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  1. Like
    Almacger reacted to MattyBlue in them   
    See if Rangers had any “high profile” fans like Tommy and they released videos like that I would be embarrassed to fuck man
    what an absolute rocket 
  2. Like
    Almacger reacted to BridgeIsBlue in them   
    A convicted liar talking about standards and morals... 

  3. Like
    Almacger reacted to BridgeIsBlue in them   
  4. Like
    Almacger reacted to BlueKnight87 in them   
    I fully agree Lennon knew full well what he was doing yesterday. He's got the track record of shouting conspiracy and agenda. He's the perfect example of the deluded taig. 
    For me it's pretty straightforward now.
    If scum fc sack him shortly, it shows he's crossed the line. 
    If he's still in a job then scum fc are fully behind the shite he came out with.
  5. Like
    Almacger got a reaction from HG5 in them   
    And that speaks volumes for me.  That club are basically endorsing the bile that came out that nasty vermin's mouth. 
  6. Like
    Almacger reacted to sergi1980 in them   
  7. Like
    Almacger reacted to Colin Traive in them   
    If Frank is going round every radio station, does that make him a roamin’ Catholic?

  8. Like
    Almacger reacted to plumbGER in them   
    Frank needs to talk to Frank imo
  9. Like
    Almacger reacted to KingKirk in them   
    Can't believe he's still in a job after yesterday 
  10. Like
    Almacger reacted to the cry was no in them   
    Not going to be a popular view but imo TLB is anything but stupid and is easily the most poisonous and dispicible character ever to taint Scottish football closely followed by his close friend Dr Death Reid
    Yesterday's "meltdown rant" was 100% not spontaneous. There were several targets with clear warnings and threats throughout.
    SFA - don't even think about any citations for the pool/bar photos. We'll raise you a conga and we'll ask for the photos to be authenticated (the line about illegal to take photos in Dubai without permission wasn't random ramblings) Note that the conga was on 12th Nov and Clare the CO resigned on 16th Nov - did she want to cite Scotland players for breaches but was blocked? If anyone will know, her boss Pete the Jap will. Clare has never let them down
    SFA/Government  - Also fuck your protocols and you can tell that to your pals at the government too (I just did and dragged other teams into our issue) and I don't care how hacked off they are, they can pull the plug if they like. They want to look at photos in Dubai and ignore a conga because it's  Scotland and not an Irish/catholic club. This is political and there's an agenda being pushed and we're getting bullied but I don't want to get into political stuff, I'm just leaving it out there. We've already been punished (way too much and out of proportion) and we're not having it.
    SPFL - you clowns haven't even got a sponsor and only have a TV contract because of celtic and Rangers but unless we get an apology from them and their pundit who dared to criticise us then there will be no access to me or my squad and we don't give a fuck what they or you think. Again this is not just random ramblings, the apology is crucial to them becoming the victim and there is no group better at this ploy than Irish catholics,  and no member of this group better versed in this ploy than TLB.
    The fans - this is political, an agenda, we are being held to higher standards and bullied, this is anti celtic, anti catholic, anti Irish. WE ARE THE VICTIMS, I AM THE VICTIM, THERE ALL OUT TO GET US. Already they are squealing about the imagery being used in today's papers to "demonise poor Lenny"
    Whenever they are losing on the pitch you can rest assured the same old cards will come out and fights will be started with everyone and anyone.
    It's the celtic way
  11. Like
    Almacger reacted to SkylineBlue in them   
    The idea of cancelling elite sport in the middle of tighter lockdown restrictions is absolutely fucking mental in relation to people's mental health (celtic fans not included obviously) and a sense of normality.
    This whole conversation has been kicked off by that mob making a cunt of their trip and then a rip roaring cunt of the PR when they've come back because they're arrogant, shameless bastards.
    Here's a mad idea: fucking hammer them and let the rest of us get on with it. 
  12. Like
    Almacger reacted to MisterC in them   
    New thread folks as the old thread had reached it's natural conclusion 
    Carry on....
