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Campaign against Rangers rolls on...


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That really is unbelievable...

The people who were "offended" are the same people who either plant bombs and plot to murder our soldiers, or if they're over-cowardly, they just support and praise the people who either plant bombs or plot to murder our soldiers.

Better keep them sweet, wouldn't want to offend them.

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I'm so incandescent with rage I can't even read all the posts on this.

My father fought in WW2 for the whole 6 years so that we and everyone in the U.K. can be free and now we have to put up with this fuckin crap.

God help us all, Britain as a country is well and truly fucked.

:7325: :7325: :7325: :7325: :7325: :7325: :7325: :7325: :7325: :7325: :7325: :7325: :7325: :7325: :7325: :7325: :7325: :7325: :7325: :7325:

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Fucking disgusted by this, and by the people on here giving credence to the Timmy party line that the day is about 'point scoring' . Go fuck yourself :wanker:

The day is about remembering the men and woman who paid the ultimate sacrifice and to celebrate, honor and show our appreciation to the men and woman who currently serve in the armed forces. It's also about raising money for charity. The mhanks across the city don't even enter my thoughts on this day .

Point scoring doh

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I'm so incandescent with rage I can't even read all the posts on this.

My father fought in WW2 for the whole 6 years so that we and everyone in the U.K. can be free and now we have to put up with this fuckin crap.

God help us all, Britain as a country is well and truly fucked.

:7325: :7325: :7325: :7325: :7325: :7325: :7325: :7325: :7325: :7325: :7325: :7325: :7325: :7325: :7325: :7325: :7325: :7325: :7325: :7325:

I share your rage, my father also fought in WW2. Our enemies couldn't stoop much lower if they tried. Sheer jealousy and bitterness, that's what it boils down to.
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I share your rage, my father also fought in WW2. Our enemies couldn't stoop much lower if they tried. Sheer jealousy and bitterness, that's what it boils down to.

Agree, pity our immigrant guests did not share the duty to fight for the country they came to, my parents lived in plantation and they told me they were fighting with each other to get on boats back to Ireland when the war broke out

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This letter has Phil three names written all over it

quotes from said letter........

participants in a travesty........................a show of sectarian support................display of sectarian bias................use of tax-payers money..................shameful partisan display.................poisonous ideaology behind orangeism...............

How the fck can this letter be taken seriously..................and we are the ones being branded with a SECTARIAN STICK??????

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I am a bit confused though - how exactly is this the SNP's fault?

I don't think its the SNP who are to blame for this, although it cant be denied that they (or the vast majority of them) are inherently anti-Rangers.

This however, has the hallmarks of a letter-writing campaign, with the hand of Phil the sectarian bigot, the British guy who lives in Donegal and spends his life obsessing about our club, a club he continually proclaims to be dead, despite his continuing obsession with it.

The bottom line here is that we are viewed by our haters as a British club, a Unionist club & a protestant club, so anyone with an aversion to these "labels" can join in with the others and find a common ground..........hatred of Rangers.

I know there are many Rangers fans who are SNP supporters, but that position is becoming increasingly hard to understand.

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I don't think its the SNP who are to blame for this, although it cant be denied that they (or the vast majority of them) are inherently anti-Rangers.

This however, has the hallmarks of a letter-writing campaign, with the hand of Phil the sectarian bigot, the British guy who lives in Donegal and spends his life obsessing about our club, a club he continually proclaims to be dead, despite his continuing obsession with it.

The bottom line here is that we are viewed by our haters as a British club, a Unionist club & a protestant club, so anyone with an aversion to these "labels" can join in with the others and find a common ground..........hatred of Rangers.

I know there are many Rangers fans who are SNP supporters, but that position is becoming increasingly hard to understand.


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I don't think its the SNP who are to blame for this, although it cant be denied that they (or the vast majority of them) are inherently anti-Rangers.

This however, has the hallmarks of a letter-writing campaign, with the hand of Phil the sectarian bigot, the British guy who lives in Donegal and spends his life obsessing about our club, a club he continually proclaims to be dead, despite his continuing obsession with it.

The bottom line here is that we are viewed by our haters as a British club, a Unionist club & a protestant club, so anyone with an aversion to these "labels" can join in with the others and find a common ground..........hatred of Rangers.

I know there are many Rangers fans who are SNP supporters, but that position is becoming increasingly hard to understand.

Indeed it is very difficult to understand but this is my opinion and I experienced this at the Hearts game the season we went in to Admin.

Two guys who were wearing Rangers scarfs behind me stood up when the BO / UB were singing The National Anthem.

At the end they then started to take of tbeir scarves and proceeded to curse and swear about HM.

Thats when I inyerveened , and everyone around me where taken aback.

I offered and suggested they removed themselves immediately or else they would be removed, and they then began to walk towards the exit at the back of the stand where I stood and observed both leave the Stadium.

Either that or they where paying a visit to A and E Southern General compliments of some other Bears who never quite heard what they said.

The terminolligy they where using was FTQ.

No way was I tollerating that.

