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Lee Erwin

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No he fucking didnt take the piss out of us by the way.he said he is a rangers supporter, that motherwell were the better side over 2 legs, and that there is plenty of time for us to go up but was ecstatic that the team he played for kept their premier league status.

What the fuck is wrong with that?

Our fucking captain didn't even come out and speak to bt. Instead it was left to mcmanus of all people to show respect for our club.

It's bad enough having lost the game and staying down, but when the players show no respect for the support , the jersey, or the club by showing enough bollocks to let us fuckin boo what they say , their reasons why we were even in the playoffs in the first place. And some are defending that fuckin roaster who punched and kicked a fellow pro rather than hang his fuckin head in shame and shake the blokes hand.after the site we have served up this season, we shouldn't have been anywhere near today. Both hibs and Queens had a plan b and c. Apart from 4 games this season, we didn't even have a complete plan a.

By the way, if that was Scott broon with that fuckin eejit at the end, I would still expect a rangers player to shake hands at the end on the park, then go for the cunt in the tunnel.our standards and traditions are the thing that separates us and them in the first place, or am I wrong now ?

No Surrender


Spot on Rab. You've said everything I feel.

Mohsni's a fucking liability and lucky to have been given more chances than he deserved. The guy's too hot-headed to handle playing for us. What's so difficult about shaking a guys hand ffs? I'll defend any Rangers player up to a point, but there's no defending his actions. That's brought shame on the club. Erwin is a cunt for what he did too, another one who wouldn't be able to handle playing for us if that's what he does for having a hand-shake ignored.

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He said twice in his words we absolutely battered them in both games an that he grew up supporting us but he now supports Motherwell. Came across as a wee ned to be honest

He said 'I grew up supporting Rangers as a young boy ... but Rangers can wait their turn.' and then said something like 'it's well the now'.

Tbf to the boy, I don't think he quite meant he's changed who he supports, just that his current loyalties are with well, because he's part of that club just now. WHich is fair enough.

I had a go at him earlier about that, but on reflection I don't think he meant he's changed who he supports.

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You must be getting bored with this however


Bored with what?

You might not like what I write or whatever, but it's true. We need to stabalise the club starting with the recruitment of a manager who knows the club inside out and has a plan which involves more than recruiting players to get out the league. We need a programme in place to promote youth, recruit the right players and personalities i.e. not players looking for a final pay cheque and show that the club is going places.

Until we sort that out we won't be recruiting Lee Erwin as he will prefer to go to Championship clubs down South like other before him.

Carry on though if you want to bury your head in the sand.

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I don't think whether Erwin is or was a Rangers fan, or his age has any relevance.

We have just been embarrassed 6-1. The majority of our team, including Mohsni will be leaving. They just want to get off the park ASAP. The last thing you really want to do is hang around with Motherwell fans and players celebrating in your face. Erwin has allegedly offered to shake Mohsni's hand. Mohsni has allegedly refused and said fuck off. If any of that is true, then IMO Erwin MAY have been offering a handshake in a patronising way, just my opinion. You only have to look at his post match interview. He said about us getting up "we can wait our turn", took no responsibility for the push, saying playing for us means Mohsni shouldn't act that way trying to take some sort of moral high ground to justify his actions, and then saying they "battered us". Some of his comments MAY have an element of truth but the way in which he said it, to me, suggests he may not have conversed with Mohsni as eloquently as he implies.

Regardless, if you've just won 6-1 and someone, who will probably be hurting, tells you to fuck off (if true), then you laugh it off and celebrate with your own fans.You don't let it get to you. You don't shove someone who is clearly not in the mood. Erwin is an adult. He is responsible for his own actions. He shoved Mohsni and as such he fully deserved a form of retaliation.

Do I think it's befitting behaviour of a Rangers' player? Absolutely not but let's not kid ourselves, if someone shoves you, i'd say a high percentage of us would react. If this happens when you're already pissed off, an even higher percentage would retaliate IMO.

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I don't think whether Erwin is or was a Rangers fan, or his age has any relevance.

We have just been embarrassed 6-1. The majority of our team, including Mohsni will be leaving. They just want to get off the park ASAP. The last thing you really want to do is hang around with Motherwell fans and players celebrating in your face. Erwin has allegedly offered to shake Mohsni's hand. Mohsni has allegedly refused and said fuck off. If any of that is true, then IMO Erwin MAY have been offering a handshake in a patronising way, just my opinion. You only have to look at his post match interview. He said about us getting up "we can wait our turn", took no responsibility for the push, saying playing for us means Mohsni shouldn't act that way trying to take some sort of moral high ground to justify his actions, and then saying they "battered us". Some of his comments MAY have an element of truth but the way in which he said it, to me, suggests he may not have conversed with Mohsni as eloquently as he implies.

