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Another doom and gloom Daryll "exclusive"

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The statement posted by BSB was before AJ made his statement. Thats why its not included, plus maybe they didnt want to make stuff up.

If i recall correctly the independent board would only look over an offer. Maybe wrong tho

No your right, they would look at any deal and would have to give it the go ahead to make sure it was best for Rangers, now if they have not seen these proposals, bearing in mind that Ellis has until the 30th to make his statement then I very much doubt anything is hapening with him? which would mean King ( Daryl and Dave ) are correct?

Well according to jim traynor(another journo i know) he will play his hand, i dont know wether to believe it or not, but we shall see. Just dont buy into all thats saidboogie.png

I hope he does, and we can go out and leave timmy even further behind

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It has been speculated in the media today that club season ticket and Champions League income had already been ring-fenced by the bank to reduce the Club's debt.

This is totally incorrect and discussions with the bank in relation to the business plan will take place in the coming weeks.

The club would also like to reiterate once again that at no time has Director Dave King made an offer for the purchase of Rangers Football Club.

In addition, and as confirmed earlier today, there is an on-going query raised by HMRC, which is part of a pending court case. On the basis of expert tax advice provided to Rangers, the Club is robustly defending the matters raised and cannot comment further at this stage.


So he's lying,both Kings.

If Rangers have been making these payments after taking expert advice then I would think they will have a claim against the accountants professional indmenity insurance should any action be taken against Rangers

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Some amount of shite in this thread!

Would you like to highlite and coprrect this shite mate?

Bit defensive?

To be quite honest, I really don't care. I'm quite content with our chairman's words tonight. Not going to bother myself with conspiracies on here (tu)

FFS Kev gonna stop being sensible!! :angry: :angry:

repeat after me "we are all fucked"

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It's the Mhanks up to their dirty tricks, they'll do anything to spoil our party, this tax story is old news, the Inland Revenue have thousands of investigations going on, just because they're investigating Rangers doesn't mean they have done anything wrong, the board deny any wrong doing and that's good enough for me.

53 and counting

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The whole HMRC thing is a big IF, there is an investigation with a pending court case and, as usual, the press run with the negative connotations i.e. if we lose then we will owe HMRC ££££m's. Journalistic balance prevents them from saying .. "As Rangers have taken expert tax advice, along with many of the EPL clubs who are also defending their schemes, there is a very good chance that the case will be thrown out ..."

I listened into RR at 6:30 when the guy was on .. Brian Something (never caught his surname), i presume this guy is a major shareholder or has some sort of influence at the club as when he said that SDM called him back, i doubt he would do that to just a guy who has 5 shares !!

Anyway, i heard this guy recount his conversation where it was made clear that the debt had been reduced to Circa £20m and was still to drop, considerably. There was also a clear statement that the CL & season ticket money was NOT ring-fenced to reduce the debt .. again at £20m and dropping. Lastly, there was confirmation that the club will have funds to strengthen the playing staff ... now whether that comes from sales of existing players or is money from CL/Season Tickets, they weren't clear on (not that i can remember).

Overall, the impression given from the caller was that SDM was not pleased with the "misinformation" being fed to the press and was looking to do something about it. Personally i would love to hear Daryll King having a phone-in discussion with SDM where he could put his claims to the horses mouth.

I fear that there is a political game being played with the future of the club, by people who have a vested interest in seeing the club in turmoil, encouraging the fans to revolt and placing undue pressure on the owner & bank to sell on the cheap.

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Guest therabbitt

Not related to anything in particular, but it cracks me up sometimes how phrases for things used by the media become common vernacular for further discussion.

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The whole HMRC thing is a big IF, there is an investigation with a pending court case and, as usual, the press run with the negative connotations i.e. if we lose then we will owe HMRC ££££m's. Journalistic balance prevents them from saying .. "As Rangers have taken expert tax advice, along with many of the EPL clubs who are also defending their schemes, there is a very good chance that the case will be thrown out ..."

I listened into RR at 6:30 when the guy was on .. Brian Something (never caught his surname), i presume this guy is a major shareholder or has some sort of influence at the club as when he said that SDM called him back, i doubt he would do that to just a guy who has 5 shares !!

Anyway, i heard this guy recount his conversation where it was made clear that the debt had been reduced to Circa £20m and was still to drop, considerably. There was also a clear statement that the CL & season ticket money was NOT ring-fenced to reduce the debt .. again at £20m and dropping. Lastly, there was confirmation that the club will have funds to strengthen the playing staff ... now whether that comes from sales of existing players or is money from CL/Season Tickets, they weren't clear on (not that i can remember).

