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Fuck the strong platform and fuck the Scottish game and fuck any Rangers officials that want to make Scottish football stronger

Short memories some of Yous have

Agree 100%. They have brought this trouble upon their own heads, and as to a strong Scotttish game, well that's a laugh, its never been a strong league, only the money from Rangers and its fans hold the Scottish league barely together and that will always be the case.

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What's all the angst with the 'humble' word. Craig Mather has to date filled the boots of interim CEO more than adequately and I fail to see where humility diminishes his own or the Club's status. John Ruskin said it better than I ever could:

The first test of a truly great man is his humility. By humility I don't mean doubt of his powers or hesitation in speaking his opinion, but merely an understanding of the relationship of what he can say and what he can do.

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What's all the angst with the 'humble' word. Craig Mather has to date filled the boots of interim CEO more than adequately and I fail to see where humility diminishes his own or the Club's status. John Ruskin said it better than I ever could:

The first test of a truly great man is his humility. By humility I don't mean doubt of his powers or hesitation in speaking his opinion, but merely an understanding of the relationship of what he can say and what he can do.

As my auld Granny used to say " if you haven't anything good to say ,say nothing ".

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What's all the angst with the 'humble' word. Craig Mather has to date filled the boots of interim CEO more than adequately and I fail to see where humility diminishes his own or the Club's status. John Ruskin said it better than I ever could:

The first test of a truly great man is his humility. By humility I don't mean doubt of his powers or hesitation in speaking his opinion, but merely an understanding of the relationship of what he can say and what he can do.

Mather is not a great man. And just a shame that there is not many great men in Scottish Football, or the press who showed humility to our club. All i have seen is bitter hatred towards our club.

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We should be represented on the board that much I agree with however under the new rules if 2 clubs out of 42 don't agree with something it won't pass and now we have a vote and a say we can lobby for more influence....in the mean time getting a representative onto these committees and boards is important IMO due to the current make up of that board and the benefits we bring to the game up here!

Only if these 2 clubs are int he top division, where they have maintained the 11/1 voting procedure. All 20 clubs in the 3rd and 4th tier could disagree with something but it could still be carried 5 to 1 on the board.

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Only if these 2 clubs are int he top division, where they have maintained the 11/1 voting procedure. All 20 clubs in the 3rd and 4th tier could disagree with something but it could still be carried 5 to 1 on the board.

Indeed Bud, you summed that up better than I did (tu)

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What is there to build back up, they only want the Rangers blue pound and its back to normal, a diddy league in a diddy country.

So why support at all ? Lets just settle for being weak and parochial and as long as we can have a dig or two then that's ok. I think we can set out heights higher - we deserve more but with your attitude you don't

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It's not just recon

Mather has been humbly silent on everything.

So much so I hear Azure are introducing the humble pie at the catering stands.

There is a huge swell of punters trying to paint humility as a good thing tp try and save Mather.

Remember - Somebody in the bible said "the meek shall inherit fuck all !!!"

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I didn't write up the proposals mate so i cant but its not re votes its in regard to representation...

Wish your were correct mate, but I think you have that wrong. This is why there was such a push by the bottom tier clubs for the representation to be 3,1,1,1 as opposed to 3,2,1. Remember there are also 2 "independent" members on the board, which will no doubt by CEO and Chairman. If it had been 3,1,1,1 then 3rd and 4th tiers with the support of the indpendents could have tied the vote 4 - 4 and the Chairman having the casting vote would have stopped 1st and 2nd tier railroading over the bottom 2 tiers. This is why SPL clubs insisted on the 3,2,1 so even if the 2 independents think an idea from tiers 1 and 2 is crazy they can still get it carried 5 - 3

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He had to say something. The creation of a new league set-up in the context of our journey from near extinction at the hands of the SPL and SFA last year was not really a matter that the Board could simply let pass by. Although from the statement made by Mather they might just as well have continued their pursuit of studied silence on the reconstruction debate since the departure of Charles Green.

"We will be determined to make our views on the game's future known". Many might argue its a bit late for that. The future has been determined in the form of the now adopted league reconstruction. It is what it is until if fails. Maybe he means that the Board will find its voice at that time because quite what there is to say of any substance or of any shaping of the future now that the course has been determined is currently beyond my (admittedly limited) comprehension.

"...important that Rangers' be heard". Well I can't disagree that it is important that the Club's voice is heard. I'm presuming this marks a change of approach from the silence during the latter part of the reconstruction debate. Or maybe not. On further reflection it could simply mean that now that we are members we can attend meetings and have a vote so our voice is heard through the medium of casting a vote. Clearly time will telll if the voice he speaks of is simply the routine process of contributing to a committee debate and exercising a vote.

"....moving forward with greater purpose and determination on and off the pitch as well as within the corridors of power.” I will be very interested to see what evidence is produced of the greater purpose and determination.

In each of the examples above and recalling his statements when appointed about having clear views on how to take Rangers forward and on his statments in San Francisco about having a list and of acting when the time is right. For now and until tangible action is produced that bears out the statements, I mark them as no more than indicators of wishful thinking. None are as yet backed up by - 'and what this means is...' statements to give some substance to what are increasingly sounding like soundbites from someone who is trying to beef up his act in an appealing way to get the CEO job full time. The statments he is making on behalf of the Board will soon enough need to be backed up by tangible evidence of action. His statement today would have been so much more powerful and effective if it has given some examples of what is meant by greater purpose and determination and what he proposes to table in the corridors of powers meetings or what views of the Rangers Board are to be heard by others. In my view he comes over as a lightweight with right-sounding soundbites. I would like to see substance backing up the statements.

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I dont think it would matter what the man says, there would still be some on here that would want to slaughter him.

Personally, I trust him as much as Green (not very much), but like Green im willing to give him a chance.

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RANGERS will be back at the top table with full membership and voting rights in the Scottish Professional Football League.

It is further confirmation of Rangers return to a position of influence within the game.

Rangers’ chief executive Craig Mather said: “This is the status Rangers should have and we look forward to playing a full and leading part in the rebuilding of Scottish football.

“That’s what all of us; everyone who cares about the game should be working towards. It is also important that Rangers’ voice be heard because this Club is too big and too important to be ignored.

“Stage one has been completed but the journey continues and we hope to meet and make many more friends along the way. However, now that we are full members we will be determined to make our own views on the game’s future known.

“Everyone knows Rangers have had to tread carefully but we will now be moving forward with greater purpose and determination on and off the pitch as well as within the corridors of power.”

The formation of the SPFL was confirmed late last night following agreement between the SPL and SFL.

mather talks more shite than bluepeter9.

I do not believe a word he says.

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What I don't understand is those who think that, somehow, that to look after Rangers we should some how look to shaft and destroy Scottish football. For us to be strong we NEED a strong Scottish set up - and therefore helping get the best for Scottish football is in our interest. Also I don't understand why some people thing we are gelded - now we are back as full members our influence will grow once again to where it was per Whyte - especially as we move up the leagues - size does matter and there is non bigger in the Scottish game.

no we don't, every team finds it level.

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Newco SPL now have direct control over our TV rights.

Is there any chance we might get a look at the Sky deal and the terms?

The unelected representatives do they ever change?

We as a club have the biggest support in Scotland and have no say in our own destiny.

Mather will need to do better than we have full membership as if he got a great result for us, we should have had that any way.

CG might have talked alot of shite but he stuck up for the Club alot more than anyone before him.

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