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The Players Who Walked Away: Traitors? Or History Makers?


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Traitors. End of. Transfering of their contracts and then moving on would have been the best option and I fail to see why they did not take this route other than them and their agents being able to pocket larger signing on fees.

I have a signed painting of Allen McGregor on my wall and I cant believe it has taken me this long to actually take it down. Will probably try and sell it on but what Ranger wants reminded of him?

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Naismith is the worst for me. The amount of time he spent injured, getting treated at our facilities makes it disgusting he didn't sign over.

There are plenty of clubs who spend 4-5 mil for reserve players; a player like him would be snapped up for 2 mil in a second.

Obviously can't be bothered going through statistics but it'd be interesting to know how much money Naismith took from us per match he actually played in.

Then to deny us a much needed 2 mil so he can line his and his agent's pocket makes him nothing but scum in my eyes.

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What about the ones who transferred over, have a release clause where they can leave fr free and are playing shite for high wages.....alive or dead ?

Agree, also imagine McGregor, Fleck and Whitaker all stayed and got injured as they all have. Too late to sell them on, can't get rid of them, can't replace them because we're limited on numbers we can have in the squad. £40,000 grand a week could buy you an entire team good enough to win Div 3. I'm more concerned about those that have stayed but don't look as if they want to be here.

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Agree, also imagine McGregor, Fleck and Whitaker all stayed and got injured as they all have. Too late to sell them on, can't get rid of them, can't replace them because we're limited on numbers we can have in the squad. £40,000 grand a week could buy you an entire team good enough to win Div 3. I'm more concerned about those that have stayed but don't look as if they want to be here.

While there may be some doubt about on the park displays from a couple they did the honourable thing when the club was as it's lowest, the others did not.

Deals could have been worked out within in a few days of transferring over with the way their agents obviously had them whored around. No unreasonable demands were going to be possible.

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I can't even watch these guys playing for us on archive, so not much chance I would say they should be cherished on some point of Rangers history.

Exactly, ruined some great moments

All listed in the OP, tarnished memories :anguish:

Bunch of bastards

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While there may be some doubt about on the park displays from a couple they did the honourable thing when the club was as it's lowest, the others did not.

Deals could have been worked out within in a few days of transferring over with the way their agents obviously had them whored around. No unreasonable demands were going to be possible.

Possibly. But the fuckin luck we've had in the past year? I was annoyed as anyone when they all jumped ship. We could have got some decent money for them. But look at the clubs they've gone to. I guarantee in five years young players like McKay and McLeod will have more medals than all of those guys that left will win at their new clubs combined. They're the ones that will have the regrets. I don't care enough about them to hate them.

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Possibly. But the fuckin luck we've had in the past year? I was annoyed as anyone when they all jumped ship. We could have got some decent money for them. But look at the clubs they've gone to. I guarantee in five years young players like McKay and McLeod will have more medals than all of those guys that left will win at their new clubs combined. They're the ones that will have the regrets. I don't care enough about them to hate them.

250k or something similar for all of them would have been nothing to sniff at in our position.

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The problem was the way they did it. I like everyone else had accepted they would leave in the summer if they had transfered there contracts over I would have wished them well even kept an eye on how they were doing for there new clubs.

The timing & the way they went about it is what pissed me off.

We were being attacked from all quarters and then we start getting attacked from within players saying we no longer existed, our own twisting the knife.

Would not welcome any of them back to Ibrox in any form.

I had great memories of what these players did for us but feel they have soured them with there actions.

They will never play for a bigger team.

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dirty greedy scummy cunts the lot of them and I just wished the guest writer wouldn't have wasted his time and mine trying to justify their treacherous decisions. The wounds these bastards opened will never close and again why couldn't the guest writer use his skills to praise the ones that stayed as the article is written for a redtop and we shouldn't do that to our own.

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The problem was the way they did it. I like everyone else had accepted they would leave in the summer if they had transfered there contracts over I would have wished them well even kept an eye on how they were doing for there new clubs.

The timing & the way they went about it is what pissed me off.

We were being attacked from all quarters and then we start getting attacked from within players saying we no longer existed, our own twisting the knife.

Would not welcome any of them back to Ibrox in any form.

