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No idea how gutted I am right now at where we are


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That mhob shouted from the roof tops "you're not Rangers anymore", do you know something they're not wrong. We've not felt like Rangers in a long time. It's a bad day when Dundee Hibs come to Ibrox backed by about 12,000 supporters who expect to win. It's a bad day when you've been put out the cup by teams like Forfar, Falkirk, Dundee Hibs, Inverness, Malmo, Maribor, and it's accepted by the everyone connected at the club. It's a bad day when we've got a team full of players on thousands per week but they can't even pass the ball to a blue jersey two yards in front of them without giving it away.

Lets face facts, at the club their has been no forward vision, we've signed dross on big wages just to get passed part timers getting pennies and working 40 hour shifts every week. Next season I honestly fear us getting dragged into a dogfight for first place, especially with the lack of entertainment and talent on the pitch. Players that were brilliant for their previous clubs come to us and are just plain pish in our jersey. Once we're back in the SPL we're going to skint and miles behind the bheggers, how long will it take before we're even near them? This period in our history should have been about putting important infrastructure into the club to move us ahead years, scouting, youth, coaching, a football philosophy for the club from youth to first team level. Now once we're back in the SPL we're going to have to buy, buy, buy and how long is it going to take before we're champions again?

The vision is completely missing, the big picture is small and we're in big trouble, I am genuinely gutted, unless Wallace acts now and gets rid of one of the main cuplrits and that's the manager, and finds new finance and gets that infrastructure in place, bears if you thought the past three years have been long and hard, you better get ready for some longer and harder years unless action is taken ASAP. This isn't just about Ally, it's about everything, we're just so far behind it's going to take a long, long time to catch up never mind better it.

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No offence if I say I haven't agreed with many of your posts.

But you have hit an awful lot of nails on the head in one single post.

I think a lot of younger bears underestimate the damage that a couple of trophy less seasons will do to the level of support.

I am more worried now than I was years ago

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Gutted by today

The place was rocking and the support we gave to the the team. How much more do they want.

Home tie place bouncing if they were ever going to do it it was today.

We now need to get things sorted on and off the park.

A fucking shambles.

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I've never felt so ashamed as I did in Ibrox today. Sitting there after they scored their 3rd goal and listening to the stadium being filled with "Your not Rangers anymore". It was deafening. Loyal fans were leaving with 20 minutes to go in there thousands. I felt physically sick.

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100% agree, we used to be a club where anything other than a win was not good enough. Now? Well now it seems acceptable to lose... regardless of what troubles we have been through in recent years, the Rangers standard is that anything less than a win, is never good enough. Our current manager and coaching staff don't seem to think that way though...

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Its been run or is being run by a bunch of amatuers

I don't think anyone bar Wallace actually has a fucking clue how to run a football club and that goes for Green and the rest

They have fucked up big time

And don't even get me fucking started on Ally, we had no fucking choice but to give him a chance after his efforts during Admin but we all knew from our last season in the SPL he didn't have what it takes and its been proven

It's a shambles, Wallace with this fucking review,King with his outbursts

Too many politicians and amatuers at our club and it is only the fans who suffer

We have the least money and the most passion and the ones at the club are paid well and are not achieving

Its a disgrass

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All I've heard since this whole thing happened to us is "we'll be back!" "Bigger and stronger" and so on and so on. But see if we're being brutally honest about it, every time I watch us playing I start to believe that a little bit less.

I find it hard to imagine this team even making it through the championship next season and into the premiership and I worry where the money will come from to build a squad capable of challenging for the title because let's not kid ourselves here, that's going to be a fucking expensive job!

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I'm gonna go against the grain here . I was actually dreading the game today but on arriving at the ground it fair got my juices flowing that i haven't felt since the 3-2 win over yahoos in April 2012 . I left today disappointed at the result but loved the atmosphere . More of the same please!! (not the result).

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Its gonna be tough guys....but


Govan Rear GR4 Row K Seat 0112

I have been going from age aged 6 ...every season. I'm 53. Bill Struth talked of troubled times. Our motto is Ready and our Cry IS No Surrender and Follow Follow.

I have watched Celtic win 9 in a row, and Davie whites humiliation against Gornik. I have watched Gazza and Laudrup light up my saturdays.

