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I dont think Fashanu is comparable. Attitudes have changed greatly in the 15 years since he died. Could you have imagined the current crop of 'metrosexuals' being accepted by crowds15-20 years ago?

"Things have changed"

- Gay footballers would still get absolutely ridiculed week in week out by both home and away supporters. Some might argue; "Oh there'd be a few people in the crowds who don't agree with abuse like that" - But it's the same mentality of rioters when you're in a crowd like that, if a number of people start ridiculing a gay footballer, others join in; anonymous and in a crowd mentality.

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I dont think Fashanu is comparable. Attitudes have changed greatly in the 15 years since he died. Could you have imagined the current crop of 'metrosexuals' being accepted by crowds15-20 years ago?

There's always such a thing about players coming out. It's an interesting one. I thought Robbie Rodgers coming out and immediately retiring was immensely cowardly, hence, i'm delighted he's come back to play. It's not for me to say because i'm neither gay nor a professional footballer (yet...) but I do wonder whether the reality woudl actually be as bad as some make out.

Would there be ridicule, aye, of course. Fact is though, if your a footballer, you;ve inevitable been called a 'fucking cunt' about a million times already. If your a shit footballer, you get your own fans giving you dogs abuse. If you're a good one, the opposition give you the abuse. I guess it depends how comfortable the athlete would be with their sexuality. Would someone being abused but with the word 'poof' or 'bent' added to it greatly affect the guy more than without? I have my doubts. I would also assume that if serious abuse happened, it would be treated akin to racist language being banded about. ie. some players walking off and fans being rightly shopped to the authorities.

As I say, impossible to say, but I do get the feeling that the reality wouldn't be as bad as some imagine. Most 'out' footballers would probably just get on with the game and ignore the abuse, as they currently do every Saturday. Not sure that a whole lot changes.

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"Things have changed"

- Gay footballers would still get absolutely ridiculed week in week out by both home and away supporters. Some might argue; "Oh there'd be a few people in the crowds who don't agree with abuse like that" - But it's the same mentality of rioters when you're in a crowd like that, if a number of people start ridiculing a gay footballer, others join in; anonymous and in a crowd mentality.

Not entirely sure 'both home and away supporters' would ridicule. If Macleod or Wallace came out (unlikely considering he has a bairn, but still), would you ridicule him for his sexuality? I certainly wouldn't

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It's kinda funny how your version of an "inverted gang rape" is just a gay gang rape. :lol:

Bloody flaming inverts!

I get what he means.

a gay gang rape would involve a gay gang raping one straight guy.

The inverted gay gang rape is one guy raping a whole bunch of straight guys,

how the fuck did the conversation spiral so far down the abyss.

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Apparently a future initiative the footballing powers that be are working on in order to carry on their mission to bring support and awareness to misunderstood minorities treated unfairly due to their sexual orientation is to have a weekend promoting BDSM awareness

BDSM people represent another silent, hidden and misunderstood minority in contmeporary society. Repressed, Opresssed, depressed, in fact every fucking "-pressed" you can think of: thats how bad the BDSM community have it these days.

Hell, even your neighbour could be a BDSM person and yet he/she is probably too scared to come out and be loud and proud about his/her sexual orientation for fear of backlash (no pun intended!).

yes thats right: it is time we embrace all sexual orientations!

furthermore to promote this fine cause, Brown Balls, the gay and bisexual charity are sending Gimp suits to all professional Football leage clubs in England and Northern Ireland and Scotland for players to wear in all matches played on that weekend.

Naturally all gimp suits will come in club colours to avoid confusion on the field of play. A spokesperson for the PFA said they requested team colours be used to avoid players knocking their balls to the wrong person by mistake.

Gimp suits were also offered to all clubs from the Republic Of Ireland but the suits were politely declined. A spokeman for the ROI football league said there was no need for the Gimp suits as most people in RO Ireland already had several Gimps suits of their own.

so dont be a fag and get behind Gimps in football weekend

cuming to a stadium near you soon


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I like the intention just not the way they are going about it, with paddy power sponsoring it and offering odds on players coming out etc!

If the statement above is true and I have no reason to question the veracity of what you have posted then it is opportunism of the worst sort.

What happens if a player trying to hide his sexuality is 'outed' and decides to copy Justin Fashanu??

Does anyone really care if a player is a poof or not?? I suggest if he plays for your team that he will receive your support. If he plays for the opposition then he will be the victim of abuse even if it is only designed to wind him up.

Perhaps football needs to adopt the US military 'don't ask, don't tell' policy. After all who cares??

