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An Ill-Judged Use of Slang or a Bigot?


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The SNP are rabid fucking bheasts as you can see from them falling over themselves to have a pop at Rangers and our support in that article.

Yet some 'Rangers fans' still vote for them?

The time has been for quite some time that you need to pick a side here - the SNP and their wee cause or Rangers.

Of course there's people who vote for these guys and still claim to support Rangers but in my eyes they are no supporters of Rangers. If they vote SNP then they have made their decision and it's to our detriment. 

It's us and them. Literally is. Being ignorant to them and their ways is no excuse for any Rangers fan - especially when it's laid out like that in front of their eyes and they still choose to ignore the hatred for us.

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Do the nationalists employ a ‘closed shop’ approach to who they choose for public office?  Do they employ positive discrimination against any Ranger’s fans becoming an MP, MSP or councillor?  Does seem to be a considerable lack of balance for a national party in who they choose as candidates.   

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We all know that the nats are just frustrated jacobite British hating losers who want to re-enact the battle of Culloden where their leader bonnie coward prince Charlie bolted off on his horse. Just like Pie Faced Salmond did when they lost the referendum.

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Also have any of these SNP MP's on their respective Twitters or whatever, came out and slated celtic fans for attacking a Rangers bus in Govan or the personal abuse dished out to Russel Martin? can someone with Twitter ask them why?

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18 minutes ago, K.A.I said:

Also have any of these SNP MP's on their respective Twitters or whatever, came out and slated celtic fans for attacking a Rangers bus in Govan or the personal abuse dished out to Russel Martin? can someone with Twitter ask them why?

They ain’t going to slate a tarrier watering hole they use for publicity shots.

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Good article virtuoso.

The hatred from these people is just insane. It goes beyond football, beyond even politics, but try and bring them up on it and its "just a bit of banter". There is corruption in that party. I've seen it first hand at local level. We need to slowly get people voting against them, turn the tide.

I know we joke about Scotland being a republican cespit, but it is there, it is real and they can spout their hatred with impunity, and their lies. Nazi salute. For Gods sake, apart from being wholly untrue, it is inflammatory and so disrespectful to those who were actually persecuted by such regimes.

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I read the article, and fully agree with the criticism of the individuals talked about from the SNP.

However, the "red hand salute" is embarrassing and I hate our fans using it. I don't care that it pre-dates the Nazi salute by however many years, it's the same fucking movement! Endorsed by Nick Griffin, Jonny Adair and other far right bellends - no thanks.

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37 minutes ago, K.A.I said:

Also have any of these SNP MP's on their respective Twitters or whatever, came out and slated celtic fans for attacking a Rangers bus in Govan or the personal abuse dished out to Russel Martin? can someone with Twitter ask them why?

Sadly no they have not mate and are unlikely ever to do so. Following our public ostracisation and shameful demonisation how many politicians (who I have no time for at the best of times) have stood up and publicly defended or even had anything good to say publicly about Rangers, can’t honestly think of one. Compare that to the other side of the city and they are literally tripping over themselves to be associated with them. Scratching my head how things have came to this but how refreshing would it be to have a mainstream Scottish politician who was not afraid, and dare I say proud to publically defend and be associated with all things Rangers. A rant I know, apologies...

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5 minutes ago, Laudrupsleftfoot said:

I read the article, and fully agree with the criticism of the individuals talked about from the SNP.

However, the "red hand salute" is embarrassing and I hate our fans using it. I don't care that it pre-dates the Nazi salute by however many years, it's the same fucking movement! Endorsed by Nick Griffin, Jonny Adair and other far right bellends - no thanks.



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8 minutes ago, Laudrupsleftfoot said:

I read the article, and fully agree with the criticism of the individuals talked about from the SNP.

However, the "red hand salute" is embarrassing and I hate our fans using it. I don't care that it pre-dates the Nazi salute by however many years, it's the same fucking movement! Endorsed by Nick Griffin, Jonny Adair and other far right bellends - no thanks.

Your a fucking bellend

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3 minutes ago, K.A.I said:

Your a fucking bellend

I grew up in a unionist/loyalist area. My father is, and my grandfather, great grandfather etc. was, in the orange order. I went to the bonfires and on as many orange walks as I can remember as a kid.

Not once did I see this red hand salute be used to represent my community or people. 

To the world it's a fascist salute. For fuck sake Peter Robinson or someone similar said as such when those soldiers were accused of making Nazi salutes a few years back.


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4 minutes ago, sandyinroyalblue said:

Partick Harvie just about sums up everything I hate about the Protestant/Unionist hating scum in that shithole the Scottish Parliament.

Lapdog to the Nat's. Quick to jump on the "I'm offended" bandwagon without actually learning about what's supposedly offended him

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1 minute ago, Negri's lovechild said:

Lapdog to the Nat's. Quick to jump on the "I'm offended" bandwagon without actually learning about what's supposedly offended him

Aye he keeps voting through Sturgeon's budgets despite the SNP's support for a third runway at Heathrow,a Green politician?:huh:

Horrible little Nationalist bastard.


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1 minute ago, sandyinroyalblue said:

Aye he keeps voting through Sturgeon's budgets despite the SNP's support for a third runway at Heathrow,a Green politician?:huh:

Horrible little Nationalist bastard.


He is Sturgeon's lapdog who will say and do anything to promote the separatist agenda. As you say he helps pass the SNP Budget and cuts. He claims he got more money for Councils but sneakily doesn't say he voted for reduced Council cuts. Another con artist 

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Never really one for criticising fellow Bears  for what they do at the ballot box but there has been such a shift in rhetoric from these parties that voting SNP or Green to me now is tantamount to betraying all we as a support stand for.They never liked us before but now publicly condemn us at every opportunity with their faux outrage and slander.Numerous examples of their leanings and previous posts/photos praising and condoning terrorist/republican behaviour are available for all to see but still elements of our support put a cross against their names.Its not even like they actually have a clue how to run the country except into the ground.With such a concerted effort from all sides to make our support seem toxic it’s time to rally round and start to regain control.By boycotting main stream media we are making a start and by voting against these parties that will be another step in the right direction.In Scotland at this time no self respecting Bear should even consider placing their votes in a Green or SNP box.If they do then shame on every fucking one of them.

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It's funny the condemnation directed at the Union Bears for their March to the ground when the breen grigade have held marches in the east of Glasgow and caused far more trouble with not one word coming from the cunts in the snp.

I'd like to see them lined up against a wall and shot, bring back the death penalty for treason.

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