It's who I am and what I do. I follow. I support. Its unconditional. It's like the love you can have for a child.

Nick Hornby talks about it eloquently in his book when he was 6 too I think and he realised Arsenal was in his blood and that this love would outlast his marriage.

I have been privileged to support Rangers. It has been an honour. I look at the Thistle and Dumbarton supporters and admire them for their dedication ....to their "Club"

This is the essence... i go to Ibrox to support that nebulous entity ... "Rangers Football Club." McCoist has been disappointing and the players disappointing... and I am disappointed.... but I will never stop going or make ultimatums... never. RTID is a phrase I use and I mean it.

I understand the pain... we should make it bond us.

Its funny you know...im a low poster but pop in here and read daily... Some posters in thousands or with names like loyal dis the likes of me because we don't have "many posts" but are now talking about not renewing till Ally goes. The measure of the supporter not how much they support but how much they post seemingly. We are an easy club to support in the good times but the measure of us is now... loyalty in the hard times. Struth knew these times would come because that is what life is like. He gave us warnings that hard times would come round. The elders amongst us will realsie the se happenings in our personal lives or marriage.

I support our "Club" and I will not hold them to ransom. The current Board are unimpressive, McCoist unimpressive, the players unimpressive, however we the fans have been outstanding in terms of support and a little disappointing in our ability to show some cohesiveness. By all means be unhappy with Board / manager and players and show your displeasure if you feel necessary.

GOAT ... i don't know you but you're clearly passionate and angry. Perhaps I'm older, and having suffered their 9 as a teenager I'm more patient. Think again my friend. Ally will go soon.. his time is nearing, Unless there is a miraculous turnaround which even I don't see. Try and support our Club... evermore... use you passion to galvanise us. ( For the record I have no connections with Board and think our custodians have been poor since Murray lost interest. My view on Ally is at best ambivalent but I will shout for the team and manager on a saturday. This is not a call to renew season tickets but to inspire you just a little to keep going to games next year. If your in GR then say hello hello!)

I know some of you may not renew or may use King's scheme... which is fine and I won't dis you for it, because these are trying times... but believe me ... if you can grit your teeth and hang in for the rest of the journey it will taste all the sweeter when we get there. I know this was not the journey we imagined and the board appear to take us for granted... I'm simply supporting the "Club" I love.

I returned from Ibrox today disappointed with result and the last 2 seasons in general. my wife said it's not been a very entertaining season has it. "I know," I said, " If I wanted entertained though, I'd go to the theatre... but I go to support Rangers... cos that's what I signed up to age 6"

She sighed of course but I trust that most of you might get it.

Disappointed but Loyal and still following

Struth "Never fear, inevitably we shall have our years of failure, and when they arrive, we must reveal tolerance and sanity. No matter the days of anxiety that come our way, we shall emerge stronger because of the trials to be overcome. That has been the philosophy of the Rangers since the days of the gallant pioneers."

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All I've heard since this whole thing happened to us is "we'll be back!" "Bigger and stronger" and so on and so on. But see if we're being brutally honest about it, every time I watch us playing I start to believe that a little bit less.

I find it hard to imagine this team even making it through the championship next season and into the premiership and I worry where the money will come from to build a squad capable of challenging for the title because let's not kid ourselves here, that's going to be a fucking expensive job!

If they got the basics right like first touch and a simple direct pass they would be far better than they appear to be

So many fucking times Bilel and Foster and Law etc passed the ball into a fucking empty space!

And then Ally comes out with "plenty of positives"

Naw Ally you should be saying "its not fucking good enough for this club to be beaten at home"

Ah fuck it

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There's been a lack of forward planning at the club for more than a few years tbh, As long as we finished above Celtic then everything was ok. Poor tactics - style of play - fitness - basic football intelligence not to mention the off the field shambles have been about for many years,

We have missed a once in a lifetime chance to rebuild the whole club.

Heartbreaking watching players who should be no-where near a Rangers shirt going through the motions on a weekly basis

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The sad truth is that apart from the fans, stadium, training ground and history the club is a shambles and very much a laughing stock on and off the pitch.

