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Mendes to Sporting CP?


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i take your point on board but i disagree

we make more than enough money playing in scotland, domestic cups and champs league to be in no debt and have an exciting, winning team.

like i say, its too easy blaming lack of tv money

we have turnovers from between 30 - 60 million, thats huge, massive, and yet we have guys filling our squad on 20 k week contributing nothing, thats heavy gross-mismanagement.

were not leaving scotland, were not leaving spl we have to be more clever with the players we bring to our club.

the youth team should supply squad players with the odd gem maybe too, the quality players are the ones we should buy, do you know how many 10's of millions weve wasted on just ordinary squad players??? its a disgrace and someone at the top has to be accountable.

our league doesnt make it harder to qualify for europe, poor coaching and lack of skill and ambition does. the champs league is littered with teams from 3rd world countries, teams who get less tv money than us. its no bother to them.


Don't disagree with most of that mate. The thing is a lot of people still look at Rangers in the same way they did when money wasn't such a huge factor in football and we were competing with the worlds best clubs. I think we have to be realistic that we're never really going to be with the big boys again while we're in the SPL.

I agree that we should be looking to bring through young players but I don't put the blame entirely on the management of the club. The fans are a contributing factor as well. For months last year the fans were hounding Smith because he hadn't played Fleck and then he did and he didn't live up to most people's expectations. I think if we're going to bring youth through we as fans have to learn to be more patient because it will lead to some disappointing results against teams we should be beating.

I do think it makes it harder for us to qualify. If Aberdeen, Hib, Hearts or United had gotten anywhere in Europe in the last 5 years we wouldn't be staring down the barrel of qualifying rounds even if we win the league. I do take your point that teams from Eastern Europe qualify however the same clubs don't qualify for the CL every year, only sporadically. Also, I think the supply of players with natural talent is larger for them, one, because it's a way out for them so more kids will be playing football rather than Xbox's or PS3s like in Scotland, and two, because countries like Poland or Ukraine have much larger populations to draw young talent from than Scotland.

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Selling pedro is a bad idea. I feel he is the only player with any pure quality in our side. Although we havent really missed him while he's been out, i think that if we have to keep putting up with Lee in the midfield we will do shite. It is awful that we have to sell players to give a key player a new contract.

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Why are we looking to sell our best players for buttons?

Every club looks at us and see how badly managed we have been and offer insulting amounts for our players and we roll over and ask them to push in just a bit further..

Someone has to be brought to boot for bringing our great club to this........what a shambles we've become.

Pedro Mendes is a £3m player and nothing less......more if the Beggars really believe McDonald is worth £4m

I agree with that bit, however, at the same time, people still keep viewing Mendes as an AM, which he isnt, and, bringing him back will probably see Davis being moved out wide again, which, isnt what we need at all. I have been critical of him because of his inconsistency, however, lately he is performing like the player we know he is, and, as such, contributes more to games than Mendes had been, so, mendes is no great loss. We have Thomson and Edu, and Big Lee in the holding role, and, we all know that Mendes wouldnt be given that role anyway! Much in the same way Hemdani was, he is expendable

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i take your point on board but i disagree

we make more than enough money playing in scotland, domestic cups and champs league to be in no debt and have an exciting, winning team.

like i say, its too easy blaming lack of tv money

we have turnovers from between 30 - 60 million, thats huge, massive, and yet we have guys filling our squad on 20 k week contributing nothing, thats heavy gross-mismanagement.

were not leaving scotland, were not leaving spl we have to be more clever with the players we bring to our club.

the youth team should supply squad players with the odd gem maybe too, the quality players are the ones we should buy, do you know how many 10's of millions weve wasted on just ordinary squad players??? its a disgrace and someone at the top has to be accountable.

our league doesnt make it harder to qualify for europe, poor coaching and lack of skill and ambition does. the champs league is littered with teams from 3rd world countries, teams who get less tv money than us. its no bother to them.


Don't disagree with most of that mate. The thing is a lot of people still look at Rangers in the same way they did when money wasn't such a huge factor in football and we were competing with the worlds best clubs. I think we have to be realistic that we're never really going to be with the big boys again while we're in the SPL.

I agree that we should be looking to bring through young players but I don't put the blame entirely on the management of the club. The fans are a contributing factor as well. For months last year the fans were hounding Smith because he hadn't played Fleck and then he did and he didn't live up to most people's expectations. I think if we're going to bring youth through we as fans have to learn to be more patient because it will lead to some disappointing results against teams we should be beating.

