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Everything posted by MurrayWilson

  1. Not contradicting you but a lot of the time it bounces off them cos their first touch is bad. Surely the most basic thing for any footballer is their first touch, unbelievable when you watch players who make a living from the game who don't seem to have that.
  2. This is true, the internet gives a false impression in a lot of cases. A lot of the forums are filled with right on student twats that pretend they like football because they think they should. Arseholes really. If the internet hadn't existed no way would the same feeling have been stoked up against us.
  3. They banned themselves and were happy to do so, the crux of the matter as you rightly point out in your complaint is that they are denying coverage of the club to hundreds of thousands of Rangers supporting license payers. This would be unacceptable anywhwere else in the uk, could you imagine BBC London boycotting Arsenal because Arsenal had banned one particular reporter, a reporter who had been found guilty of bias before and who seemed unable to keep his personal prejudice from interfering with his job as a professional reporter?
  4. Really cant be fucked with Barcelona, they are the team on the continent I most like to see get beat. Doesn't happen nearly enough for my liking, they are a great team but by fuck they are up themselves. There was an advert a couple of year ago where they asked one of their supporters to describe being Barcelona, he looked into the camera in a bent way and said " its about joy" . For fucks sake.
  5. From what I hear atakayi has been playing really well for a couple of year now, ive been a bit surprised hes never been given more of a chance with the first team, certainly seems like what we could've done with out wide. As I say I'm only going on what I hear cos I haven't seen him myself if I'm honest.
  6. I agree, unfortunately most of them don't have it in them. At least we hopefully wont have to suffer some of them for too much longer.They wont survive under him with the attitude they've shown this last 6 weeks.
  7. Both great players, paul scholes was better than both though. In my opinion of course.
  8. What a fuckin embarrassment, he said she said pish that you would expect with teenage girls. If this is how they conduct themselves then who would involved with such an outfit. I'm only a member because I originally joined Rangers First and because I'm a lazy bastard I haven't got round to cancelling yet. This may just give me the spur I need.
  9. Aye, remember him being there also, he went on and had a decent career after being stigmatised as a hot head after the early sending offs with us.
  10. I think we will know one way or the other about investment by whether gerrard takes the job or not. If he does then there surely must be money coming from somewhere, he would have to be insane otherwise, and I don't think he is. If he knocks us back then we will know its the same old pish.
  11. 4th, cant see us winning again this season. Don't really care if I'm being completely honest.
  12. The thing should never have taken place, an embarrassment for all concerned. A lesson learned surely that if we must hold these events then wait till the season has actually ended. Or in the case of this season don't have one at all. A refund to all who had bought tickets would have been appropriate and forget about the whole thing. Fuck me, imagine having Rangers player of the year 2017-2018 on youre mantelpiece.
  13. Well to be fair he was far from pish at west brom, youre right though he is pish at Rangers. And that's all we care about.
  14. Well I came on here a few weeks ago and said pretty much that, after watching that today I have got to hold my hands up and say I mustve been talking out my arse. That today was pretty pathetic. He was one of many in that respect.
  15. Kenny Black went to hearts I'm sure, was part of the team under that nearly won the league under Alex Macdonald and Sandy Jardine. I remember they used to get the west enclosure and half the main stand. I remember also that when the were was an old firm game the reserves would also play each other the same day, so if the first team were at parkhead the reserves would play at Ibrox. I think it was 1985 the game was called off at parkhead so about 15000 headed to the reserve game at Ibrox, the police weren't prepared for the large crowd at a reserves game and their was mayhem at half time in the concourse of the main stand. Same again at full time.
  16. You can only judge by what you see, today he was good, last week he was rotten. The whole team were shocking last week and its gonna take an awful lot for most of us to forgive them for what a pretty cowardly performance. When someone has a good performance, as dorrans did today, then you cant say hes pish just cos he was last week.
  17. Said it before the game, you get some pish talked on here, the man came back after 5 month out and people said hes finished cos of a couple of poor games. He is one of the few we can actually build a team round next season,
  18. Could someone not have advised him that this was clearly not something he should have been doing? What did he think was to be gained from agreeing to do this?
  19. I remember that game well, we were top of the league going into it, pitch invasion and a massive fight outside the broomloan after the game. We were rotten for most of the season after that but as you say it wasn't because of a lack of fight like last week. We even managed a 3 nil against that lot in the November.Even when we had relatively poor teams in the past you could never predict old firm games, hence the cliché. Now we are beat before we start, it was never this bad.
  20. Aberdeen are rank without mclean and shinnie, really wish id taken motherwell on the coupon. A right good price they were, just don't like taking early kick offs, hate it when the coupons fucked before most of them kick off.
  21. Not saying I'm happy about it, as youll have read in my post, what I am saying saying is you need to get some perspective. If not maybe you could enlighten us how we could remedy this" unacceptable" situation.
  22. What I cannot grasp is how some seem to think that being coming 2nd is a totally new experience, yes its not something we should be happy about to but its something that's happened before and will happen again. All this pish about it being "totally unacceptable", for fuck sake get a grip. I grew up supporting the team early 80s, coming 5th and getting Knocked out of the anglo Scottish cup by chesterfield etc etc. Bottom line, if youre a Rangers supportrer youll carry on, if not , well youre not a Rangers supporter.
  23. c. he is a thoroughbred twat
  24. Dorrans first game back after months out, playing out of position and the conclusion people come to on here is that hes pish and a waste of money. Unreal.
  25. What do you hate about their culture? Be careful here when you answer.
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