I had great memories of what these players did for us but feel they have soured them with there actions.

They will never play for a bigger team.

Of course not, name a bigger team.

Seriously though, I'm annoyed with them but no more than that. When the dust settles, they're the ones who will have regrets, we'll have moved on.

Naismith - Annoyed at him. Twice long term on the treatment table, the last time I still say cost us 4 in a row, despite the points deduction.

Whittaker - Poor player, glad he's gone, not a Rangers man anyway. Cost us european football last season. Ironically the euro money might have paid the PAYE which ultimately put us into administration and we would still have Craig Whyte running us. Now that sends a shiver down my spine. However Whittaker can't get credit for being a fud.

McCabe - Not played enough games to have any real feeling about. Anyone know if he's a Rangers man?

McGregor - Could have done things a better way but with his quality could easily have left for double his wages years ago. Has shown enough loyalty in the past that I have mixed feelings about this one.

Fleck - Great as a 15 year old. Attitude all wrong and would never have broken into the first team as a regular, even in division 3. Not bothered about him leaving.

Davis - Hot and cold. Annoyed at his example as a captain. Showed no loyalty and didn't speak up for us at any point since Feb 14th. Can fuck off.

Ness - Heard he was a Tim. Happy for someone to tell me otherwise. Seemed to have quality but I've said for over a year that I heard the boy is fucked physically. Can't quote a source but I'm sure he has a problem with his joints, its not just the one joint he has been out injured with. Another one who hasn't had enough games for me to be bothered about.

Lafferty - Big stupit cunt. Five stars tattooed then disappears when we needed us all to stick together. He's definitely a bear but I'm positive he's had outside influence and council, maybe from his agent or the union? Daft cunt. Not exactly welcome back but I'd like to slap him, then let him into ibrox to see the Loyal players.

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Traitors. End of. Transfering of their contracts and then moving on would have been the best option and I fail to see why they did not take this route other than them and their agents being able to pocket larger signing on fees.

I have a signed painting of Allen McGregor on my wall and I cant believe it has taken me this long to actually take it down. Will probably try and sell it on but what Ranger wants reminded of him?


I gave my pal my : £ rangers top with 11 Lafferty on the back. I could not bear to look any longer. It broke my heart, it was my favourite gers top with the White cotton collar

But I felt like a bird who's partner has shat on her, literally . Cheated

No Surrender


God Save The Queen

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The players took a pay cut and I thank them for it,I believe players had minimum release clauses and I was fine with that a sort of pay back to the players.Then greed and advice of the agents took over and players we would have got fees for left for nothing.For me they are traitors and have tarnished all the good they done due to greed.

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I can't forgive and forget sorry, when you play for a club you claim is the club you love, and then walk out on said club, having being well paid by peoples hard earned money and then claim it ain't rangers anymore. all you deserve is ignorance and removal from our great history. We paid their wages they walked out on us. Anything else is a lie.

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I can't forgive and forget sorry, but when you play for a club you claim is the club you love, and then walk out on said club, having being well paid by peoples hard earned money and then claim it ain't rangers anymore. all you deserve is ignorance and removal from our great history. We paid their wages they walked out on us. Anything else is a lie.

They didn't all claim this. Possibly just Whittaker?

Out of 8 players for some reason I seem to be most annoyed at Naismith. Not sure why but it's how I feel. Others annoy me but of the two who spoke out, he was the Rangers man.

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Those that refused to transfer over their contracts have ruined all that they have achieved for the club and as for those who were long serving players being some sort of mitigating factor well lets say they were well paid for it as that is what appears to have been closest to their hearts. As for the others who chose to leave whilst being disappointed at their departure on the whole, they had fulfilled their obligations to the club so I wish them well in their future endeavours.

Whilst arguably not the greatest loss to the club the one that annoys me more than any other is Ness. After the amount of times we stood by that little shit and tried time and again with various doubtless highly expensive specialists to resolve the selfish brats injury problems he repayed our loyalty to him by being one of the first out the door. Well I doubt your new employers will show you the same level of patience as we did so he had better make sure he doesn't have any problems down there and I doubt many would welcome you back should you fail an option which may have been open to you had decided to transfer over and not been quite so greedy.

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