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Radio Clyde saying Hearts will be liquidated Monday

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I would be delighted for mockit ridden Scottish football to die, we could then have an excellent and valid reason to apply to the English FA, it isn't as if we haven't played under their auspices before.

A Dream for me as a Rangers Fan.

All these small minded Fans from the Diddy Clubs have fucked Scottish fitbaw.

Small minded and Inward looking.

Scottish fitbaw will never recover from their hatred.

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This is not a personal dig at you but I really can`t understand your thinking.They didn`t `fuck up` they used every trick in the book and even invented some new ones (5 way agreement) to destroy us or strip us of titles.Any club with an ounce of integrity would have spoken out against such things but Hearts were happy to go along with it.

Some connected to Hearts (I forget who) said it gave them a better chance of getting into Europe.

Hearts were happy to walk over the bones of our club when they thought it benefited them.

As I said before I don`t desire their demise but if it comes about through the same rules being applied to them as applied to us,it`s fair.

Fair enough. I know exactly how they handled it and it was shocking and bordering on corruption for me, I'd love to see those responsible for how we were treated taken to task by higher authority but that won't happen either.

Yes clubs should have spoken out but did not, again, more ridiculous misjudgements at the least, I certainly don't agree with how other clubs acted.

My point was more that our situation was horrifically handled and whilst it shouldn't have been how it was, things shouldn't be repeated across the board as it isn't right.

I was merely saying actions I thought would go some way to slightly amending mistakes, no one has to accept apologies, I never said that. Just think the way it was handled for us was shocking and it shouldn't have happened at all let alone be applied to other clubs with no lessons learned.

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The reason we should be more "tolerant" and give them a bit of backing or support is we know how it feels. That's where I was two years ago.

Fuck off. They'll never know how I felt. Horrible cesspit of a club like the rest of them.

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I would be delighted for mockit ridden Scottish football to die, we could then have an excellent and valid reason to apply to the English FA, it isn't as if we haven't played under their auspices before.

we even had a rep on the FA board.Got a pic of the announcement.

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there is an exception in UEFA`s cross border rule which is what you mean I think.Get rid of us and there is no real competition.UEFA`s exception applies in that case and c****c would be free to apply to England.Who knows what went on?

Exactly the lines I am thinking on. They'd kill the game up here stone dead if it meant getting into English football.
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Fair enough. I know exactly how they handled it and it was shocking and bordering on corruption for me, I'd love to see those responsible for how we were treated taken to task by higher authority but that won't happen either.

Yes clubs should have spoken out but did not, again, more ridiculous misjudgements at the least, I certainly don't agree with how other clubs acted.

My point was more that our situation was horrifically handled and whilst it shouldn't have been how it was, things shouldn't be repeated across the board as it isn't right.

I was merely saying actions I thought would go some way to slightly amending mistakes, no one has to accept apologies, I never said that. Just think the way it was handled for us was shocking and it shouldn't have happened at all let alone be applied to other clubs with no lessons learned.

fair comment mate (tu)

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Exactly the lines I am thinking on. They'd kill the game up here stone dead if it meant getting into English football.

if you take it to a logical conclusion,the demise of Scottish football/lack of credible competition is c****cs only real way into England.

Maybe that is why they were so desperate to see us not just punished,but put out of existence.

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Slightly off topic, had a scan on HMFC Kickback earlier and there was a thread about going to Ibrox next season. I was pretty surprised to see that the first person to refer to "playing a brand new club" was scoffed at by the majority, and told to wise up and accept that we are the same club. And that people need to get over themselves. Amazing how attitudes change!

Actually, I think more time goes on the less people will refer to the idiotic sevco stuff. To a certain degree. Of course certain bitter people will always cling to it

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Hell will freeze over before the hunns and their Crown hating romanist ethos would ever be accepted by England.

Exactly the lines I am thinking on. They'd kill the game up here stone dead if it meant getting into English football.

They will never get into England.

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Slightly off topic, had a scan on HMFC Kickback earlier and there was a thread about going to Ibrox next season. I was pretty surprised to see that the first person to refer to "playing a brand new club" was scoffed at by the majority, and told to wise up and accept that we are the same club. And that people need to get over themselves. Amazing how attitudes change!

Actually, I think more time goes on the less people will refer to the idiotic sevco stuff. To a certain degree. Of course certain bitter people will always cling to it

Now that they are facing their company going bust they suddenly realise the truth, a company is not the same thing as a football club. Oh well better they learn the hard way..........

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Honestly can't see how a Rangers fan could enjoy a moment like this.

You must be joking surely?? Where have you been for the last two years? It may be noble of you to look at the situation from your point of view, but have you forgotten how we were branded and treated by most of the SPL including hearts? Just my opinion but Scottish football was fucked the minute we were hung drawn and quartered, being noble is not going to save it! We warned them and they did not take heid, he'll mend them!!
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