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Sorry if there Is a thread on it guys, couldn't t see it

Traynor is saying something about us being fucked in the next few days (only caught a glimpse of it from someone)

What's this all about ?

Is there a decision coming in the nxt few days or is he at it as usual ?

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Ibrox on the brink

The arguments have been heard and more than 1700 pages of written evidence neatly filed. Rangers can do nothing now but await Judgment Day.

After a year of speculation, rumour and fear, the truth, finally, is about to hit the fan.

And it could be so messy even that super-scrubber Aggie MacKenzie wouldn't touch it with a lavvy brush tied to a 20-foot barge pole.

This will be a clean up way beyond Domestos and Marigolds. Perhaps even for Rangers owner Craig Whyte.

Unless, of course, the Ibrox club is tipped into administration. Or something even worse.

The prophets of doom and blogheads have had Rangers dead and buried many times yet the club continues to hobble along underneath a bloated cloud of negative headlines.

It's as though they've been determined to defy the circling vultures rumour but Rangers cannot keep going like this for much longer.

The burden of mounting debt since the takeover and uncertainty has become so heavy that Rangers are buckling. Calling in an administrator could be this club's best option.

It might not happen this month but Rangers could be tipped over the edge in February - even if they win their battle with HMRC.

Some of the people in and around the Employee Benefit Trust wrangle expect the decision to be announced within the next few weeks and if the taxman wins he'll be at the Ibrox front door straight away with a bill for £49million.

Rangers, of course, could not pay such an amount and if ordered to do so the worst case scenario, liquidation of some kind, closure, albeit a brief one, would surely have to be confronted.

It's believed the tax authorities are so committed to winning this case they've said in private they'll appeal if the judgment goes against them and that could lead to two or three more years of arguing and doubt.

Rangers would look at that situation and probably conclude that rather than struggle on for a few more years with uncertainty continuing to dog them, administration would be the more tempting option.

They'd argue it would be too difficult, if not impossible for them to secure sponsors and corporate clients, who might insist on buying boxes and seats on a game-by-game basis only. They'd also be worried players might refuse to commit if the club's future remained in serious rious doubt.

Of course such a scenario would resent the SPL and SFA with their wn difficulties because punishments would have to be handed down to prevent other clubs with crippling debts from doing the same thing. But the problem is the game needs angers, just as it must have Celtic.

It's this pair who bring in the TV money and their travelling fans help the finances of the other clubs. Without them the Scottish game would wither because of an even more chronic lack of money and that's why the governing bodies will have to be careful about the level of sanctions should Rangers go under.

If they do call in the administrator then of course they should be punished and at the very least hit with a points deduction - it would be a 10-point penalty - but there are SPL clubs who would want a more severe outcome. A few would want to see a deduction imposed at the start of each season over a period of three, maybe even four years as a deterrent to others. But that would create problems for more than just Rangers.

If penalties are applied at the start of each season Celtic would have a clear run to three or four titles and the door to Champions League football would remain shut and bolted against Rangers while they were serving their time.

But if this happens Rangers fans wouldn't buy as many season tickets as they do just now and that money - around £13m is brought in through renewals - is vital to help meet wage bills. Of course Whyte could decide against strengthening the squad while under sanction but then he'd risk even more fans refusing to buy tickets.

And would they all return when Rangers had served their sentence? If they didn't and Rangers were weakened to such an extent they couldn't make up any of the ground lost to Celtic the entire game would be in trouble. Celtic fans, sure of success every year, wouldn't buy tickets in the same numbers either because competition has to be fierce for the Old Firm brand to be successful.

Not only for themselves but for the entire game.

The SPL, though, are already considering sanctions against Hearts, who have failed to pay players wages when they were due, and it will be interesting to see if they are as gung-ho with the Ibrox club if they do seek away out of paying their mounting debt s.

There are outstanding bills, including not only the smaller tax debt that started at £2.8m and is thought to be nudging £4m because of penalties.