Overall, the impression given from the caller was that SDM was not pleased with the "misinformation" being fed to the press and was looking to do something about it. Personally i would love to hear Daryll King having a phone-in discussion with SDM where he could put his claims to the horses mouth.

I fear that there is a political game being played with the future of the club, by people who have a vested interest in seeing the club in turmoil, encouraging the fans to revolt and placing undue pressure on the owner & bank to sell on the cheap.

Top post ACEhail.gif

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The whole HMRC thing is a big IF, there is an investigation with a pending court case and, as usual, the press run with the negative connotations i.e. if we lose then we will owe HMRC ££££m's. Journalistic balance prevents them from saying .. "As Rangers have taken expert tax advice, along with many of the EPL clubs who are also defending their schemes, there is a very good chance that the case will be thrown out ..."

I listened into RR at 6:30 when the guy was on .. Brian Something (never caught his surname), i presume this guy is a major shareholder or has some sort of influence at the club as when he said that SDM called him back, i doubt he would do that to just a guy who has 5 shares !!

Anyway, i heard this guy recount his conversation where it was made clear that the debt had been reduced to Circa £20m and was still to drop, considerably. There was also a clear statement that the CL & season ticket money was NOT ring-fenced to reduce the debt .. again at £20m and dropping. Lastly, there was confirmation that the club will have funds to strengthen the playing staff ... now whether that comes from sales of existing players or is money from CL/Season Tickets, they weren't clear on (not that i can remember).

Overall, the impression given from the caller was that SDM was not pleased with the "misinformation" being fed to the press and was looking to do something about it. Personally i would love to hear Daryll King having a phone-in discussion with SDM where he could put his claims to the horses mouth.

I fear that there is a political game being played with the future of the club, by people who have a vested interest in seeing the club in turmoil, encouraging the fans to revolt and placing undue pressure on the owner & bank to sell on the cheap.

I also heard the bloke on RR, mind you I thought he was called 'George' Something :lol: and wondered if he was genuine, but since Ewan & Roughy did not question his story I assume he is telling the truth. After all the scare stories earlier today it was fairly good news I thought.

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I've come in to this thread late - been in meetings most of the day.

Darrell King's article is disappointing. He's being used yet again, obliviously or otherwise.

And to think that he's one of us. You'd barely know it. doh

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I have had some dealings with these offshore benefit trusts recently, and it most certainly is not tax evasion, but perfectly legal.

Yes, it is a tax loophole, and HMR&C try their best to shut them down when they find out about them, but it is not illegal to use these.

I would also add that in most cases like this, an HMR&C investigation is a certainty, so the fact HMR&C are investigating Rangers employee benefit trust is also to be expected. HMR&C ensure all trusts are investigated to try to put off companies from taking them out in the first place, as they know investigations are time consuming and a lot of hassle for the business and sometimes expensive for their accountants to defend, but again I stress that if the paperwork is in order, HMR&C get nothing from it.

As usual, a complete non-story, written in a way that would tend to lead you to believe it was a major problem, when it is nothing of the sort.

I am left wondering why a Sports reporter is writing a story that is clearly way above his head and knowledge. Stick to offsides and penalties Darrell.

Spot on - If these trusts were illegal across the board do you not think some of the Premiership clubs which HMR&C have been investigating over the past years would have had a judgement and liabilty set against them. This suggests to me that most, if not all of the ones the football industry have set up are actually legal, even if HMR&C don't like it. I notice that none of the media coverage today has highlighted Rangers official resppnse which is that based on the legal and tax advice they have received they do not believe they have any issue to be concerned about and welcome the HMR&C investigation to clarify the issue. Only issue for me is timiong will effect ability to secure a buyer as this type of investigation could go on for years.

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I listened into RR at 6:30 when the guy was on .. Brian Something (never caught his surname), i presume this guy is a major shareholder or has some sort of influence at the club as when he said that SDM called him back, i doubt he would do that to just a guy who has 5 shares !!

Anyway, i heard this guy recount his conversation where it was made clear that the debt had been reduced to Circa £20m and was still to drop, considerably. There was also a clear statement that the CL & season ticket money was NOT ring-fenced to reduce the debt .. again at £20m and dropping. Lastly, there was confirmation that the club will have funds to strengthen the playing staff ... now whether that comes from sales of existing players or is money from CL/Season Tickets, they weren't clear on (not that i can remember).

