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Richard Gough


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IT’S time Rangers moved on.

Took the moral high ground. Let bygones be bygones.

I was very sad to read in SunSport yesterday that Ibrox supporters groups had called on their members to boycott the Scottish Cup clash at Tannadice.

They felt Dundee United were one of the club’s enemies in the decision to keep them out of the SPL after their liquidation earlier this year.

I know Rangers came out and backed them last night by saying they won’t be taking up any of their allocation on February 2. But it’s a real pity it’s come to this.

My personal opinion? Well for a start, United didn’t try to kill Rangers, as one of the groups put it yesterday.

United might have been one of the clubs who were against Rangers during that whole sorry saga towards the end of last season, but no one can say for sure what was said in those behind-closed-doors meetings.

Even if they were, so what? Rangers are in the Third Division. We are where we are so let’s just clear the decks.

It’s in the past now. Let’s look to the future. Don’t let it drag on.

A lot of awful things have happened, but we’ve got to stand above all that now. We’ve got to take the higher ground. This attitude of “They did this, so we’re going to do that” has got to stop.

It’s not tit for tat any more.

When you break it right down the best and only way Rangers can hurt United is a straightforward one — by knocking them out the Cup.

Not by giving ourselves less of a chance because we’ve got no support up there with us.

This is one of the trophies Rangers really want to win this season.

By supporters not going it could also hit the club financially because in Cup games all ticket money is split between the home and away sides.

So before last night’s statement my opinion would have been go to the game, support the team and win the Scottish Cup if possible, which will be difficult as it is.

Not going there with any supporters will make it even more difficult.

Obviously safety concerns come into it now after what Charles Green has said, so simply telling Rangers fans to go and follow their side just isn’t as straightforward as that now.

Everyone knows United were one of the clubs involved in what went on in the summer, but people must make up their own minds.

To me, before last night’s statement I’d have said if people wanted to go and support the team at Tannadice then they should go and do exactly that. That’s me just saying how I honestly feel. As far as I’m concerned enough’s enough now. Let’s not just keep digging everything up.

I know Charles had his say over this, but I’d also be interested to know what the manager Ally McCoist thinks.

I reckon he’d have wanted as many Rangers fans in the ground as possible.

As it is there looks like there will be very few — if any — inside the ground cheering his men on.

Rangers and United are two clubs I hold close to my heart. United gave me my start before my career path took me to Rangers.

The same could be said for Walter Smith and Duncan Ferguson. Gordan Petric was another who moved from Tannadice to Ibrox and did well.

It’s not nice to see relations go the way they have. As for the game itself, of course Rangers have a chance. You just need to look at what Arbroath did against Celtic.

Down the years the games between the two clubs have been good.

With Rangers where they are, this time United will go in as big favourites. Rangers going in as the underdogs will be very unusual.

I just wish we could stop all this infighting. Otherwise this bitterness will continue to dog our game.

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its easy for him to say just rise above it, he doesnt have to live with the bigotry aimed towards us everyday. hes not the one paying his hard earned cash to watch our beloved team be picked on and held back by a bigoted league and governing body. He doesnt have to listen to bile day in day out.

try walking in our shoes and see where turning the other cheek will get him.

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I think he makes some good points but this is the most accurate thing i've seen yet,

When you break it right down the best and only way Rangers can hurt United is a straightforward one — by knocking them out the Cup.

The boycott to this game is not going to make one bit of difference to dundee united.

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some good points in there, but he has to understand that a club of our size has principles. Dundee Hibs backed a campaign to get us thrown out the league through sheer jealousy and hatred, are we supposed to just forget that and line their pockets (when they are in dire need of cash, not that they'll admit that) ?

i support the boycott, but i agree in the sense that it shouldn't drag on. give it 2/3 years when they will be slowly dying

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Let bygones be bygones. What that really means is forget how much they hate you, forget how close they came to destoying you forever, forget the money they have took from yous, forget everything everyone has accused you of over the past 8 months.

Really pisses me right off when Rangers legends can write this pish.

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He has a right to his opinion and points of view are exactly that.

The fans are the ones who count here not the club, its the fans hard earned and if they believe rightly or wrongly to boycott a game thats their right to do so.

The club are listening to the fans but also sticking two fingers up to the idiots running the game.

Anything else than a shrug of the shoulders from the SFA will show them for what they are.

The whole of Scottish football was changed to suit the fans wishes during the summer, surely a piddly wee cup game wont even reister on the SFA richter scale, surely............