There is also widespread talk about other bills that may not have been paid. But fact will be separated from rumour and speculation in a matter of weeks.

Rangers fans have been living in fear of their club sliding into administration or worse and those fears are, I believe, about to become reality.

Then again, if closing and starting up again gets rid of all debt these same supporters might actually warm to the idea, although they'd have to suffer many years of ridicule from others, especially Celtic fans.

The problem Rangers have always had in this saga is this isn't just about them. The taxman has to come out on top if he is to send a clear message to every other club and, probably more importantly, every business outside our little game.

HMRC believe there has been some kind of scam to avoid the payment of taxes and that's why they've committed so much time and effort to this one case. It will give them the platform from which to launch other actions, even if they end up winning the case but receiving nothing from Rangers.

They know they wouldn't get a penny if Rangers are pushed into some kind of liquidation and that's why that path will remain an option for the club should they lose and be faced with a bill just short of £50m. It would, however, be a treacherous road and, along the trail Whyte could be bushwhacked by other parties who might be waiting to get their hands on the club, or rather, the new debt-free club.

Oh, and one other thing. Ally McCoist can forget about getting serious money, even if Nikica Jelavic is sold for £7m. Any cash isn't going to be handed out again and the manager may have to make do with what he has right now.

http://blogs.<No links to this website>/jimtraynor/2012/01/ibrox-on-the-brink.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheDailyRecord%2FJimTraynor+%28The+Daily+Record+-+Jim+Traynor%29

Is this the one your talking about?

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That is the most ill-informed pish I have ever read from the Record and I remember them giving Boruc a 6/10 for his display in the 4-2 humping at Parkhead.

The prophets of doom and blogheads have had Rangers dead and buried many times yet the club continues to hobble along underneath a bloated cloud of negative headlines.
Aye, which you and your ilk keep trotting out, ya fucking senile auld waffling cunt.
If they do call in the administrator then of course they should be punished and at the very least hit with a points deduction - it would be a 10-point penalty - but there are SPL clubs who would want a more severe outcome. A few would want to see a deduction imposed at the start of each season over a period of three, maybe even four years as a deterrent to others.
Clubs? Who the fuck are they then, aside from the paddies? And since when was it up to those fucknuggets to decide what was handed down? What a load of fuckin' shite.
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Rangers could land £100 million windfall!!

Sources have revealed that Mr John Smith of Govan has pledged the majority of hist fortune, should he win the Euromillions jackpot!

See what I did there?

That's the reason I don't buy newspapers anymore. Not going to keep those bampot so-called journalists in employment.

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HMRC believe there has been some kind of scam to avoid the payment of taxes and that's why they've committed so much time and effort to this one case. It will give them the platform from which to launch other actions, even if they end up winning the case but receiving nothing from Rangers.

What? Don't the HMRC know what a EBT is that it could be 'some kind of scam? That alone makes this article a nonsense.

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Yeah that's the one mate, thanks very much

Looks like he hasn't a clue and is taking a wild guess

No wonder the paper is losing people buying it every wk

No probs :cheers:

Yeah he seems to be just piecing together a lot of hear say, (no worse than what been said on here at times) and hoping down the line something sticks to boost his reputation.

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HMRC believe there has been some kind of scam to avoid the payment of taxes and that's why they've committed so much time and effort to this one case. It will give them the platform from which to launch other actions, even if they end up winning the case but receiving nothing from Rangers.

What? Don't the HMRC know what a EBT is that it could be 'some kind of scam? That alone makes this article a nonsense.

Traynor has not a fucking clue what He's talking about does he?

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Traynor has not a fucking clue what He's talking about does he?

Obviously he doesn't if he thinks HMRC think some kind of scam was going on: whatever their motives for this investigation they know what they are looking for and it is not based on the fact that they consider Rangers as being involved in anything dishonest.

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