, Blue Avenger said:

Well they haven't done so thus far.

MW, a nobody. Pedro, an even bigger nobody. Then we couldn't even attract McInnes and remain without a manager for seven weeks now, so I don't see anything to suggest we can afford a somebody.

Especially Mark Hughes, a fucking dunce of the highest order.

The current going ons at board level maybe a pointer to why there is no new manager and an interesting fact that Pardew was 8th choice for the west brom job would suggest that we have no chance of a notable manager when seven turned down the west brom job.

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The thing is for years both sides of the Old Firm looked down their noses and laughed at the other teams as they were willing to settle for a 3rd best finish in the league as a great season, when we start to accept runners up and nearly did it then we should just give up. Lets not forget the guys we have at the club are earning great money and when I think of them getting paid at the end of the week it makes me sick, what some of these guys get in a week it would take most of use months to earn. 

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6 hours ago, K.A.I said:

It all comes down to finance sadly. 

Murty is a decent manager despite today but without decent investment (I’m sick saying it myself because it gets said a hundred times a day on here even though it’s true) we will always be that sort of team with these players who wins a few games, gets beat a few games and will drift aimlessly between second and fourth depending on form and above all and most importantly nowhere near the taigs.

the players are inconsistent, gutless and not Rangers class but people tend to forget that the team that started today was guys we’ve signed from Hearts, Wigan, Swindon, Cardiff, some mid table Turkish side, Accrington, Helsinki, Sheffield United, Aberdeen with one guy of pedigree in Alves ... then there’s a McCrorie who’s cane through the youth, our bench is a Mexican plucked from obscurity, Barjonas a second rate youngster, Bates a Raith Rovers reject, Alnwick from Port Vale, Nico who came from a third tier team in New York USA, Hodson who we signed from MK Dons and Hardie another youth who’s spent most of his time out on loan to lower league Scottish teams - hopefully reading that wee list the penny might start to drop for some who under-estimate the importance of that 30-50 million King promised us 

the Jamie Walkers of this world for 600k aren’t the answer either that’s just adding to the problem 

Exactly it.

These guys are not bad players, and we could get away with a few starting if we had 6 or 7 players of some quality starting. I mean our last good team had utter dross like Broadfoot   

However it is all about levels, and thats the biggest difference between us and the tarriers. Celtic have goals throughout their team, and guys who at this level can produce something at key moments. If they go out and play well, they are 99% certain to win and even if playing shit still have enough quality to scrape something. For us, playing well doesn't guarantee anything - we can play well and still lose/draw. We don't have enough quality to reliably play poorly and scrape points. Thus results like yesterday are always 1 game away.

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22 minutes ago, Badger said:

Exactly it.

These guys are not bad players, and we could get away with a few starting if we had 6 or 7 players of some quality starting. I mean our last good team had utter dross like Broadfoot   

However it is all about levels, and thats the biggest difference between us and the tarriers. celtic have goals throughout their team, and guys who at this level can produce something at key moments. If they go out and play well, they are 99% certain to win and even if playing shit still have enough quality to scrape something. For us, playing well doesn't guarantee anything - we can play well and still lose/draw. We don't have enough quality to reliably play poorly and scrape points. Thus results like yesterday are always 1 game away.

It would be a start to get just 2 to 3 players of real quality. 

We have average players right now and the recent management merry go round only serves to create an environment where more player churn is required. 

The other mob, regardless of what we think of him, brought in a manager who took what the previous manager had failed to get playing, improved them and added key elements to make the team better. 

There is certainly some ability in our players, they’ve shown it in spurts. Perhaps with some better quality in key places and with the right manager some consistency might develop. 

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8 hours ago, K.A.I said:

It all comes down to finance sadly. 

