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Toxic King

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King, Murray and the rest of the board have never been interested in making us a successful team again. Rangers men with the club's best interests at heart,,, got to laugh at the cunts who kept spouting that pish when the realty is they only wanted cheap shares and then, when they've got them safely tucked away, pass the onus onto someone else to bring some success and raise their value.

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55 minutes ago, The Godfather said:

If we want our club back to what it should be and not some joke figure amongst tims then we need to get serious.

Allowing these cancerous wankers to appoint a novice after multiple pumpings and disastrous recruitment is the final nail in the coffin. What is Steven Gerrard going to change? He has fuck all expirence, he isn't even a punt it's more like a shut your eyes and point at a name job.

please don't batter on about this 20 million investment either as it's a complete red neck and we all know we don't have 2 Bob to our name so save the pish.

Chase King and co out ASAP or we will be a nothing club as our weans grow up.

I really do not know where we go now ( well aside from 4th).  We had to get shot of the bus men Lambias and in my view Cashley but whilst Park is definitely of good stock and is wealthy there are questions about King.  So I agree time for change my only concern is to whom as we’ve had one dodgy bunch after another. 

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It’s ok Bears, when the scum lift their 10th title remember what our great leader said


They won’t have won 10 because they can’t count the years we weren’t in it.

So we still have plenty of time in Dave’s world however the record books will tell a different story.

Since we have been in it we’ve had some of the worst defeats in our history to them.

Thank you Mr King.


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What're the chances of being fan-owned with a chairman elected through voting? Just to get that scum of a board out for the time being. We'd most likely have little to no investment but at least we'd have a fucking say in the big decisions.

Probably wouldn't help a fucking thing though. Pretty much grasping at anything that would mean that lot fucking off. 

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1 hour ago, Burnbank Derry said:

Houston, Graham and Dingwall will be planning the protest at Ibrox next week! Aye right they are probably making sure there club blazers and ties are ready. Fkn parasites.

I don’t really honestly understand that in what way are they involved with the board? I know they supported King & Co against the previous regime but surely 99% wanted nothing to do with the bus owners Lambias and Cashley?  Park is a real Ranger I guess King is but has a murky background is there someone else we could get behind to mount a takeover bid? 

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5 hours ago, Siam69 said:

Gerrard, if true, has another potential disaster appointment by the board written all over it.

I supported them to get rid of the previous cunts that were in charge, I still believe that was the right thing to do.

I've also been calling out King and the current Board for their ineptitude for quite some time. 

You and your compadres are complicit in giving  these frauds control.

They are the worst cancer within our club in its entire history. We have become a laughing stock and so toxic we might never recover from this place they have dragged us down to.

You were all warned many many times of what to expect under these fakes and potless frauds.

In my book, that makes you as guilty as this board, their hired hands and every other rat faced fucker who was so easily fooled by king and his lies.

Regardless of your claim, you are still often on here taking a defensive stance behind the board at times, and trying to tag other good Bears who speak against them as taigs.


Again, although your pal Real Banger has had the  good sense to stay the fuck away these days, its still so fuckin sickening to see certain posters, you included,  still arguing and showing a complete lack of humility as they continue to troll those who speak loudest against King.

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5 hours ago, MattyBlue said:

Spot on, I came round with the Gerrard thing and bought into it but today has clearly shown that its probably not a step in the right direction.


If the investment in serious a good part of it should be spent trying to buy a proper decent manager we want out of his contract at another club as clearly there arent many outstanding free agent appointments.

Then that manager needs backing with the right money.


But reality is.... Dave King

Agree. Throw more of that transfer “war chest” into getting someone with vast experience who will take no shit and make us a team to fear.

Gerrard is going to be a disaster

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5 minutes ago, BloodRunsBlue said:

You and your compadres are complicit in giving  these frauds control.

They are the worst cancer within our club in its entire history. We have become a laughing stock and so toxic we might never recover from this place they have dragged us down to.

You were all warned many many times of what to expect under these fakes and potless frauds.

In my book, that makes you as guilty as this board, their hired hands and every other rat faced fucker who was so easily fooled by king and his lies.

Regardless of your claim, you are still often on here taking a defensive stance behind the board at times, and trying to tag other good Bears who speak against them as taigs.


Again, although your pal Real Banger has had the  good sense to stay the fuck away these days, its still so fuckin sickening to see certain posters, you included,  still arguing and showing a complete lack of humility as they continue to troll those who speak loudest against King.

I couldn't give one single fuck what you think :tu:

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5 hours ago, MattyBlue said:

Spot on, I came round with the Gerrard thing and bought into it but today has clearly shown that its probably not a step in the right direction.


If the investment in serious a good part of it should be spent trying to buy a proper decent manager we want out of his contract at another club as clearly there arent many outstanding free agent appointments.

Then that manager needs backing with the right money.


But reality is.... Dave King

So getting pumped 4-0 in the semi but Gerrard coming you could manage but not after today. 

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5 hours ago, Laudrupsleftfoot said:

I'm not a particularly huge fan of King but for fuck sake it's Murty, Nicholl and every single one of those players that need to take the blame and responsibility for the absolute hiding we're taking today.

Your joking right. 

Tell us who put them in charge and left it the go away on as long. 

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5 hours ago, Laudrupsleftfoot said:

I'm not a particularly huge fan of King but for fuck sake it's Murty, Nicholl and every single one of those players that need to take the blame and responsibility for the absolute hiding we're taking today.

Ordinarily yes, but it's much bigger than that. This is three years in the making and Murty, the boards useful idiot appointed twice no less.


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The fucker is a convicted criminal pause for a second and think about that, he’s not some wee jolly guy who tried to keep a few quid back on his tax return. 

The man who is the face of our great club swindled millions from the tax man, now hate them or loathe them Taxes have to be paid. This man tried to claim he was making 12k a year while living a millionaire’s lifestyle, a man who robbed honest hard working folk of their pensions and left them with no future. 

He is a cunt and the quicker he is gone along with his arse licking lapdogs the better we will be. 

PS. And as it stands today he is in contempt of court, anyone want to tell me the last Rangers chairman in that position?? 

Its not a hard answer. 

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I can't say it's so pleasing to see most are now waking up to what King was and always will be, as most of the damage has been done as we bear witness what we are both on and off the park. 

Can he redeem himself is the question, if the latest speculation is to believed in the large investment coming our way.

IF we can get a title winning team on the park and a sustaible business model, the board would even be spoken about, but do we put up with King in the meantime? If not, how can he be removed?


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5 minutes ago, Deanzmeanzheinz said:

I for one will renew my ST tomorrow for one reason only - the 7500 bears who stood there today and endured more humiliation. 

I salute each and every one of them whether they left at ht or stayed till the end. It's for that one and only single reason that i'm compelled to renew. I know that virtually to a man, woman and child they will all renew and so it's why i must stand by these bears - WATP! 

Stood there, suffered and will hurt for longer than any of those fuckers wearing the strip on the pitch.

That said, I hope the ref is ok after that coin thrown in a tantrum...:hmmm:

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Get him to fuck, charlatan who is not owed fuck all. It was a tax return right off. It’s a business 20m he is owned not a cash deal. Back him and you are a walloper imo. Grow up and understand business deals, man kidding a lot of bears. Fucking joke imo.

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