Overall, the impression given from the caller was that SDM was not pleased with the "misinformation" being fed to the press and was looking to do something about it. Personally i would love to hear Daryll King having a phone-in discussion with SDM where he could put his claims to the horses mouth.

Dear oh dear, where do you start with this ?

Some guy called Brian Something says he's had a personal call from the invisible man hiding in Chateau Du Thief - must be true then ?

Sells an "everything is fine - no need to panic" B/S storyline

The two Goons happen to "slip up" that THEIR insider info was from same said Charlatan and proceed to poo poo the E.T. story which is highly damaging to one persons image, yep mr invisible.

So in short, Some Rangers fans will still believe the Murray Lies,spin and moonbeams on the word of "brian" and a mince stealing T*rrier and Cameron. Only for this to be even further substantiated by the "official" retort from the club which actually when read doesn't actually deny the allegations merely refer to them in different tense and manner.

The game is afoot and it is splitting down the lines of Murco and his minions and King and his hanger ons.

Murco MUST lose

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it just gets worse :anguish:

we really need to know what the hell is going on

it gets worse if you believe every word daryll king says……

Isn't King a Bear, Darryl that is?

If this story is true then we are in deep shit next couple of seasons. I hope the Ellis stuff is true it seems to be the only option other than a capoucho, emerson type season after the shootout win.

I beleive in being a bit sceptical about our financial situation but there has to be some element of truth to the gravity of it, I hope we as a support, are not sleepwalking into this.

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I listened into RR at 6:30 when the guy was on .. Brian Something (never caught his surname), i presume this guy is a major shareholder or has some sort of influence at the club as when he said that SDM called him back, i doubt he would do that to just a guy who has 5 shares !!

Anyway, i heard this guy recount his conversation where it was made clear that the debt had been reduced to Circa £20m and was still to drop, considerably. There was also a clear statement that the CL & season ticket money was NOT ring-fenced to reduce the debt .. again at £20m and dropping. Lastly, there was confirmation that the club will have funds to strengthen the playing staff ... now whether that comes from sales of existing players or is money from CL/Season Tickets, they weren't clear on (not that i can remember).

Overall, the impression given from the caller was that SDM was not pleased with the "misinformation" being fed to the press and was looking to do something about it. Personally i would love to hear Daryll King having a phone-in discussion with SDM where he could put his claims to the horses mouth.

Dear oh dear, where do you start with this ?

Some guy called Brian Something says he's had a personal call from the invisible man hiding in Chateau Du Thief - must be true then ?

Sells an "everything is fine - no need to panic" B/S storyline

The two Goons happen to "slip up" that THEIR insider info was from same said Charlatan and proceed to poo poo the E.T. story which is highly damaging to one persons image, yep mr invisible.

So in short, Some Rangers fans will still believe the Murray Lies,spin and moonbeams on the word of "brian" and a mince stealing T*rrier and Cameron. Only for this to be even further substantiated by the "official" retort from the club which actually when read doesn't actually deny the allegations merely refer to them in different tense and manner.

The game is afoot and it is splitting down the lines of Murco and his minions and King and his hanger ons.

Murco MUST lose

And you would believe a Journalist who has been proven wrong on many if his previous "exclusives"

BTW ... the reson i didn't pick up his 2nd name or his links to the club was because i missed his opening section of the conversation ... so Brian someone was the best i could do.

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As with any share acquisition, there will surely be a tax deed in place between the buyer and the seller? The seller indemnifies the buyer in respect of any pre-sale tax liabilities...

In the highly unlikely event HMRC make any kind of tax claim re. any offshore trust against the Club, the Club / buyer can claw it back from the seller (Murray).

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And you would believe a Journalist who has been proven wrong on many if his previous "exclusives"

Ah but there's the rub of it - this isn't a Daryl King story this is - as many people happily post - a DAVE King inspired story.

So who do i believe ? - a guy who has invested £20m of HIS money in the club and saw it vanish and who now wants to take control of it and restore its dignity


The Moonbeam kid who has not put a penny of his personal cash into the club and HIS press buddies, oh and a man on the inside in Mr Muir who's only ambition is to recoup as much money for his master(s)

I can see the maneuvering by those who want the club and those who only want to maximise the return no matter what happens on football side.

Will say it again - Murco MUST lose this or the club we all love could be set back for years

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Darrell King

Douglas Park, the businessman who has interests in several car ­franchises and a coach company, last night confirmed he has spoken with Dave King, the South Africa-based ­millionaire Rangers director who remains interested in taking over the club.

