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Another Article From Rangers Hater Waddell.


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So.. He's concerned about Bheast fan safety when they are pumping us 5-0, AND  hes concerned that we wont like it when we go to the Savilledome with reduced support challemging for the league... 

How the fuck are we gonna be challenging them AND getting humped 5-0 at home?.. Which is it you hate-filled scrotum? 

Those pesky FALKIRK fans eh?.. What are they like? 

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18 hours ago, BridgeIsBlue said:

Stopped reading when he mentions the safety of selik fans. 

Conveniently forgets young bears being hit with glass bottles and nearly having permanent hearing loss after them chucking flashbangs into our supporters. 

Pubs and supporters buses constantly attacked after games, and we've to worry about the safety of their manky inbred fans? 

Off ye fuck. 


Stopped reading when it mentioned Waddell.

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As ever annoying..like being dive bombed by a fly Waddell is an irrelevant mess and the classic example of why this rhag is dying on its arse due its blatant  celtic driven agenda.

You play with feathers Mr Waddell....you get yer arse tickled.

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41 minutes ago, gmcf said:

A better piece on the same subject . Just shows how , depending on who writes it , can take whatever  angle that suits their purposes . 

That’s because they are both opinion pieces. Whether folk like it or not, stuff like Waddell and Jackson’s columns are nothing more than opinion pieces (just like my blog in the record) as is Chris Jacks that you posted. 

Never understood why folk get so bothered about opinion columns. 

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1 minute ago, The Dude said:

That’s because they are both opinion pieces. Whether folk like it or not, stuff like Waddell and Jackson’s columns are nothing more than opinion pieces (just like my blog in the record) as is Chris Jacks that you posted. 

Never understood why folk get so bothered about opinion columns. 

I get that , but each columnist will have their own prejudice . I think , as time has gone by ,opinion pieces have become more extreme , certainly compared to what they were 20/25 years ago . 

I remember Ian Archer being insulted at the English media calling Scots reporters ' fans with typewriters ' . I didn't really understand that at the time  . . . . . . . I do now. 

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8 minutes ago, gmcf said:

I get that , but each columnist will have their own prejudice . I think , as time has gone by ,opinion pieces have become more extreme , certainly compared to what they were 20/25 years ago . 

I remember Ian Archer being insulted at the English media calling Scots reporters ' fans with typewriters ' . I didn't really understand that at the time  . . . . . . . I do now. 

They've become more extreme because people don't tend to read middle-of-the-road stuff. As much as we all go on about how we'd love balanced, impartial press I can quite honestly say that - commercially - it doesn't work, unless you're the BBC and don't need to worry about funding.

A wee example: I think everyone knows Ibrox Noise is a load of garbage BUT because the way they present their articles they are consistently amongst the most-read Rangers content on NewsNow everyday. It's not because it's well-rounded, considered content but it's sensational as fuck (and often based in fantasy).

The English media are just as bad. I work for an English company and they don't have a scooby about anything that's not the all-powerful PL. I had one of my colleagues tell me that "Rangers will be great for Gerrard to cut his teeth and get some experience before returning to England. He won't win the title but you guys must surely have accepted that he wont already".

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On 27 May 2018 at 10:16, minstral said:

That will be the “building bridges” phase of Rangers’ return to football civilisationover then, eh? 

So much for the promised reintegration and reconciliation.

They’re back on the front foot, on the offensive, playing to the gallery the only way they know how – and it’s a pretty unedifying sight.

The question is, though, how naive do you have to be to buy this week’s smoke-and-mirrors operation?

The answer, it appears from the reaction, is “Just the right amount…”

On the surface, the sentiment of making sure their own supporters come first is laudable. 

But this isn’t really about that. Nor is it really about the Old Firm game.

It’s about money and how they can get their hands on more of it now. 

In a week where they’ve been totally embarrassed by a false-flag pursuit of Martin Skrtel, a player they could never afford but courted anyway, then claimed they hadn’t to save face, it’s clear they need cash and in a hurry.

By cutting celtic’s allocation from 8,000 to 800, they lose out on 7200 x £50, twice a season, a decent lift when the up-front fans’ dough has long gone.

However, if they think they can sell 5000 more season tickets in that stand by riding the Steven Gerrard tsunami, bringing in a couple of million quid now, it makes financial sense for them in the short term, especially if they don’t have any other sources of instant funding to get their new boss what he wants.

What about the long-term consequences though? 

Three things worth contemplating about their decision. Firstly, we’re constantly being told their derby is the single biggest selling point we have when it comes to global perception and TV deals. So what does destroying the fabric of it do to it as a Scottish football asset?

My colleagues in the Daily Record were debating it on Friday and one made the point that El Clasico survives just fine without away fans.

Of course it does because it’s one of the best games in the world. They could play it in a swamp and it would still be one of the best games in the world because they have 22 of the best players in the world.

Rangers and celtic have none of the best players in the world. The game’s notoriety, its infamy, its legend, is built entirely on its blood-curdling mayhem. Take that away and what are you left with? 

