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I would say that going by the report by D&P where they basically say ticket us can go and take a running jump and are not listed as creditors, this is all to do with the old company that is being wound up not the new company, remember we are debt free, they can take it up with that shite hawk White if they have any queries as regards thier cash.

ffs it is the usual pish that has been spread around by self obsessed morrons with nothing better to do. They have written so much crap over the past few months the deluded little b#stards actually believe all the drivel.

Really pissin me off all this friggin crap that I dont bother reading it anymore, got better things to do than waste my time fretting over the delusional ramblings of others, an no didnt go for a look see.

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None the less it could do with being cleared up.

He is claiming we owe Sevco5088 Ltd. a debt (He doesn't know how big but thinks it will be around £20M) and that this debt will be paid by the share issue money. This money will then go from Sevco5088 Ltd. to Ticketus.

Actually now that I think about it I would like to know what Sevco5088 Ltd. has to do with anything here. Sevco5088 Ltd. bought 'the club' (An asset of The RFC Plc, the old company) then sold 'the club' on to Sevco Scotland Ltd. If that is true there must be a reason why the club wasn't sold directly to Sevco Scotland Ltd. And what is Sevco5088 Ltd. doing now?


Basically what I want to know is how much did Sevco Scotland (Now known as The Rangers FC Ltd.) pay to Sevco5088 Ltd. for Rangers FC (The Club)? If this is not known, will it be known before any share issue?

Could 'The Rangers FC Ltd.' still owe 'Sevco5088 Ltd.' money, possibly millions without us knowing until after the share issue?

Remember it being so it was a Scottish registered company. Might be wrong :beer1:

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Get this to fuck, the OP can fuck right off too, Every cunt and there aunties bastard rabid dog writes piss about us, do we

1 Laugh at the stupid cunts

2. pity they're obsessive behaviour

3. show the whole of the bears den it, with the intent that it is somehow important to members

GTF clown cunt

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Remember it being so it was a Scottish registered company. Might be wrong :beer1:

I remember reading that too (tu)

I'm more interested to know if there is any truth in the rumor that the new company could owe Sevco5088 Ltd. millions of pounds without us knowing until after the share issue. Seems like bullshit, but I would like it cleared up none the less.

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None the less it could do with being cleared up.

He is claiming we owe Sevco5088 Ltd. a debt (He doesn't know how big but thinks it will be around £20M) and that this debt will be paid by the share issue money. This money will then go from Sevco5088 Ltd. to Ticketus.

Actually now that I think about it I would like to know what Sevco5088 Ltd. has to do with anything here. Sevco5088 Ltd. bought 'the club' (An asset of The RFC Plc, the old company) then sold 'the club' on to Sevco Scotland Ltd. If that is true there must be a reason why the club wasn't sold directly to Sevco Scotland Ltd. And what is Sevco5088 Ltd. doing now?


Basically what I want to know is how much did Sevco Scotland (Now known as The Rangers FC Ltd.) pay to Sevco5088 Ltd. for Rangers FC (The Club)? If this is not known, will it be known before any share issue?

Could 'The Rangers FC Ltd.' still owe 'Sevco5088 Ltd.' money, possibly millions without us knowing until after the share issue?

There will require to be total clarity of the RFC financial position when the share sale takes place.

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This is taken from a West Ham forum, it's in amongst a huge thread about us, there's quite a bit in there, and i'm fucked if i know if most of it's real and how they've came to know so much about our situation!!!

Link to thread: http://www.kumb.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=138488&start=1340#p3517754

I thought with Sunshine Ray gone we were done with these threads i was wrong.

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