Murty is a decent manager despite today but without decent investment (I’m sick saying it myself because it gets said a hundred times a day on here even though it’s true) we will always be that sort of team with these players who wins a few games, gets beat a few games and will drift aimlessly between second and fourth depending on form and above all and most importantly nowhere near the taigs.

the players are inconsistent, gutless and not Rangers class but people tend to forget that the team that started today was guys we’ve signed from Hearts, Wigan, Swindon, Cardiff, some mid table Turkish side, Accrington, Helsinki, Sheffield United, Aberdeen with one guy of pedigree in Alves ... then there’s a McCrorie who’s cane through the youth, our bench is a Mexican plucked from obscurity, Barjonas a second rate youngster, Bates a Raith Rovers reject, Alnwick from Port Vale, Nico who came from a third tier team in New York USA, Hodson who we signed from MK Dons and Hardie another youth who’s spent most of his time out on loan to lower league Scottish teams - hopefully reading that wee list the penny might start to drop for some who under-estimate the importance of that 30-50 million King promised us 

the Jamie Walkers of this world for 600k aren’t the answer either that’s just adding to the problem 

Totally agree with this, I would actually go as far to say he is the best manager we have had in the last few year, he appears to be a good man manager and had different tactics for different situations rather than the do plan A better pish Warburton used to spout. The players are letting him down, I think partly due to them not being good enough and partly because I the jersey is too heavy for them and they don't have the must win attitude. In January we need to invest in 2-3 quality players that can lift the whole team not just a walker etc which are little more than squad players in a quality team. If we continue to buy squad player rather than quality players we will win fuck all and are throwing money down the drain

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9 hours ago, KingKirk said:

could a high calibre name sort out the inconsistency. Like a Mark Hughes I agree its mostly down to finance but we have wealthy enough people on the board and if they wanted to they could personally pay for that standard of manager.

like what's happened at scum fc

suppose it'll come down to how much they want to of course

Its not a manager we need, its a psychologist for this mob, they have proven they can win big games but have issues with the so called lesser games, get the mentality sorted and we would be putting real pressure on the scum.

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10 hours ago, KingKirk said:

From top to bottom in our football club ...I get the feeling that as long as what we have been through doesn't darken our door again that will be enough for some.. Were do we see ourselves in 5year? Honestly I haven't a clue. I think behind the scenes some think that to.

I don’t know anyone who doesn’t want us back at the top - however I think there is a range of opinions on how long that will take and how to get there - many seem to think there is some sort of binary switch that can be flicked on and we will be unbeaten again forever - I see it as still another few seasons of incremental changes. We all want the same just differ in our expectations of what it takes to get there 

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The board have made a great many poor decisions. Park put in money aye. They've also put us into debt, indulging Graeme Park's delusions of grandeur with the Pedro experiment. An experiment which has set us back a year or two, possibly more when eventually the debts need to be repaid. We are almost getting to the point where it would be better if they were no longer involved. 

It's llke the credit card / loan shark mentality. Imagine your partner is in charge of finances, but blows money on a lot of shite that you don't need. They sort out a credit card, which short term allows you to keep up spending habits. But it's tieing you in to a more longer term debt at high interest rates. It's not allowing you to invest any savings or pay a mortgage. Longer term you'll be far worse off than if you just accepted you needed to cut your cloth, probably need to ditch the person you're with who's being so reckless with money.

This is where we are at the moment. Everything's short termism and the longer we live like this the longer it's going to be before we're seriously challenging the scum, and having any vague thoughts of doing something in Europe. 

Thats probably why the murty situation is so hard to take. It's the perfect example of the short term thinking of the board. They're near enough on a game to game basis deciding how the team is to be managed. He gets a few good results that'll keep the fans happy? Great, let's keep him in as long as we can. What way is that to run any football club? Never mind the famous Rangers! 

TL;DR anyone with any faith in the board will have to wake up sooner or later. 

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10 hours ago, Prso's headband said:

It’s enough for some and it’s slowly creeping into a lot of peoples minds. 

“Get behind the fucking team, remember where we were”. I’ve had that flung at me twice this season already, Hamilton at home and Killie. 

Aye no bother ma man I’ll get behind that team of average couldn’t give a fuck about my club players. I probably give around 1.5k a season just in tickets and I want a team that fucking fights first and foremost 

Pick 11 of us, we might get beat but I can guarantee you we all walk off that pitch with the jersey a different colour covered in sweat, whilst not giving a fuck about the money we’ve made that week. 

Why would any player care about a team who's support abuses him every day on forums and boos him every time he touches the ball ???

