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Best and worst Rangers books?

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Which Rangers books do you read again and again - and which do you wish you hadn't bothered with?


Best - I'll start with 2; a) Rangers Player by Player - great info on lots of individuals, though you have to remember it's one person's opinion b) Rangers - The Complete Record. It only goes up to 2005, but lists every team, every goal, every everything along with some great historical stuff. Would be great to see an updated version.

Worst - "Doddie" - little else in it apart from rhyming out scores and scorers season after season. Instantly forgettable for me, but others may have a different opinion?

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3 hours ago, East Enclosure Row N said:

Which Rangers books do you read again and again - and which do you wish you hadn't bothered with?


Best - I'll start with 2; a) Rangers Player by Player - great info on lots of individuals, though you have to remember it's one person's opinion b) Rangers - The Complete Record. It only goes up to 2005, but lists every team, every goal, every everything along with some great historical stuff. Would be great to see an updated version.

Worst - "Doddie" - little else in it apart from rhyming out scores and scorers season after season. Instantly forgettable for me, but others may have a different opinion?

Ive read Barry Fergusons-Joey Bartons-David Weirs. Still need to read Arthur Numans I've read Gerrards book that counts rite ! 🙂 I need to read Negris 

The Rangers player by player was wonderful. 

ive got a few more from years back I read can't remember now. 


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Read Goram's which was really good, Barry Ferguson's was decent. Derek Ferguson's was a bit moany in a Barry-did-better-than-me-but-I'm-definitely-not-bitter-although-I'm-going-to-allude-to-it-constantly sort of way

Currently reading Gazza's pretty great so far. Can't wait for it to get to his Rangers career

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Don't know about the best, theres a few really good ones. Ive got a few of those mentioned. The worst though was a novel by a bloke called alan bissett.  pack people or something it was called.Its a fictionalised account of a group of Rangers fans from Falkirk who go to the UEFA cup final. Needless to say it invokes every known stereotype of Rangers fans , bigotry, racism, thick etc etc . Pure pish. I think the author claims to be a fan as well, also think he was/is quite big in the"yes movement"

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On 04/12/2019 at 18:04, Blueshoff said:

What was that Thai bear one? 

Trainspotting but with Rangers? 


“When they landed they all turned their phones on. “I never turn mine off. It’s a pile of shite. How can a mobile phone make a plane crash” said Bob Malcolm. Alex McCleish came into his convo “How can you be so irresponsible Robert. I’m the same sometimes just keep quiet about it” he said sarcastically. Jabbar came in with his own joke “If anyone is gonna blow a plane up it will be me” he said. He got a few smiles but felt insecure immediately after. He got a text.”

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6 minutes ago, Ger_onimo said:


“When they landed they all turned their phones on. “I never turn mine off. It’s a pile of shite. How can a mobile phone make a plane crash” said Bob Malcolm. Alex McCleish came into his convo “How can you be so irresponsible Robert. I’m the same sometimes just keep quiet about it” he said sarcastically. Jabbar came in with his own joke “If anyone is gonna blow a plane up it will be me” he said. He got a few smiles but felt insecure immediately after. He got a text.”


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49 minutes ago, Ger_onimo said:


“When they landed they all turned their phones on. “I never turn mine off. It’s a pile of shite. How can a mobile phone make a plane crash” said Bob Malcolm. Alex McCleish came into his convo “How can you be so irresponsible Robert. I’m the same sometimes just keep quiet about it” he said sarcastically. Jabbar came in with his own joke “If anyone is gonna blow a plane up it will be me” he said. He got a few smiles but felt insecure immediately after. He got a text.”

Bob Malcolm, who we carpeted rightly for putting FTP on autographs, then moans to the press a few years later than he was sick of the religious bigotry in Glasgow. Not the brightest lad.

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On 04/12/2019 at 18:58, lewisrfc93 said:

Read souness' book not long ago, cracking read I must say.

Amoruso's was poor though.

I thought amo's was quite good in its description of the advocaat era. It was also the first explanation regarding what happened with negri. 

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56 minutes ago, Gman36 said:

Rangers the new era book, I'm intrigued. What's in it? 


2 minutes ago, siddiqi_drinker said:

History of Rangers and all the stats up to 1965 Some great old photos and really well laid out.  IIRC cost 10 shillings at the time, still have my copy.

I have it was well, my Grandad's brother bought it for me many, many years ago. My Grandad was from Glasgow, his brother still lived there at that time.

Yea, it's very factual, stats and stuff, but as you say, well laid out, interesting, not all just data stuff. 

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