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Fannies with Flares


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As everyone who was at Hampdump today no doubt saw a crackpot lit a flare then proceeded to throw it at the pitch.  It fell short and effectively hit a cameraman.  The wee fannie then ran across from the area he was in to the row behind me and shouted to his mate who was directly behind me "I hit a f*ckin cameraman"  His mate told him he was a clown and they almost started fighting when a female steward intervened and wanted to lift the innocent guy.  A number of us protested so she gave up but the wee fannie who was that brave he kept his scarf around his mouth was let off to return to his mates and big it up.

I love the atmosphere they create but they are now getting out of hand and do these idiots realise or even care about the potential damage they are doing to our club, they need to start behaving like adults.


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Just not on. 

No excuse it landed on the track. Just imagine this happens at the League Cup final and a flare actually hits someone on the track. The poor guy on the track  might be wearing a Puffa jacket to keep out the December cold. Those jackets are highly flammable and the flare could  ignite the jacket in to an instant ball of fire, all the time being broadcast on national and worldwide TV ? 

I'm sure none of our fans would want to see that.  





























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5 minutes ago, Scottywellhousetb said:

Not the point, I was right next to it and it's the actions of a fucking idiot, I'm not that bothered about flares and smoke tbh but it was fucking stupid, needless and pointless. 

Of course the boy’s a bit of a dick but there’s no need to make it sound worse than it is.

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50 minutes ago, BallochBear said:

As everyone who was at Hampdump today no doubt saw a crackpot lit a flare then proceeded to throw it at the pitch.  It fell short and effectively hit a cameraman.  The wee fannie then ran across from the area he was in to the row behind me and shouted to his mate who was directly behind me "I hit a f*ckin cameraman"  His mate told him he was a clown and they almost started fighting when a female steward intervened and wanted to lift the innocent guy.  A number of us protested so she gave up but the wee fannie who was that brave he kept his scarf around his mouth was let off to return to his mates and big it up.

I love the atmosphere they create but they are now getting out of hand and do these idiots realise or even care about the potential damage they are doing to our club, they need to start behaving like adults.


How come these wee wanks get tickets? I dont think ive seen a flare at a league game.

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55 minutes ago, ForeverAndEver said:

He never hit anybody.


38 minutes ago, ForeverAndEver said:

Of course the boy’s a bit of a dick but there’s no need to make it sound worse than it is.


1 minute ago, ForeverAndEver said:

The same way everybody else does

I was starting to think it might have been you who threw it then read that he had ran to another row, you're off the hook because there's no way you'd be running anywhere fatty. 

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4 minutes ago, Scottywellhousetb said:



I was starting to think it might have been you who threw it then read that he had ran to another row, you're off the hook because there's no way you'd be running anywhere fatty. 

Maybe one exception...






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On a different subject, there was a big tall lad totally pushed staggering about the upper stand, we were in the second row, and every time he walked past I am sure he was going to go flying over the edge. Fuck knows what he was doing, doubt he does either, then he just sat on the stairway.

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