The players will move on, earn a shit load of money and forget all about Rangers, while supporters like you are stuck here, becoming more bitter by the minute while you moan about 'the good old days' 

One thing is for sure, they players will not improve under the abuse they take at thier own home ground! 

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5 minutes ago, Davhow said:

Why would any player care about a team who's support abuses him every day on forums and boos him every time he touches the ball ???

The players will move on, earn a shit load of money and forget all about Rangers, while supporters like you are stuck here, becoming more bitter by the minute while you moan about 'the good old days' 

One thing is for sure, they players will not improve under the abuse they take at thier own home ground! 

Where do you start with this shite............

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24 minutes ago, Davhow said:

Why would any player care about a team who's support abuses him every day on forums and boos him every time he touches the ball ???

The players will move on, earn a shit load of money and forget all about Rangers, while supporters like you are stuck here, becoming more bitter by the minute while you moan about 'the good old days' 

One thing is for sure, they players will not improve under the abuse they take at thier own home ground! 

Aye am sure Josh Windass takes the time to read RM ya fucking spastic. 

If they can’t take  a couple of boos or “you’re fucking shite” they shouldn’t be playing professional football never mind at Rangers FC. 

You epitomise the exact problem that’s present within the support. You don’t give a flying fuck about the results because you’re staunch as fuck and remember where we were, what a hero. 


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Also I’m a paying customer, I contribute to these special snowflakes wages, I’ll say and do wtf a want, just like the players seem to do every week. 

You make out like I just sit in the stands, booing and hissing for the 90 minutes ya fucking space cadet. I’ve missed something like 7 games over the past 6 years, watched us throw away leads to Alloa and the likes, having grew up watching us win trophies in the face of adversity, with a bit of blood, guts and thunder. If they imposters gave half of my commitment and thousands of others we’d be in a much better place and they absolutely deserve the flak that comes their way when they can turn it on twice against Aberdeen then Hibs and wilt like a dead flower against the most inconsistent team in the league

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11 hours ago, Davhow said:

Why would any player care about a team who's support abuses him every day on forums and boos him every time he touches the ball ???

The players will move on, earn a shit load of money and forget all about Rangers, while supporters like you are stuck here, becoming more bitter by the minute while you moan about 'the good old days' 

One thing is for sure, they players will not improve under the abuse they take at thier own home ground! 

So you think a bit of TLC is what is needed. Come over here son and cry on my shoulder, don't worry about those bad supporters. After all they are only the ones who have poured millions of pounds into this club over the years. Some of them have ridiculously unrealistic expectations of you. They want you to put in a real shift every game, you know 100% what a quaint idea.

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22 hours ago, KingKirk said:

From top to bottom in our football club ...I get the feeling that as long as what we have been through doesn't darken our door again that will be enough for some.. Were do we see ourselves in 5year? Honestly I haven't a clue. I think behind the scenes some think that to.

What was the point in going through all that to just become a pale imitation of what we once were? none we absolutely need to get back to ruling this cesspit of a country or its all been for fuck all and might aswell not have bothered.

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12 hours ago, Davhow said:

Why would any player care about a team who's support abuses him every day on forums and boos him every time he touches the ball ???

The players will move on, earn a shit load of money and forget all about Rangers, while supporters like you are stuck here, becoming more bitter by the minute while you moan about 'the good old days' 

One thing is for sure, they players will not improve under the abuse they take at thier own home ground! 

Another cunt with 156 posts in 5 and a half year! 

fuck it :taig:


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We made an absolute cunt of it in division 3 tbh and we're still paying the price,we should've been signing up and coming youngsters and playing them alongside the best of our own youths,letting them develop get plenty first team football then they would make up the nucleus of our squad,supplement that with players of a bit more quality in key positions and we'd be in far better place today,still pisses me off we didn't sign Andy Robertson fucking ridiculous he'd easily be our best player now:megaanguish:

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23 hours ago, King Jela said:

While I agree that the board are a shambles, we spent close to 10 million in the summer. Looking at the 2 games against the sheep and where we've dropped points at home this season, a few different purchases, deciding to keep a few rather than sell to keep competition for places up and I'd say we've got the makings of a title challenging squad. There's definitely potential there imo, recent form has showed that. 


I thought you had more sense 

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