Part two of it is the hypocrisy. It’s barely five weeks since Rangers were spluttering with more Statement-based indignation at Hibs cutting their allocation at Easter Road.

“First and foremost Rangers hopes the safety of our fans, who will now be in only one section of the South Stand rather than filling it completely, will not be compromised by this decision, which beggars belief.”

So what about the safety of celtic fans in that little Trivial Pursuit-sized wedge of Ibrox between the Broomloan and the Sandy Jardine stands?

It’s an unpleasant enough experience in there as a Falkirk fan or one of any other diddy club, without the 10x magnification of hostilities their rivals bring out.

Can’t imagine the police will be thrilled at the idea of escorting 800 sandwiched-in celtic supporters at the start and end of a 5-0 pumping.

And the third thing is the tit for tat. They’ll say they don’t care but what if they’re bang in contention and suddenly have to go celtic Park to win the league? You think Rangers fans will think it’s a great decision then?

It’s disappointing celtic responded in kind but they were damned if they did and damned if they didn’t – and the “didn’t” bit would have come from their own fans, a PR hit they maybe rightly weren’t prepared to take. They can live the rest of us seeing it as petty and small-minded.

In amongst all that nonsense, you’ve also got the Gary Hughes debacle with the SFA. 

The Record broke the story in midweek that 12 years ago, in a trade publication when the self-confessed celtic-supporter and now-SFA board member was in the publishing business, he referred to Rangers fans as “the great unwashed”. 

The club’s indignation was Statement manna from heaven, demanding suspensions and enquiries into the man they’ve always suspected deep down was a Peter Lawwell place-man, despite the need for his independence as a non-executive director, there to hold all the vested interests of the others in check.

Another two things here – one, spare me the faux outrage over the language used.

For two clubs who sit around in glass houses lobbing boulders, in the grand Old Firm lexicon, calling rival fans “the great unwashed” is as close to clean football banter as the pair of them ever get in their vile world of sectarian poison.

Two, though, is where they have him over a barrel and the SFA will ultimately be left with no choice. It’s not that Hughes isn’t allowed a past – and God knows this is far enough back in it – or to support a team but they’ll be trotting this out every time there’s a decision goes a way they don’t like and claiming it’s tainted by the presence of “an enemy of the club”. 

If his independence is compromised then so is his role.

None of this is winning Rangers any friends, nor do they or their PR operation care.

The diplomacy of two years ago, of Stewart Robertson and Paul Murray talking fence-mending and contrition as their journey neared completion is gone, replaced by Trump-esque bluster and confrontation.

You’d think they’d learn at some point that the only statement they really need to make is to build a winning team. Anything else is just noise.

A piece of unadulterated journalistic pish, written by a hater for haters. Of the breed that blames child rape on the victims.

Those pish stained bastards have the fear and come the end of next season, their worst nightmare will have been realised.

I will fully celebrate their mass suicide. Pardon the pun.


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On 27/05/2018 at 17:26, BLUEDIGNITY said:

He's living proof that the snp's education policy of dumbing down the electorate works for some and there's so many examples of it in Scotland, take somewhere in the 'shaws as another example . . . ?


Whilst in Kilwinning...



:megaanguish: :megaanguish:


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7 hours ago, The Dude said:

They've become more extreme because people don't tend to read middle-of-the-road stuff. As much as we all go on about how we'd love balanced, impartial press I can quite honestly say that - commercially - it doesn't work, unless you're the BBC and don't need to worry about funding.

A wee example: I think everyone knows Ibrox Noise is a load of garbage BUT because the way they present their articles they are consistently amongst the most-read Rangers content on NewsNow everyday. It's not because it's well-rounded, considered content but it's sensational as fuck (and often based in fantasy).

The English media are just as bad. I work for an English company and they don't have a scooby about anything that's not the all-powerful PL. I had one of my colleagues tell me that "Rangers will be great for Gerrard to cut his teeth and get some experience before returning to England. He won't win the title but you guys must surely have accepted that he wont already".

I can understand that about the English media , though that was a pathetic and ignorant thing to say , but in the days I did read the papers we would have very little , if any , about English football so it's understandable the EPL is all they talk about . Are they as critical and negative about particular teams as our press are up here ? I really don't know . 

The thing with the Ibrox Noise ( I haven't really read them unless it's on here ) and you yourself , is that it is directed at a target audience and everyone should understand and allow for that , but mainstream press is supposed to be impartial and yet even before you read an article you just know where it's headed  going by who wrote it . Now ,  I could be doing them a disservice because I only read what comes on in here , but I doubt that , going by the regularity by the same columnists . 

Its a shame , if , as you say , they are going down that route for commercial reasons . In fact it's pretty scandalous really , that decisions are made to deliberately take a certain angle ( or pick a team ) to appeal to what suits their circulation figures . Whatever happened to the integrity of fair reporting ? Again , the phrase ' fans with typewriters ' comes to mind . 

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