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Them's the breaks, eh?

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22 minutes ago, 6superbarry6 said:

Tbh I agree that Aberdeen should be playing these games, we need to get this season finished and 3 postponed games already at this stage would be a nightmare, the players are missing due to their own stupidity so Aberdeen need to take their medicine, just a coincidence they are due to play the taigs but let’s be honest it would’ve made fuck all difference anyway. 

Just wondering what precedent it sets though.

Do they want to play or are they being forced to?  Is the fact its their own doing relevant or would it not matter either if they weren't at fault?

As much as I don't give a fuck about the sheep I think its right we know more about the background to why this division has been made. Next time it could be us involved, our main rivals already are to their benefit in facing a depleted opponent.

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4 minutes ago, SeparateEntityMyArse said:

Just wondering what precedent it sets though.

Do they want to play or are they being forced to?  Is the fact its their own doing relevant or would it not matter either if they weren't at fault?

As much as I don't give a fuck about the sheep I think its right we know more about the background to why this division has been made. Next time it could be us involved, our main rivals already are to their benefit in facing a depleted opponent.

Can’t imagine Aberdeen will want to be playing with 8 players missing so they’re probably being told to, which is right if players have broken protocol imo, would be different if no rules had been broken though. 

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The fact that the scum are pretty much guaranteed three points every time they play Aberdeen is completely irrelevant.

Similarly, the stupidity of the Aberdeen players isn’t the point either. Their club will discipline them, as they should.

If fixtures can be cancelled because an ex-player has died, then there has to be scope to recognise the impact of a global pandemic and the fact that forcing a team to complete three fixtures with most of their first team unavailable brings the competition into disrepute.

It is as if the people running our game are actively looking for ways to make football in this country a laughing stock.

The only absolute certainty is that, had they been scum players, these games would not be going ahead.

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They’ve set a precedent with this, it doesn’t matter how the Aberdeen players got Covid. If we have eight 1st team players from our team out and we had the cunts the following week the game now must go on. Probably wouldn’t work vice versa with the cunts mind you, this year is fucked already. 

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7 minutes ago, 6superbarry6 said:

Can’t imagine Aberdeen will want to be playing with 8 players missing so they’re probably being told to, which is right if players have broken protocol imo, would be different if no rules had been broken though. 

Maybe. But its just as possible the spfl would insist the show must go on regardless of fault. For me it needs clarification. 

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7 minutes ago, SeparateEntityMyArse said:

Maybe. But its just as possible the spfl would insist the show must go on regardless of fault. For me it needs clarification. 

Guess we won’t find out till if/when it happens, probably us and then will be most at risk when euro football starts with the  added risk of travelling. 

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Honestly have no sympathy for them whatsoever and will affect them more v St.J than it ever would've v tarriers.

It's the players fault that they will be missing 8 of them as they would've been well aware of guidelines given to clubs....will bet your bottom dollar though if one other club had this issue the games would be postponed.

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"The club, literally, got the JRG assessment and decision on the affected players via e-mail 30 minutes before it went public just a few hours ago." - Cormack (sheep chairman)

Certainly sounds like the decision to play the 3 games despite missing 8 first team players is being imposed on them.

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1 minute ago, SeparateEntityMyArse said:

"The club, literally, got the JRG assessment and decision on the affected players via e-mail 30 minutes before it went public just a few hours ago." - Cormack (sheep chairman)

Certainly sounds like the decision to play the 3 games despite missing 8 first team players is being imposed on them.

Precedent has been set now, when the thumb goes on a bender and infects half the tarrier squad I’ll expect parity 

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8 hours ago, British_Empire said:

It will be about 5-0 at Peadophile park regardless of what team Aberdeen puts out.

Unless, of course, Aberdeen need to win to pip Rangers to second place.

In which case they'll win. 1-0 or something. Miracles do happen.

People will think I'm a sad cunt, but I NEVER bet. It's just something I'm not interested in really.

I was abroad when that game was getting played and I put a lot of money on the sheep winning, can't remember if it was 300 or 500 euros.

That's the one bet I've put on and the one bet I won, I was that convinced the taigs would be cunts.

Says a lot of a newbie like me can predict that happening

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15 minutes ago, SeparateEntityMyArse said:

"The club, literally, got the JRG assessment and decision on the affected players via e-mail 30 minutes before it went public just a few hours ago." - Cormack (sheep chairman)

Certainly sounds like the decision to play the 3 games despite missing 8 first team players is being imposed on them.

@The Dude

You heard any snippets on this yet and whether the sheep oppose playing the games?

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Just now, SeparateEntityMyArse said:

@The Dude

You heard any snippets on this yet and whether the sheep oppose playing the games?

They are fuming - although tbh, I've little sympathy for them. Players knowingly breached protocols (with some suggestions senior club staff were very much aware of planned night out) so there's been a really dim view taken of it.

When it was St. Mirren last week, there was an expectation that if any more than one or two were confirmed after second round of tests that the game would be postponed as the club had fully complied with all the guidelines and was therefore outwith their control.  Since Aberdeen's players were out on the piss, it's up the the club to figure out how to deal with the consequences.




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6 hours ago, SPWF said:

How does it defeat the purpose? Surely this vindicates it? Players have been daft enough to go out on Saturday, clearly not been distancing, caught the virus, and it’s been picked up in the test. They then follow the isolation procedure we all have to. 

I mean the six players that haven’t tested positive 

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5 minutes ago, The Dude said:

They are fuming - although tbh, I've little sympathy for them. Players knowingly breached protocols (with some suggestions senior club staff were very much aware of planned night out) so there's been a really dim view taken of it.

When it was St. Mirren last week, there was an expectation that if any more than one or two were confirmed after second round of tests that the game would be postponed as the club had fully complied with all the guidelines and was therefore outwith their control.  Since Aberdeen's players were out on the piss, it's up the the club to figure out how to deal with the consequences.




So it appears its not really a precedent, more of a punishment,  Anything firmed up as a policy re the implications of x no of players  getting quarantined and games cancelled / go ahead?

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8 hours ago, MattyBlue said:

Fair enough but does that not defeat the point of the mandatory twice a week testing? Unless I’m wrong that that’s a thing

No, the testing is in place to catch it if players pick it up without knowing they've been in contact with someone who has it. If the players are in contact with someone who has it, they have to isolate regardless of the club's testing regime.

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It's not exactly a level playing field though if we have teams being fielded with major numbers of first-teamers missing. Goal different can and does have a difference to those at the top, so if clubs are able to clock up cricket scores against weakened teams that's not exactly balanced.


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If you can get a game cancelled because you're feeling a wee bit sad because a player (that used to play with your club, but before your time and you never really knew him anyway) died, then surely you can have a game cancelled when your players are affected by a worldwide pandemic? 

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I've little sympathy for the sheep in general let alone these circumstances, but it does seem against the integrity 🤔 of the game to play it as their punishment rather than some other form of censure.

If we were to be one of the teams they faced I'd take it as an advantage against a typically difficult opponent of ours but wouldn't think it right.

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One game in and we’re creating threads about tarrier conspiracy theories. This is going to be one long season.

its Aberdeen’s fault. Why should the opposition be inconvenienced with a postponement of a game due to the sheep players stupidity.

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