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The Morning After


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Where would you rather be this morning, nursing a sore head in the frozen north of Britain or hiding out in Dubai? 

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28 minutes ago, will2203 said:

Where would you rather be this morning, nursing a sore head in the frozen north of Britain or hiding out in Dubai? 

Just nipped out for a wee walk and I have to say I'd much rather be out in Dubai mate 😂😂😂

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18 minutes ago, tm91 said:

Their hubris is getting to them. They got complacent and now have a nasty shock.

They knew the past decade was only worth anything if they got 10. 9 titles where one season Rangers were in administration, 4 where we were out of the league, and the rest where they had a significant financial advantage - and even then the last one was awarded, not won. Their deepfake decade of dominance is done, and they know it.

I fucking love it. 

The narrative is now changing and they are saying the quad treble is thier great achievement lol. 

No matter how they spin it the tainted 10 is all they cared about.

They know with the advantages they were handed it will be a complete and utter failure.

The car park riot and bus chasing will be nothing compared to the meltdown once it's official. 


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“We NeVeR cArEd AboUt TeN iN a RoW!”

Oh did you aye? That why your entire support were singing songs about your manager being here for it three years ago? 

Lording it up over some of the worst Rangers teams there’s ever been only to crumble like a house of cards as soon as they face a real challenge from a side of comparable ability. They are like the real life version of the shite footballer at school who gives the big I am and looks like a superstar when he’s showing off to people three or four years younger than him only to show that he is actually garbage when he has to play with people his own age.

Their pain is glorious.

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We all knew it would go like this (timplosion) if the likelihood of them winning their tainted 10, or indeed any trophy was impeded; still a long way to go and I won’t consider us winners until it’s done and dusted. 

However, their pain and unravelling is truly glorious. Their demise was inevitable but has come slightly earlier than most of us thought or indeed hoped. Half their team on loan, half their squad wanting to leave or past it. Major rebuild on the cards that will cost millions when there’s no money in the economy and they keep getting papped out Europe early. Glorious, absolutely glorious. 

After last seasons league cup defeat and their shitey win against Hertz 2 weeks ago, I mentioned to one of them they were garbage and the writing was on the wall, I got the response ‘we still won, it’s all about winning’. Somehow that for us is not good enough for them as they should have. Fuck off, it’s all about winning and we won yesterday. GIRFUY. 

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