Park told The Herald there was a "real willingness" from several individuals who want to help the Ibrox club out of their financial plight. However, with the revelation that an HM Revenue and Customs investi­gation is ongoing into payments Rangers made into players' offshore trusts over the past decade, Park conceded there would have to be certain conditions agreed with Rangers' owners, Murray Inter­national, and the club's bankers, Lloyds, before any deal could be done. The SPL champions' debts are still hovering around the £30m mark, and the HMRC investigation could lead to a tax bill – the exact amount yet unknown – having to be met if the club is found to have a case to answer.

When asked if he had held discussions with King over a potential buy-out, Park would only say: "I have had meetings with Dave King since January, but the contents of our discussions are private. There are people out there with a real willingness to put millions of pounds of their own money into the club to try to address the current situation and return the club to stability. However, unless certain conditions are met, it would be impossible for anything to proceed.

"At the moment, the bank are in total control of the situation as the season-ticket money, and any Champions League money, comes in."

Rangers are anxious to discover as soon as possible the bank's plans for the biggest revenue stream into the club, season-ticket monies that annually amount to between £18m and £20m, with sources telling The Herald there are fears this money will be used to attack the overall debt as the wait for a new owner goes on.

Last night, Rangers were guaranteed automatic entry to the Cham­pions League group stages next season after Bayern Munich overcame Lyon 0-4 on aggregate in France.

The German side, along with Barcelona and Inter Milan, who contest the second semi-final tonight, are all guaranteed to play in the 2010/11 group phase courtesy of their domestic league positions and, therefore, an automatic position has been freed up for the champions of Scotland

This will generate revenue of around £15m for Rangers and, again, answers are being sought from the bank as to what will happen to that money, and how much will be put into the business plan for the season ahead.

Rangers issued a statement last night denying that Champions League income "had already been ring-fenced by the bank to reduce the club's debt". However, when our sister paper the Evening Times broke the story yesterday, their suggestion was that senior sources at the club feared the Champions League and season ticket money would be used to address debts, not that it had already been agreed.

The statement added: "Discussions with the bank in relation to the business plan will take place in the coming weeks. The club would also like to reiterate once again that at no time has director Dave King made an offer for the purchase of Rangers."

Manager Walter Smith has expressed fears since last October over the future of the club, but he will say nothing else on the financial situation, or his own contractual situation, until being informed by the board of what the business plan is.

Smith is almost certainly unwilling to commit to another season at the helm if the club is going to continue downsizing. At the moment, with six players out of contract, ­Rangers are scheduled to return for pre-­season training in July with a squad of 14 first-team players plus two goalkeepers.

Of that number, three are young players in Danny Wilson, John Fleck and Andrew Little, while another is Andrius Velicka who is unlikely to be match-fit for the start of the season after nine months on the sidelines with a knee injury.

They could be open to predators in the transfer market for players such as Madjid Bougherra, Steven Davis and Allan McGregor, with no guarantees that any money from sales will be allowed to fund replacements.

There has been no scouting network in place because of the financial cutbacks over the past six months; while the pre-season tour planned for America, including a money-spinning Old Firm match against Celtic scheduled for Boston on July 21, ­cannot be confirmed until a management team is in place for next season.


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So, now we're coming to the end game. Everyone manouevring into positions, picking their favourite journalists or radio presenters to tip off and feed a stream of ever-more confusing and contradictory tit-bits, rumours and downright lies to.

Dave King's got Darryl, Murray's got Jim Traynor and Ewen Cameron.

At least Walter talks to the fans straight, through open press conferences with the media.

But by and large, we fans are being treated like mushrooms here . . .

Kept in the dark and fed shit. :anguish:

If Dave King is behind the leaking of this story then he is clearly NOT the man for Rangers.

Dragging our name through the muck purely to get a couple of million off the selling price is unacceptable.

I can't wait for this whole takeover farce to end. People are playing games with the fans' emotions.

Shame on them. :angry:

BTW: 53 = World Record. :21:

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That to me sound like a Mr king that was hurting N just wrote alot of shit in the ET yeaterday

that story doesnt sound anywere near as bad as the 1 he wrote yesterday its amazing what 24 hours can do.

the guy has taken a hell of a time the last 24 hours especially on RR last night LOL

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Is it just me or is this some clusterfuck, we could the get guest list for the pope's last pyjama party quicker than get a handle on this shit. If someone is trying to make us as paranoid as the mhanks, there giving it no a bad go.

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