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It's lovely that they gave you a start in your career, Richard, and Petric was pretty effective in that back five. I wish I'd remembered such relevant facts before clinging to the ancient, nitpicking matter of their chairman and fans being at the front of the queue to deny my son the pleasure of watching his football team in future.

Obviously safety concerns come into it now after what Charles Green has said...

What's he implying here?

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I can understand the point he's trying to get across which is in order for the Scottish game to progress the bitterness and hatred between clubs must diminish.

However our club should only move away from this attitude when we are not pursued for our legitimate titles and when we got an apology for some of our treatment (especially the ticket fiasco in the past).

For now we have no choice but to take this course of action in order to demonstrate our disapproval at the manner in which we were treated (tu)

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It may not make much of a difference to Dundee Utd whether we go or not but it shows we're not going to roll over anymore .They tried to shut us down and called us cheats..Has anyone on here heard Thomson apologise for anything he said now that we're proven innocent?

Richard Gough has to play the moral high ground having played for both but it's easy for him from his poolside home in LA to judge how we react over here.

Bottom line is we have been treated like shit by everyone bar a few in this country with Utd,Aberdeen,Hibs,Hearts and the Taigs being at the forefront.We as a club have to show that we won't forget what they tried to do and it may not be much but it's Utd who have to explain to SKY why their big live cup game has no atmosphere and a half empty stadium and maybe then people outside this bigoted little fishbowl will finally see what has been going on up here.

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He's obviously not as bitter over this as most of us. When you consider that their bitterness towards us has and will cost these spl club supporters dearly, I can see his point.

I saw his quotes yesterday and I knew instantly there would be some on here giving him stick for it. Goughie is a True Blue, in my eyes, and everyone is allowed their opinion. I believe it's right to boycott the game but sooner or later we have to get over our bitterness or it will end up consuming us.

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Gough will always be a Rangers hero but i disagree fundamentaly with him on this. Notice how now Rangers and our support are flexing our muscles a bit we are being told to look forward not back and that we should be thinking of Scottish football not bitter grevinces, well where were all these calls for let bygones be bygones in the summer when spl clubs listened to the bitter grevinces of their fans and voted us out? Nowhere but as soon as we start using our democratic rights its suddenly forgive and forget time. Fuck that!

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Let bygones be bygones. What that really means is forget how much they hate you, forget how close they came to destoying you forever, forget the money they have took from yous, forget everything everyone has accused you of over the past 8 months.

Really pisses me right off when Rangers legends can write this pish.

Down through the years, we ALL bought into the "forgive & forget, live & let live, turn the other cheek, time to move on, it's not The Rangers way" GUFF !!

This football club (Dundee United) was amongst the ringleaders, which sought to destroy our club and put it out of business for good. If by boycotting this Scottish Cup tie, and all other away ties and fixtures against them and their co-conspirators they all struggle to survive, then so be it.

The Rangers way should now be, "Cave Adsum" ... Beware, I Am Here !

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I dont see why ex-players act as though theyre the same as fans. We pay the money, we care deeply about the club and have our whole lives. Richard Gough's article just makes us look bad and bitter.

Hes probably got many friends from all SPL clubs, he simply cant understand the anger and frustration we feel as fans. Were sick to death of being kicked around and are finally taking a stand. So if he doesnt support it he should just shut it and stay out of it.

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Charles Green has made it perfectly clear which particular clubs were the most vindictive and vitriolic towards Rangers at the meeting last summer. Having heard what CG said in that regard I don't have to have been in attendance to understand what went on. Gough clearly failed to appreciate the significance of Green's words and those of Ally McCoist. These SPL clubs are still pursuing their stripping titles anti-Rangers agenda which the bold Richard appears to have forgotten. When the witch-hunt stops then and only then will I consider whether I will bury the hatchet (metaphorically speaking of course) or not.

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In light of everything thats happened to us over the last 12 months this article from Gough just makes him look extremely naive. He appears to condradict himself in the article as well:

"United might have been one of the clubs who were against Rangers during that whole sorry saga towards the end of last season, but no one can say for sure " and "Everyone knows United were one of the clubs involved in what went on in the summer" are glaring contradictions.

Its great propaganda for our enemies as basically one of our old captains is shown to be breaking ranks and telling us all we have it wrong. I repeat - its extremely niave given the atmosphere in Scottish Football at present.

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