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Liewell The Scumbag


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Celtic Football Club ‏@celticfc 25m

Shareholder referred to the media reporting of a new club as an old club, Celtic CEO, said: 'Rory Bremner can pretend to be Tony Blair...'.

And this was put on Celtics official twitter feed.

They are obsessed.

More to be pitied than scorned.

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Just telling it the way I see it. The sad fact is that the people who are supposed to be running our club seem to be spending their time playing "I've got more votes than you" rather than doing what they draw a salary for. Rest assured that once things have settled down regarding the boardroom there will be plenty of opportunity for these matters to be raised by shareholders in our club. You see people like Liewell have a great knack of supplying us with more and more evidence of their bias. Just look at the comments being made outside of the meeting rooms by those who had a vote in removing us from the SPL.

There are probably plenty of skeletons in the cupboards of these clubs and those who own them, and as we have seen of recent months there are some hard working Bears out there who have been doing their best to expose them and "join the dots" as it were to show how these matters have been used to hinder our team on as well as off the field of play. I believe there is still a lot of work to be done, but I also believe that in the end they will reveal something that even the most biased of Scottish mhedia will not be able to put a lid on.

Personally I don't like the constant use of references to child abuse that gets thrown into these threads it's a subject that has and is still scarring many lives to this day. However we do live in a society that pays lip service to this crime in that an organisation is allowed to administer about half of the nations schools while being involved in thousands of child abuse cases and their cover up. As for the case of c****c and Torrbet, has anybody ever written a book about this? Perhaps it is time for one of our fans with some journalistic flair to do some investigating and get a book out covering how this matter was never properly dealt with by the football authorities in Scotland and why. When you consider that the clock seems to be ticking regarding the banking and land deals done by a certain club, a club that is finding it harder to keep a lid on the activities of their fans in and outside of the football ground one would expect a well written and factually correct book about how they veneered over the Torrbet situation and avoided any punishment.

A credit to this forum sir, you really are. :clap:

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Their obsession knows no bounds.........The saving grace of the last two years, has been about having nothing to do with them,not having to look at their results,their place in the league,or having to put up with that vile low life polluting Ibrox twice a year........so liewell I dont care a toss,what you think or say.....WATP

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Making complaints for snide jibes is pitiful and tarrier-like.

That was an attack on our Corporate identity, our heritage, our tradition and one that affects club business, share value, investors, Directors and fans alike. If you think that it's pitiful then you shall remain the small person that you are and you are NO defender of club nor faith. This is the same appeasement that sent millions to the gas chambers.

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Dirty scumbag get him to fuck off the sfa board ASAP

Get him to fuck off the planet along with his horde. They have abused, raped, tortured murdered tens of millions down through the centuries. Now a multi billion pound enterprise at the expense of the poor and the vulnerable. It isn't by any coincidence that they deny, delude and deflect at every opportunity, only to try and give their heinous and corrupt joke of a faith credibility, as they do for their local peado club in the east end. The largest paedo ring on the planet and still they are welcomed. They have voting power and every corrupt power hungry politician will court them for it. Moving on to the independence debate, I rest my case!

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That was an attack on our Corporate identity, our heritage, our tradition and one that affects club business, share value, investors, Directors and fans alike. If you think that it's pitiful then you shall remain the small person that you are and you are NO defender of club nor faith. This is the same appeasement that sent millions to the gas chambers.

I think you're maybe looking a wee bit too much into this. He simply said it to appease the Fenians at the AGM.

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If people actually look at this closely, you will see what they are saying makes no sense because if they thought our club was a "new club", then they would not bother commenting on it. Surely we are so irrelevant and they would surely not hate us?

We can see by how they behave and carry on, that it is a load of nonsense and this obsession proves it. They must be so bored that they are winning meaningless league titles. Only once we are back will it mean anything, its why you see people attending the games dressed as green seats.

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