I do think it makes it harder for us to qualify. If Aberdeen, Hib, Hearts or United had gotten anywhere in Europe in the last 5 years we wouldn't be staring down the barrel of qualifying rounds even if we win the league. I do take your point that teams from Eastern Europe qualify however the same clubs don't qualify for the CL every year, only sporadically. Also, I think the supply of players with natural talent is larger for them, one, because it's a way out for them so more kids will be playing football rather than Xbox's or PS3s like in Scotland, and two, because countries like Poland or Ukraine have much larger populations to draw young talent from than Scotland.

your right we used to compete financially, now we just have to look at it as 11 v 11 on the park, and we should fancy our chances against anyone, its about being bold and saying ok, they are richer than us but were going to give them a run for their money, money doesnt guarantee success, Advocaat blew almost 100m to just win the SPL, that was a joke.

walter made an arse of fleck, playing him out of position in hard games when the team wasnt playing very well. hes still to this day playing fleck in an un-natural position, its not fair on the lad, that is poor management.

you dont bring youths into a poor team, walter should have known that.

rangers and celtic have not helped the co-efficient, if we had done better, life would be easier without qualifiers etc too. your right about poland and ukraine and your spot about our spoilt children, they dont want to leave the house nowadays which is very sad.

i firmly believe there is better players not playing football for whatever reason.


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Why are we looking to sell our best players for buttons?

Every club looks at us and see how badly managed we have been and offer insulting amounts for our players and we roll over and ask them to push in just a bit further..

Someone has to be brought to boot for bringing our great club to this........what a shambles we've become.

Pedro Mendes is a £3m player and nothing less......more if the Beggars really believe McDonald is worth £4m

A £3m player according to who?

You are only worth what a team are willing to bid/pay for you! The only people that say McDonald, or any tim is worth X amount, is the gutter press, and I don't know why so many believe what they say <cr>

celtc have not had any bids for the likes of McDonald, McGeady, the Lego Eater....so the likes of the sun, record....can spout whatever they want, it just makes them look stupid.

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i take your point on board but i disagree

we make more than enough money playing in scotland, domestic cups and champs league to be in no debt and have an exciting, winning team.

like i say, its too easy blaming lack of tv money

we have turnovers from between 30 - 60 million, thats huge, massive, and yet we have and have had guys filling our squad on 20 k week contributing nothing, thats heavy gross-mismanagement.

were not leaving scotland, were not leaving spl we have to be more clever with the players we bring to our club.

the youth team should supply squad players with the odd gem maybe too, the quality players are the ones we should buy, do you know how many 10's of millions weve wasted on just ordinary squad players??? its a disgrace and someone at the top has to be accountable.

our league doesnt make it harder to qualify for europe, poor coaching and lack of skill and ambition does. the champs league is littered with teams from 3rd world countries, teams who get less tv money than us. its no bother to them.


bang on

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i take your point on board but i disagree

we make more than enough money playing in scotland, domestic cups and champs league to be in no debt and have an exciting, winning team.

like i say, its too easy blaming lack of tv money

we have turnovers from between 30 - 60 million, thats huge, massive, and yet we have guys filling our squad on 20 k week contributing nothing, thats heavy gross-mismanagement.

were not leaving scotland, were not leaving spl we have to be more clever with the players we bring to our club.

the youth team should supply squad players with the odd gem maybe too, the quality players are the ones we should buy, do you know how many 10's of millions weve wasted on just ordinary squad players??? its a disgrace and someone at the top has to be accountable.

our league doesnt make it harder to qualify for europe, poor coaching and lack of skill and ambition does. the champs league is littered with teams from 3rd world countries, teams who get less tv money than us. its no bother to them.


Don't disagree with most of that mate. The thing is a lot of people still look at Rangers in the same way they did when money wasn't such a huge factor in football and we were competing with the worlds best clubs. I think we have to be realistic that we're never really going to be with the big boys again while we're in the SPL.

I agree that we should be looking to bring through young players but I don't put the blame entirely on the management of the club. The fans are a contributing factor as well. For months last year the fans were hounding Smith because he hadn't played Fleck and then he did and he didn't live up to most people's expectations. I think if we're going to bring youth through we as fans have to learn to be more patient because it will lead to some disappointing results against teams we should be beating.

I do think it makes it harder for us to qualify. If Aberdeen, Hib, Hearts or United had gotten anywhere in Europe in the last 5 years we wouldn't be staring down the barrel of qualifying rounds even if we win the league. I do take your point that teams from Eastern Europe qualify however the same clubs don't qualify for the CL every year, only sporadically. Also, I think the supply of players with natural talent is larger for them, one, because it's a way out for them so more kids will be playing football rather than Xbox's or PS3s like in Scotland, and two, because countries like Poland or Ukraine have much larger populations to draw young talent from than Scotland.

your right we used to compete financially, now we just have to look at it as 11 v 11 on the park, and we should fancy our chances against anyone, its about being bold and saying ok, they are richer than us but were going to give them a run for their money, money doesnt guarantee success, Advocaat blew almost 100m to just win the SPL, that was a joke.

walter made an arse of fleck, playing him out of position in hard games when the team wasnt playing very well. hes still to this day playing fleck in an un-natural position, its not fair on the lad, that is poor management.

you dont bring youths into a poor team, walter should have known that.

rangers and celtic have not helped the co-efficient, if we had done better, life would be easier without qualifiers etc too. your right about poland and ukraine and your spot about our spoilt children, they dont want to leave the house nowadays which is very sad.

i firmly believe there is better players not playing football for whatever reason.


