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Kris Boyd or Fernando Torres

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Fernando Torres would score for fun in the SPL - infact it would be embarrassing watching him take apart every defence and putting the ball in ther back of the net!

Were we not linked with Torres during the Advocaat years, he was recomended by Arteta?

mcleish signed arteta so no idea why arteta would be recommending Torres to advocaat!


Must have been then, he and Torres have been good friends for years. Im sure i can remmeber reading it.

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Exam Question; "Use two words to explain Charlie Adams footballing abilities"


Non existant <--- would be more appropriate.


*leaves a blank space and spits where the answer should be for extra credit*

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WHAT a signing it would be if Rangers could get Fernando Torres from Liverpool.

One of the best footballers in the world at Ibrox.

His touch. His vision. His workrate. All skills the boy has which put him up there with the very best in the business.

But here’s the thing.

Fernando Torres would look the part in a Rangers shirt.

Fernando Torres would bring the supporters off their backsides and to their feet.

Fernando Torres would take the ball on his chest, drop his shoulder and go past SPL defenders like they weren’t even there.

Despite that Torres would still not give the team the one thing Kris Boyd does. And that’s GOALS. Buckets of them.

I’ve said it before in these pages and been laughed at.

But as prolific goalscorers go in the SPL there is no one better than the Rangers No9.

Before the Old Firm game I compared his finishing favourably to the great Henrik Larsson.

That day Boyd nailed me by missing the chance to win the game. Let me down, he did.

But I stand by what I said then and I’ll go even further now.

Honestly, if I was Rangers boss I wouldn’t swap him for the man who wears the same numbered jersey at Anfield.

Where Torres would promise you 35 goals a season Boyd GUARANTEES them. That’s it in a nutshell.

He does the hardest thing in football and he does it consistently. Week in, week out. The argument his critics make is that he doesn’t do it against the top teams in the big games.

His missed THAT chance against Celtic and couldn’t even get a game in Europe last season.



What a dreadful example of mangled English. :no:

I think most would prefer Torres over a fat bloke who can't run or link up play, despite scoring 10 goals against Accies and Caley.

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Anyone who picks Boyd needs their head looked at.

Torres would tear the SPL apart, he'd probably weigh in with about 20 assists and score about 60 goals.

And He'd probably do it all whilst missing half the season with his dodgy hamstring!

Nice to see Hartson has maintained some good sense from his Celtic days...

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John Hartson is actually becoming a bit of a timmy handwringer.

You know, the ones among us who are accused of self hate and pandering to timmy?

He seems to be pandering to us instead.


Don't get me wrong, the guarantee issue is actually kinda true - big stars have failed to shine in Scotland despite their reputations - look at Flo, Graveson...

And he's dead on the nose that the goals against the diddies are the ones which win the league.

But to say, with a straight face, that he would rather have Kris Boyd in his SPL side than maybe the world's best striker?

Words fail me.

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