Regardless, if you've just won 6-1 and someone, who will probably be hurting, tells you to fuck off (if true), then you laugh it off and celebrate with your own fans.You don't let it get to you. You don't shove some who is clearly not in the mood. Erwin is an adult. He is responsible for his own actions. He shoved Mohsni and as such he fully deserved a form of retaliation.

Spot on mate

Do I think it's befitting behaviour of a Rangers' player? Absolutely not but let's not kid ourselves, if someone shoves you, i'd say a high percentage of us would react. If this happens when you're already pissed off, any even higher percentage would retaliate IMO.

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I don't think whether Erwin is or was a Rangers fan, or his age has any relevance.

We have just been embarrassed 6-1. The majority of our team, including Mohsni will be leaving. They just want to get off the park ASAP. The last thing you really want to do is hang around with Motherwell fans and players celebrating in your face. Erwin has allegedly offered to shake Mohsni's hand. Mohsni has allegedly refused and said fuck off. If any of that is true, then IMO Erwin MAY have been offering a handshake in a patronising way, just my opinion. You only have to look at his post match interview. He said about us getting up "we can wait our turn", took no responsibility for the push, saying playing for us means Mohsni shouldn't act that way trying to take some sort of moral high ground to justify his actions, and then saying they "battered us". Some of his comments MAY have an element of truth but the way in which he said it, to me, suggests he may not have conversed with Mohsni as eloquently as he implies.

Regardless, if you've just won 6-1 and someone, who will probably be hurting, tells you to fuck off (if true), then you laugh it off and celebrate with your own fans.You don't let it get to you. You don't shove some who is clearly not in the mood. Erwin is an adult. He is responsible for his own actions. He shoved Mohsni and as such he fully deserved a form of retaliation.

Do I think it's befitting behaviour of a Rangers' player? Absolutely not but let's not kid ourselves, if someone shoves you, i'd say a high percentage of us would react. If this happens when you're already pissed off, any even higher percentage would retaliate IMO.

Spot on mate.
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I don't think whether Erwin is or was a Rangers fan, or his age has any relevance.

We have just been embarrassed 6-1. The majority of our team, including Mohsni will be leaving. They just want to get off the park ASAP. The last thing you really want to do is hang around with Motherwell fans and players celebrating in your face. Erwin has allegedly offered to shake Mohsni's hand. Mohsni has allegedly refused and said fuck off. If any of that is true, then IMO Erwin MAY have been offering a handshake in a patronising way, just my opinion. You only have to look at his post match interview. He said about us getting up "we can wait our turn", took no responsibility for the push, saying playing for us means Mohsni shouldn't act that way trying to take some sort of moral high ground to justify his actions, and then saying they "battered us". Some of his comments MAY have an element of truth but the way in which he said it, to me, suggests he may not have conversed with Mohsni as eloquently as he implies.

Regardless, if you've just won 6-1 and someone, who will probably be hurting, tells you to fuck off (if true), then you laugh it off and celebrate with your own fans.You don't let it get to you. You don't shove some who is clearly not in the mood. Erwin is an adult. He is responsible for his own actions. He shoved Mohsni and as such he fully deserved a form of retaliation.

Do I think it's befitting behaviour of a Rangers' player? Absolutely not but let's not kid ourselves, if someone shoves you, i'd say a high percentage of us would react. If this happens when you're already pissed off, any even higher percentage would retaliate IMO.

Aye, he's behaved like a prick today. A young man that's made an arse of himself.

I won't be holding any grudges beyond today, though.

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Emotions are running high on here and we are all gonna fall out for sure.but if you think it's acceptable for a player representing our club, to punch and kick 19 yo boy who wanted to shake his hand and swap jerseys at the end of the game and told the boy who when interviewed at the end said he was a rangers supporter, to fuck off, then you all need to have a look at yerselfs. Ducking disgrace moshni.

Under severe provocation our support kept their dignity inside the ground.

And a Rangers player punches and kicks not only a fellow pro, but a boy whose family I know are all Rangers supporters.as is he. Disgrace.

No Surrender


You talk more shite than an Arab dung dealer, why ye sticking up for that wee fanny? Cos he said he used to support us? The same wee cunt said they battered us and where a class above us. You've got this one wrong.