  13. Like
    Almacger reacted to eejay the dj in Clyde One Super Score Board   
    I know TLB is a crackpot, but he is a clever one . Is he trying to bate the Government here .... Trying to stoke up the controversy , so that the Government actually get involved again . Possibly trying to get the football stopped . It seems wide of the mark at this juncture but this cunts words always seem to cause outrage and major fall outs  . ie the McDonald saga , refs strike and then the Compliance officer introduction 
  14. Like
    Almacger reacted to Canabear in Clyde One Super Score Board   
    celtic went to Dubai for a couple of pints by the pool and they have come back with 2 cases of corona.
  15. Like
    Almacger reacted to Scottywellhousetb in Clyde One Super Score Board   
    Ashamed at nothing, offended by everything, I really despise that appalling excuse for a football club. 
  16. Like
    Almacger reacted to esquire8 in Clyde One Super Score Board   
    Scottish Footballs shame....

  17. Like
    Almacger reacted to keithgersbear in Clyde One Super Score Board   
    If Gerrard said what Lennon said about political agenda he would be brought to task for it. 
  18. Like
    Almacger got a reaction from ayrshireranger in Scottish Football   
    Correct me if I’m wrong, earlier in the first half of the season there were more covid cases and players isolating yet nothing about suspending the leagues?  Now suddenly we have the Scottish game descending into chaos within a very short space of time, following the Scum returning fae Dubai - coincidence?  Please, not for one minute am I saying they have deliberately brought Covid back into the country, that is just fucking nonsense.  However, is the situation now being manipulated to potentially assist a severely wounded animal?
    As a result of all this shit, lower leagues now suspended, no consultation between the football authorities and the clubs affected. A club reporting microphones at an online meeting being muted and not allowed to have their say on the issue.  More and more individuals in the Scottish game & media now eager to talk about player safety, suspending top two leagues.  Null & fucking Void suddenly becoming more of a buzz word in newspapers, tv news programmes, radio phone-ins. Stir up the shit enough and now suddenly the Championship clubs are being asked by the SFA/SPFL if they want to suspend their league matches as one of their member clubs is asking for it - what the fuck!?!?
    As someone who took a boot in the baws from Covid just before the March lockdown last year, I fully appreciate that the Covid crisis is extremely serious for all of us and everyone has to be ultra careful regardless of age or background.  I can understand the logic behind a short league suspension if a large number of Scottish clubs end up with multiple Covid cases and cannot provide squads for fixtures in the coming weeks, but we are nowhere near having that level of disruption in my opinion.  I could maybe understand it happening down in England more than up here.
    A situation is being created here very quickly and with no real justification. It’s just my opinion off course but sadly I think it is definitely beginning to emit a rather large stench.
    Don’t be so quick to pull up fellow Bears for being paranoid and nervous about the authorities trying to fuck us over.  They’ve certainly done it many times over the last 9 years.
    What was it that SFA’s Maxwell said recently regarding the current Covid situation and suspension of the leagues - “nothing is off the table”? Funny that, these fuckers cannot be trusted at all.
    Obviously the priority is winning each game and getting as many points in the bag as possible but our club need to be watching this situation like fuck and be prepared to react rapidly and robustly.
    We need tae have the Battle Fever on and off the pitch.  To all our enemies out there - hope you are hurting like fuck just now.
  19. Like
    Almacger reacted to alibali59 in Clyde One Super Score Board   
    That lot can’t handle how their season is going 1 fucking season and talking about leaving in droves we came right back up from the league’s with our outstanding support and stood by our club and do you know what it is absolutely brilliant seeing them in turmoil and pain long may it continue 
  20. Like
    Almacger got a reaction from Hadron Collider in Scottish Football   
    .....and five names that will be responsible for killing Scottish Football if they try to push through this agenda.  I honestly believe it would end their careers up here if they attempt it.  The utter carnage this would cause is unthinkable and to be quite frank, very dangerous.
  21. Like
    Almacger got a reaction from Hadron Collider in Scottish Football   
    Correct me if I’m wrong, earlier in the first half of the season there were more covid cases and players isolating yet nothing about suspending the leagues?  Now suddenly we have the Scottish game descending into chaos within a very short space of time, following the Scum returning fae Dubai - coincidence?  Please, not for one minute am I saying they have deliberately brought Covid back into the country, that is just fucking nonsense.  However, is the situation now being manipulated to potentially assist a severely wounded animal?