Millions of pounds have been squandered over the years and I for one trust neither the Board or King and his supporters.

I want only what is best for Rangers and without major investment and major personnel changes we will not go forward and will find the next few seasons a massive challenge.

All in all we are in a bad place and despite what some would try and make you believe there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

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Its gonna be tough guys....but


Govan Rear GR4 Row K Seat 0112

I have been going from age aged 6 ...every season. I'm 53. Bill Struth talked of troubled times. Our motto is Ready and our Cry IS No Surrender and Follow Follow.

I have watched Celtic win 9 in a row, and Davie whites humiliation against Gornik. I have watched Gazza and Laudrup light up my saturdays.

It's who I am and what I do. I follow. I support. Its unconditional. It's like the love you can have for a child.

Nick Hornby talks about it eloquently in his book when he was 6 too I think and he realised Arsenal was in his blood and that this love would outlast his marriage.

I have been privileged to support Rangers. It has been an honour. I look at the Thistle and Dumbarton supporters and admire them for their dedication ....to their "Club"

This is the essence... i go to Ibrox to support that nebulous entity ... "Rangers Football Club." McCoist has been disappointing and the players disappointing... and I am disappointed.... but I will never stop going or make ultimatums... never. RTID is a phrase I use and I mean it.

I understand the pain... we should make it bond us.

Its funny you know...im a low poster but pop in here and read daily... Some posters in thousands or with names like loyal dis the likes of me because we don't have "many posts" but are now talking about not renewing till Ally goes. The measure of the supporter not how much they support but how much they post seemingly. We are an easy club to support in the good times but the measure of us is now... loyalty in the hard times. Struth knew these times would come because that is what life is like. He gave us warnings that hard times would come round. The elders amongst us will realsie the se happenings in our personal lives or marriage.

I support our "Club" and I will not hold them to ransom. The current Board are unimpressive, McCoist unimpressive, the players unimpressive, however we the fans have been outstanding in terms of support and a little disappointing in our ability to show some cohesiveness. By all means be unhappy with Board / manager and players and show your displeasure if you feel necessary.

GOAT ... i don't know you but you're clearly passionate and angry. Perhaps I'm older, and having suffered their 9 as a teenager I'm more patient. Think again my friend. Ally will go soon.. his time is nearing, Unless there is a miraculous turnaround which even I don't see. Try and support our Club... evermore... use you passion to galvanise us. ( For the record I have no connections with Board and think our custodians have been poor since Murray lost interest. My view on Ally is at best ambivalent but I will shout for the team and manager on a saturday. This is not a call to renew season tickets but to inspire you just a little to keep going to games next year. If your in GR then say hello hello!)

I know some of you may not renew or may use King's scheme... which is fine and I won't dis you for it, because these are trying times... but believe me ... if you can grit your teeth and hang in for the rest of the journey it will taste all the sweeter when we get there. I know this was not the journey we imagined and the board appear to take us for granted... I'm simply supporting the "Club" I love.

I returned from Ibrox today disappointed with result and the last 2 seasons in general. my wife said it's not been a very entertaining season has it. "I know," I said, " If I wanted entertained though, I'd go to the theatre... but I go to support Rangers... cos that's what I signed up to age 6"

She sighed of course but I trust that most of you might get it.

Disappointed but Loyal and still following

Struth "Never fear, inevitably we shall have our years of failure, and when they arrive, we must reveal tolerance and sanity. No matter the days of anxiety that come our way, we shall emerge stronger because of the trials to be overcome. That has been the philosophy of the Rangers since the days of the gallant pioneers."

Post of the evening.

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What i will never get over or forgive is the people who allowed our club to go into Administration. It left me a broken man at the time, and is a nightmare that never goes away. It has given fans of every club to sing, that your not Rangers any more.

Also at one time, teams were scared of coming to play at Ibrox, but now show no fear. And that is because we show pish teams to much respect, when it should be the other way about.

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Its gonna be tough guys....but


Govan Rear GR4 Row K Seat 0112

I have been going from age aged 6 ...every season. I'm 53. Bill Struth talked of troubled times. Our motto is Ready and our Cry IS No Surrender and Follow Follow.