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Did he not say he grew up a Rangers fan but all he's interested in is Motherwell? Whats wrong with that? Every footballer on the planet should only be interested in the team that pays their wages, wish we had a few like him

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Aye, he's behaved like a prick today. A young man that's made an arse of himself.

I won't be holding any grudges beyond today, though.

Yeah pretty much agree on that. Erwin messed up. You can't just use physical violence (regardless of intent or force). Whilst still being an adult, he's still young and will possibly learn from it.

He's the least of our worries, and I certainly won't be losing any sleep over that. Maybe over our performances though....

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Out of interest, do you know him personally?

I know his dad really well.he used to be the assistant manager of a team I played with and Lee used to train with us when he was 15/16 I can tell you his dad is one of the biggest proddy blue noses you will ever meet and I'm assuming lee is the same.i think he was raging moshni slapped him about on live TV and I think he deserved it also think moshni should have shook his hand.

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Emotions are running high on here and we are all gonna fall out for sure.but if you think it's acceptable for a player representing our club, to punch and kick 19 yo boy who wanted to shake his hand and swap jerseys at the end of the game and told the boy who when interviewed at the end said he was a rangers supporter, to fuck off, then you all need to have a look at yerselfs. Ducking disgrace moshni.

Under severe provocation our support kept their dignity inside the ground.

And a Rangers player punches and kicks not only a fellow pro, but a boy whose family I know are all Rangers supporters.as is he. Disgrace.

No Surrender


You're way off mark with this one Rab.

Erwin got what he deserved.

Can you imagine any opposition player doing what he did to Gough, Butcher, Brown or further back to Greig, Shaw or Young. The cunt would be going home in an ambulance.

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Emotions are running high on here and we are all gonna fall out for sure.but if you think it's acceptable for a player representing our club, to punch and kick 19 yo boy who wanted to shake his hand and swap jerseys at the end of the game and told the boy who when interviewed at the end said he was a rangers supporter, to fuck off, then you all need to have a look at yerselfs. Ducking disgrace moshni.

Under severe provocation our support kept their dignity inside the ground.

And a Rangers player punches and kicks not only a fellow pro, but a boy whose family I know are all Rangers supporters.as is he. Disgrace.

No Surrender


Got to disagree on this one Rab, if anycunt run up to you and pushed you like that I guarantee you'd react to it, as a sportsman maybe Moshni maybe and probably shouldn't have reacted the way he did, but the fact his teams just been defeated and he's pissed off already I personally don't blame him one bit for what he did.

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You're way off mark with this one Rab.

Erwin got what he deserved.

Can you imagine any opposition player doing what he did to Gough, Butcher, Brown or further back to Greig, Shaw or Young. The cunt would be going home in an ambulance.

They would have shook hands and got the cunt in the tunnel instead.i cannot believe the defence of moshnis actions ,after all, this is the same guy who offered supporters in the main stand out at ibrox coming off at half time no that long ago.fuckin punchin and kickin an opponent in full view of the watching world,after the game?fuck sake man come on.shake hands, then batter the cunt in the tunnel.

On a day when the performance on the park was below unacceptable,what he did was inexcusable. i dont expect Rangers players to behave like that .i would have respected him more if he had kicked him up into the air during the game and seen red.that would have shown me he was hurting and gave a fuck and had some pride, not telling somebody to fuck off then going all fuckin pavement dancer on him.

back to your point about the legends you mentioned,who played against far higher class of wind up merchants in their careers.look back and see if they ever did what moshni did today.

I think not.

No Surrender


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They would have shook hands and got the cunt in the tunnel instead.i cannot believe the defence of moshnis actions ,after all, this is the same guy who offered supporters in the main stand out at ibrox coming off at half time no that long ago.fuckin punchin and kickin an opponent in full view of the watching world,after the game?fuck sake man come on.shake hands, then batter the cunt in the tunnel.

On a day when the performance on the park was below unacceptable,what he did was inexcusable. i dont expect Rangers players to behave like that .i would have respected him more if he had kicked him up into the air during the game and seen red.that would have shown me he was hurting and gave a fuck and had some pride, not telling somebody to fuck off then going all fuckin pavement dancer on him.

back to your point about the legends you mentioned,who played against far higher class of wind up merchants in their careers.look back and see if they ever did what moshni did today.

I think not.

No Surrender


Yet you're defending that wee prick pushing him.... "he just wanted to shake hands and swap shirts" away you go fs.

He acted like a wee hard man and got put in his place, he clearly forgot what country he lives in.

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