They where Highland in their accent not quite sure where from, but they certainly did not belong in our Stadium.

I think the support within our club is dwindling for the SNP and their cause to sederate our Country from the Union.

IMO. I may be wrong.

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They where Highland in their accent not quite sure where from, but they certainly did not belong in our Stadium.

In my experience, to the average Glaswegian.........Stirling is considered to be the Highlands. ;)

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I never sing GSTQ unless its the Sex Pistols version, but I certainly wouldn't decry the royal family. I am a Unionist, although not really bothered about the monarchy. Elitism is not my bag. No doubt someone will have a dig at me for that, I'll live with it.

These brave men & women fought and died for the flag that I love, and for that I am eternally grateful.

This decision is a fucking disgrace.

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Much closer, teuchterville begins about Cumbernauld IMO

I believe you! :lol:

Seriously, when I lived in Edinburgh, the kids in our street asked me why an Irish guy was always wearing Rangers gear.

When I told them Inverness was just south of Dublin, they never questioned it.

Until you are through Drumochter Pass, you're still in softy southern land, Englandshire. :P

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The Scottish Football Mopery part 2


This was also posted on The scottish Football monitor site barely hours after the wonderful scenes at Ibrox.

From a so called W. Johnston who is morally outraged about this but no moral remorse from stealing a Live internet feed from Rangers T.V

And yet again it gets 257 thumbs up and only one thumbs down from the Rangers hating cretins that inhabit this unbiased site!

wjohnston1 says:

Saturday, November 10, 2012 at 22:38



Rate This

Please allow me to share a few thoughts with you which may yet again receive multiple Thumbs down or even result in my post being removed. I will take the chance.

I am sitting on a Saturday night watching on television the Royal British Legion Service of Remembrence. A very dignified occasion well prepared and presented.

Tomorrow morning I will go to the local Cenotaph and join with many others in remembering those who gave all in the various wars. in the small town where i stay the service will be conducted by the local minister. The music will be provided by the Salvation Army and the local Orange Order. I have been attending for so many years i couldnt guess how many. Both bands will be well turned out and always play appropriate music. I must give them all enormous credit.

Everything is done properly and is very dignified.

Next year i and the remaining members of my family will travel to Italy to keep a promise to my now departed mother to visit the War Grave of her only brother who left home in 1943 to serve his country and never returned.

And why am I saying all this in a blog dedicated to monitoring Scottish football.

Let me tell you why i am doing this.

This afternoon I managed to pick up on the Internet coverage of The Rangers game being televised by Rangers TV.

i am a football fan and watch anything and everything on the box or on the internet.

During the commentary in the first half they made reference to an appearance at half time of some 400 or so military personnel.

I stayed tuned in to witness what i hoped would be a dignified parade allowing fans the opportunity to show support for our military and respect for the departed.

What did I see? A bloody rabble.

Several hundred military personnel did descend onto the park.

They ran, they jumped, they kicked a ball about. They chased and hugged rangers substitutes warming up on the park. They ran into the crowd and posed for pictures. They dived about the goalmouth, and all the time the baying crowd sang Rule Brittania.

It was a shambles, it was a disgrace and it was totally inappropriate.

This football club, born of the ashes of a similar club who failed to pay millions of pounds in taxes disgraced the memory of those who had fallen in all the wars.

I watched it, I witnessed it.

Do these morons think for a minute that it was only Rangers Supporters who died in the war.

who on earth in our services authorised the attendance at Ibrox of servicemen and allowed them to behave in such a disorderly and inappropriate way.

I am disgusted at them.

But not half as disdusted as i am at that shower in charge at ibrox who arranged such a display.

this and the letter in the other post have been posted on more tellingly an Irish politics site


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Re: Letter of Complaint for Remembrance Sunday 2012

It was with great dismay that I read the letter of complaint you received and for the way that you responded to it.

I believe, Sir, that you have been duped by the worst kind of bigotry that a small section of the Scottish community continues to show for all things related to Rangers Football Club.

Rangers Football Club is supported by a wide range of British, and other, citizens of all races, creed and religious believers and to single out one particular is unfair (and illegal in Scotland) on the greater majority of the support.

I myself am an ex-serviceman who served in many conflicts including Operation Granby, countess tours of Northern Ireland, the former Yugoslavia, Sierra Leone and others. I served alongside British Citizens of all races, creed and religious beliefs and we never displayed any sectarian beliefs, nor would it have been tolerated in the Armed Forces.

The suggestion from your complainant that the selectees were there on religious grounds displays bigotry beyond belief and is yet another attempt to demonize a football club. Balloting members of the Armed Forces happens for most sporting events, for example, Wimbledon, and has never been carried out on religious grounds.

Sir, it is my honest belief that you are being used in a point scoring campaign and, unfortunately, it appears in this case to have worked.

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that is only a summary of the letter.he also says

1 where the servicemen who were there on duty?

2 who ordered the firing of the cannon

3 were health and safety informed of the descent of the soldiers from the govan stand?

and the bastard comes from fife!

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