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To be honest I'm actually against this....was listening to the guy in charge of it today and one of the main ideas behind it came across to me as trying to flush out an openly gay footballer which I think benefits others rather than said individual.

Having played football my whole life I don't doubt there are gay players playing at all levels but dressing room banter and the mentality of most guys who play football would make it very difficult for these individuals and would create an uneasy atmosphere in some teams whether you want to admit it or not!

I like the intention just not the way they are going about it, with paddy power sponsoring it and offering odds on players coming out etc!

Does Ian Black have an account? Shit.... can't bet on himself. ironic that when the players lace up they will be bending over for a bunch of shirt lifters. Whit weeeeeowl!!!!!!!
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I have followed this 'debate' with interest, and I must say I'm surprised by the vehemence of many of the reactions and, in some instances, disgusted by them.

This is hardly an earth shattering proposal, and it's not being imposed on anyone. Each individual player will act in accordance with his conscience and beliefs - and that's as it should be.

I have a couple of friends who are gay, and I'm proud to have them as friends. Their sexual orientation has never been a problem for me, nor mine for them, and I suspect that most players will probably feel the same.

Sad that many feel unable to support this kind of initiative.

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I have followed this 'debate' with interest, and I must say I'm surprised by the vehemence of many of the reactions and, in some instances, disgusted by them.

This is hardly an earth shattering proposal, and it's not being imposed on anyone. Each individual player will act in accordance with his conscience and beliefs - and that's as it should be.

I have a couple of friends who are gay, and I'm proud to have them as friends. Their sexual orientation has never been a problem for me, nor mine for them, and I suspect that most players will probably feel the same.

Sad that many feel unable to support this kind of initiative.

Unfortunately, a lot of the posts on this thread will be cut and pasted onto other websites, and used as a stick to beat us with. Save our hatred for people who deserve it!

Nobody's forcing anybody to do anything, it's down to personal choice, as it should be.

I'd be more worried for any gay players who have decided to stay "in the closet" for probably very good reasons, as I think this will put a lot of unwanted pressure and attention on them.

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I have followed this 'debate' with interest, and I must say I'm surprised by the vehemence of many of the reactions and, in some instances, disgusted by them.

This is hardly an earth shattering proposal, and it's not being imposed on anyone. Each individual player will act in accordance with his conscience and beliefs - and that's as it should be.

I have a couple of friends who are gay, and I'm proud to have them as friends. Their sexual orientation has never been a problem for me, nor mine for them, and I suspect that most players will probably feel the same.

Sad that many feel unable to support this kind of initiative.

There's certainly quite a few closet dwelers on RM going by the over compensating matcho bullshit being spouted in this thread

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To be honest I'm actually against this....was listening to the guy in charge of it today and one of the main ideas behind it came across to me as trying to flush out an openly gay footballer which I think benefits others rather than said individual.

Having played football my whole life I don't doubt there are gay players playing at all levels but dressing room banter and the mentality of most guys who play football would make it very difficult for these individuals and would create an uneasy atmosphere in some teams whether you want to admit it or not!

I like the intention just not the way they are going about it, with paddy power sponsoring it and offering odds on players coming out etc!

I take your point (ahem), but don't know if it's to flush them out or encourage them. The football dressing room culture will always make it tough for a gay player to come out given the environment.

In Scotland, for example, how many players will say in reply to the request, "No way! Am no a poof!"?

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I take your point (ahem), but don't know if it's to flush them out or encourage them. The football dressing room culture will always make it tough for a gay player to come out given the environment.

In Scotland, for example, how many players will say in reply to the request, "No way! Am no a poof!"?

As I say I respect the intention but just not the way they are going about it....paddy powers involvement and the odds situation doesn't sit right with me..,I think it would suit alot of groups for a player to come out but I'm not sure if that would be the best thing for the guy as an active player....maybe there is an argument that it just takes one and attitudes will change but I'm not sure it's that simple and as I say would a player coming out be the best thing for him or others?

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As I say I respect the intention but just not the way they are going about it....paddy powers involvement and the odds situation doesn't sit right with me..,I think it would suit alot of groups for a player to come out but I'm not sure if that would be the best thing for the guy as an active player....maybe there is an argument that it just takes one and attitudes will change but I'm not sure it's that simple and as I say would a player coming out be the best thing for him or others?

Yes, it's very much a personal matter. There are huge issues with family awareness and abuse from other supporters on top of the whole dressing room issue. Nobody can decide what to do but the individual who has to take the decision and put up with the aftermath. He could end up feeling rather shafted, so to speak.
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