I have watched Celtic win 9 in a row, and Davie whites humiliation against Gornik. I have watched Gazza and Laudrup light up my saturdays.

It's who I am and what I do. I follow. I support. Its unconditional. It's like the love you can have for a child.

Nick Hornby talks about it eloquently in his book when he was 6 too I think and he realised Arsenal was in his blood and that this love would outlast his marriage.

I have been privileged to support Rangers. It has been an honour. I look at the Thistle and Dumbarton supporters and admire them for their dedication ....to their "Club"

This is the essence... i go to Ibrox to support that nebulous entity ... "Rangers Football Club." McCoist has been disappointing and the players disappointing... and I am disappointed.... but I will never stop going or make ultimatums... never. RTID is a phrase I use and I mean it.

I understand the pain... we should make it bond us.

Its funny you know...im a low poster but pop in here and read daily... Some posters in thousands or with names like loyal dis the likes of me because we don't have "many posts" but are now talking about not renewing till Ally goes. The measure of the supporter not how much they support but how much they post seemingly. We are an easy club to support in the good times but the measure of us is now... loyalty in the hard times. Struth knew these times would come because that is what life is like. He gave us warnings that hard times would come round. The elders amongst us will realsie the se happenings in our personal lives or marriage.

I support our "Club" and I will not hold them to ransom. The current Board are unimpressive, McCoist unimpressive, the players unimpressive, however we the fans have been outstanding in terms of support and a little disappointing in our ability to show some cohesiveness. By all means be unhappy with Board / manager and players and show your displeasure if you feel necessary.

GOAT ... i don't know you but you're clearly passionate and angry. Perhaps I'm older, and having suffered their 9 as a teenager I'm more patient. Think again my friend. Ally will go soon.. his time is nearing, Unless there is a miraculous turnaround which even I don't see. Try and support our Club... evermore... use you passion to galvanise us. ( For the record I have no connections with Board and think our custodians have been poor since Murray lost interest. My view on Ally is at best ambivalent but I will shout for the team and manager on a saturday. This is not a call to renew season tickets but to inspire you just a little to keep going to games next year. If your in GR then say hello hello!)

I know some of you may not renew or may use King's scheme... which is fine and I won't dis you for it, because these are trying times... but believe me ... if you can grit your teeth and hang in for the rest of the journey it will taste all the sweeter when we get there. I know this was not the journey we imagined and the board appear to take us for granted... I'm simply supporting the "Club" I love.

I returned from Ibrox today disappointed with result and the last 2 seasons in general. my wife said it's not been a very entertaining season has it. "I know," I said, " If I wanted entertained though, I'd go to the theatre... but I go to support Rangers... cos that's what I signed up to age 6"

She sighed of course but I trust that most of you might get it.

Disappointed but Loyal and still following

Struth "Never fear, inevitably we shall have our years of failure, and when they arrive, we must reveal tolerance and sanity. No matter the days of anxiety that come our way, we shall emerge stronger because of the trials to be overcome. That has been the philosophy of the Rangers since the days of the gallant pioneers."


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Was gutted last weekend, today was easier to take as we showed a bit of a fight still remains. Dont think our play will change untill a new manager is in place. Cant believe I am saying this as I defended Ally to the hilt but last week was the straw, I am afraid.

Goat you have my vote

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This should basically Watershed.

I am at a loss the Fucking state the Team on the Pitch are.

Players who where busting a gut last Season for their Premier Clubs and they come to us, and our shitty Management Team have them so Fucking disjointed.

We are a Fucking shadow of what we where ,and if we don't get rid of McCoist/Durrant/McDowell and some big earners, then we are in shit Street.

Fucking Travesty the Money waisted on this side ,Ally cannot be Trusted with any more Cash.

And he is still blabbering off to papers that we need more quality in.

Fucking spending that got us in the Fucking shit before.

Get a proper Coaching Team /Management in and get these Players sorted.

A half decent CH a proper , CB and a RM who can attack at Will.

Oh and another CF, to replace the lump of Wood we have ATM.

Actually we have Several young Guys who need to Step in.

We also have Attacking Players who can play, Gallagher, Little, Temps and young Lewis.

No more playing players out of position unless absolutely necessary.

No more spending until shite leave.

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