I agree with all of that mate. I was a fan of bringing Smith because I saw him as an ideal candidate to steady the ship and he's done that. He gave us a decent run in the UEFA Cup and won us the title last year. Now it's time that we start to rebuild, start bringing through some young players and taking some chances with our tactics. It may not bring the immediate results some people might like but I think it will make our club a lot more secure in the long run. Getting rid of players like Mendes who hasn't been all that great but is taking a big wage off of us I think is a step in the right direction in my books. Even if it is a bit of a travesty that we have to sink to that just to offer another player a contract.

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Much as I'm delighted to see the back of another foreign waster, £1.3m is a pathetic fee to have agreed.

Bit harsh imho. Pedro has some consistency issues... but hardly a foreign waster.

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- Would you not rather he go than Boyd Bears ? 1.5 million is rediculous as well and embarressing to Rangers ! Davis is also a target from Eck for 4 million(1 million profit) but I think he is smoking in the middle of the engine room rather than out wide.

These guys crack me up - businness men ? Boyd - Mendes or whoever to be sold in January - now Boyd could bag another 15-20 goals and win us the SPL and guarantee the CL and 15 mill for the group stages - sellnow for pennies and the bank will come asking again in summer - we are at a point in History as a Rangers fan that could determine our future and could in theory damage us big big style IMO

Why I say I would rather Mendes or better Davis be sold - we have Edu, Fleck, McCulloch, Davis, Mendes, Whittaker,Lafferty etc for cover in the middle until the end of season BUT we have only 1 super marksman striker but that's my opinion and I really wish no one to be sold - We shall have 1 nervous transfer window mate - what's yur views bro -

I was under the illussion that the bank had gave us a reprieve until a certain date to pay cash but only the hob-nobbers will know - Mendes is on 30k a week - maybe that will sway the decision - IF that is HE doesn't want to go back on his own head - back home to make sure of a World Cup spot ?

Anyone think another whipp round like the Bears did for Baxter (it failed but would you not put 10 pound minim um in a hat to keep Boyd and get Rangers to agree they won't sell if we raised X amount ?)

Yes - it may seem far fetched but it is not impossible - I am just shitting a brick for the Jan transfer window - WE NEED CHAMPIONS LEAGUE next year for cash and for players to stay - what are your thoughts ?





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What the fuck does the sale of Vhermin players have to do with anything? C*ltic can stick whatever price tag they want on one of thier lot, it doesn't mean they will get it. They'll only get what the buyer thinks the cunt is worth.

Let's put things into perpective; Mendes is a fair age, he's been out for a few months with a bad injury (and not for the first time), he's done fuck all recently in Europe and he isn't that good really to be honest. The fat cunt over there has a fair goal-scoring record and has been seen to do it against 'big teams'. He also has age and health on his side. I'm not really surpised the vhermin want a few quid for him.

Ultimately, a player is only worth what some other fucker is prepared to pay. I'd take one and a half million for Mendes easily (his goal against the Vhermin was worth the rest!) and give the bulk of his wages to Boyd. There, some cunt off th wage bill who won't be missed and Boyd happy with a new deal.

If the tarriers get a lot for thier player, who really gives a fuck? it's not as if they ever spend it anyway, certainly not that you'd notice!

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"It is normal that we look at a player of this quality," Carvalhal told the Scottish Sun.

"But the matter does not just depend on me. A lot will depend on my directors and what they want to do."

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Much as I'm delighted to see the back of another foreign waster, £1.3m is a pathetic fee to have agreed.

Yeah, we should have more players like Lee McCulloch, Kirk Broadfoot, Kenny Miller....in our team :rolleyes:

Pedro Mendes is anything but a 'foreign waster' - a 'foreign waster' is someone like, Nuno Capucho, Olivier Bernard, Karl Svensson, Marcus Gayle, Libor Sionko....

Pedro Mendes, has been inconsistant, but he's also been bloody good aswell!

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Pedro Mendes is the most talented plater in our squad by some distance. It became fashionable last season for people (usually the ones who always back Mcculloch and Broadfoot) to slag him. He wasn't brilliant every single week but he is still our best cm along with Davis. It must been difficult for someone with his style to play in our team at times as the defence can't really pass the ball out from the back and last season our strikers often lacked movement, intellingence and the abilty to recieve the ball and control it.

Imo Mendes would be even better this season feeding Miller and the improved Boyd.

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Pedro Mendes is the most talented plater in our squad by some distance. It became fashionable last season for people (usually the ones who always back Mcculloch and Broadfoot) to slag him. He wasn't brilliant every single week but he is still our best cm along with Davis. It must been difficult for someone with his style to play in our team at times as the defence can't really pass the ball out from the back and last season our strikers often lacked movement, intellingence and the abilty to recieve the ball and control it.

Imo Mendes would be even better this season feeding Miller and the improved Boyd.

Beasley - Davis - Mendes - Novo

_________Boyd - Miller________

Would like to see something like that, although there will be some who will have a moan as there is no bite/dig in there.

You can have as much bite as you want, means fuck all if you are being over run, and out classed, like what we have seen with the likes of McCulloch and Thomson in there.

It's the Scottish mentality :anguish:

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