    As a result of all this shit, lower leagues now suspended, no consultation between the football authorities and the clubs affected. A club reporting microphones at an online meeting being muted and not allowed to have their say on the issue.  More and more individuals in the Scottish game & media now eager to talk about player safety, suspending top two leagues.  Null & fucking Void suddenly becoming more of a buzz word in newspapers, tv news programmes, radio phone-ins. Stir up the shit enough and now suddenly the Championship clubs are being asked by the SFA/SPFL if they want to suspend their league matches as one of their member clubs is asking for it - what the fuck!?!?
    As someone who took a boot in the baws from Covid just before the March lockdown last year, I fully appreciate that the Covid crisis is extremely serious for all of us and everyone has to be ultra careful regardless of age or background.  I can understand the logic behind a short league suspension if a large number of Scottish clubs end up with multiple Covid cases and cannot provide squads for fixtures in the coming weeks, but we are nowhere near having that level of disruption in my opinion.  I could maybe understand it happening down in England more than up here.
    A situation is being created here very quickly and with no real justification. It’s just my opinion off course but sadly I think it is definitely beginning to emit a rather large stench.
    Don’t be so quick to pull up fellow Bears for being paranoid and nervous about the authorities trying to fuck us over.  They’ve certainly done it many times over the last 9 years.
    What was it that SFA’s Maxwell said recently regarding the current Covid situation and suspension of the leagues - “nothing is off the table”? Funny that, these fuckers cannot be trusted at all.
    Obviously the priority is winning each game and getting as many points in the bag as possible but our club need to be watching this situation like fuck and be prepared to react rapidly and robustly.
    We need tae have the Battle Fever on and off the pitch.  To all our enemies out there - hope you are hurting like fuck just now.
  22. Like
    Almacger got a reaction from SANDYGER in Scottish Football   
    Correct me if I’m wrong, earlier in the first half of the season there were more covid cases and players isolating yet nothing about suspending the leagues?  Now suddenly we have the Scottish game descending into chaos within a very short space of time, following the Scum returning fae Dubai - coincidence?  Please, not for one minute am I saying they have deliberately brought Covid back into the country, that is just fucking nonsense.  However, is the situation now being manipulated to potentially assist a severely wounded animal?
    As a result of all this shit, lower leagues now suspended, no consultation between the football authorities and the clubs affected. A club reporting microphones at an online meeting being muted and not allowed to have their say on the issue.  More and more individuals in the Scottish game & media now eager to talk about player safety, suspending top two leagues.  Null & fucking Void suddenly becoming more of a buzz word in newspapers, tv news programmes, radio phone-ins. Stir up the shit enough and now suddenly the Championship clubs are being asked by the SFA/SPFL if they want to suspend their league matches as one of their member clubs is asking for it - what the fuck!?!?
    As someone who took a boot in the baws from Covid just before the March lockdown last year, I fully appreciate that the Covid crisis is extremely serious for all of us and everyone has to be ultra careful regardless of age or background.  I can understand the logic behind a short league suspension if a large number of Scottish clubs end up with multiple Covid cases and cannot provide squads for fixtures in the coming weeks, but we are nowhere near having that level of disruption in my opinion.  I could maybe understand it happening down in England more than up here.
    A situation is being created here very quickly and with no real justification. It’s just my opinion off course but sadly I think it is definitely beginning to emit a rather large stench.
    Don’t be so quick to pull up fellow Bears for being paranoid and nervous about the authorities trying to fuck us over.  They’ve certainly done it many times over the last 9 years.
    What was it that SFA’s Maxwell said recently regarding the current Covid situation and suspension of the leagues - “nothing is off the table”? Funny that, these fuckers cannot be trusted at all.
    Obviously the priority is winning each game and getting as many points in the bag as possible but our club need to be watching this situation like fuck and be prepared to react rapidly and robustly.
    We need tae have the Battle Fever on and off the pitch.  To all our enemies out there - hope you are hurting like fuck just now.
  23. Like
    Almacger reacted to STEPPS BOY in Scottish Football   
    Dundees email to be back by Wednesday.
  24. Like
    Almacger reacted to esquire8 in Scottish Football   
    Lawwell, Maxwell, Doncaster, Mulraney, MacArthur.
    5 names that are setting a clear agenda here.
  25. Like
    Almacger reacted to Johnsey in Scottish Football   
    If, in some crazy world, they pushed through a null and void this season there'd be utter carnage. Don't think Scottish football would survive the fallout. 
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