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Chris Mclaughlin Reinstated


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Banned means banned.. He should never be welcome at our great stadium again, He like the rest sat back when Celtic rioted in Dundee and Motherwell, the worst hooligism within any our stadiums in over a decade.

No football order bans, no doors kicked in at 6am, nothing.

Yet these so called journalists attack us for a handful of arrests at a match?

This makes the board look weak to me, apologise all they want.

Until he apologised unreservedly public on their 6.30pm news, then we should not be entertaining him. The way he had pre sentenced these fans without even a trial after everything we have been through is nothing short of a joke.

Should have stayed banned for life the same as any cunt who wanted us stripped of titles or called us cheats.( Mr Keevins head of the Daily Record also wanted us stripped of 5 titles, Why? Because the Celtic minded told him so as there was no evidence what so ever. )

In this day and age we do not need the media as much as say 20 years ago.

After Jim Spence and the rest having to be slapped down and corrected about the new club pish, and I mean slapped down by fans pointing out legally that this was false, they still tried to run with the new club pish.

Fuck him and BBC Scotland who we all know the main players within them hate us.

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Can our self appointed fans reps stop spreading others' propaganda thus giving abortions like Chris McLaughlin a chance to mock. Why don't they organise a protest with the thousands the UoF represents? I am sure every Rangers group would support it no matter who organised it. :rolleyes:

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This was always going to happen as the BBC is a publicly funded institution, and also the main media outlet in the country. They will have been told from the big bosses that 1) the story of us finally looking like Rangers again is too good to not have a front seat in reporting 2) a million tax paying Rangers fans need to be properly serviced. Banning him was a smart move, as it would have given us the upper hand in negotiations that have just took place. Our case for gaining assurances in demanding they dinnae spin thier pish would have been harder to gain commitment to from the BBC without them needing to be allowed back into Ibrox as thier no.1 priority.

That poofter Spiers on the other hand will never be allowed back in.

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Can our self appointed fans reps stop spreading others' propaganda thus giving abortions like Chris McLaughlin a chance to mock. Why don't they organise a protest with the thousands the UoF represents? I am sure every Rangers group would support it no matter who organised it. :rolleyes:

I see what you did there


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Way it looks, BBC dont like the present state of relations with Rangers, they'll never publicly admit it but the recent turn of events where they are reporting on games from watching live streams etc is not acceptable to them. The Scottish based reporters are blissfully underestimating the unease being shown from their London based paymasters. So this rancid Celtic loving chancer gets pulled in and a meeting gets him reinstated with press rights for Rangers, he shows a bit of bravado on twitter ( Twitter Jeez is that what he's reduced to ) pulls in a couple of his equally biased pals to stir up things a bit. But what you dont hear about is the slap on the wrist he's received from the Beeb heirarchy, he's acting all tough just now, but should we get any more biased reporting then just ban the rhat again, and ban any of his pals who crawl out from under their stones to do his proxy dirty work for him. Lets see what his next article says and take it from there. I think Rangers were right to ban him in the first place, we can handle the cut and thrust of normal critical press articles but he laid his bias out for all to see and we were right to ban him, and we should not rule out the opportunity to ban him and his like again until unbiased reporting is the norm.

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After all the positives coming out of Ibrox, RFC then fck up by letting this rat and his employers back into our ground, we don't need them now, before or ever.

How can we forget them drooling over our difficulties over the past 4 years, this is a massive own goal.

Who the fck agreed to this?


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Poor form by Chris Graham poking the cunt with a stick and poor form from the wee bigot rising to it. But this is two petulant children baiting each other in public, the adults have gotten together and came to a solution behind closed doors. The club statement was diplomatic, magnanimous even, and how the BBC reacts and reports will be much more telling of what actually happened than anything that fucker says on Twitter. So far I don't see any mention of it on the BBC website and nothing on NewsNow except from Follow Follow and our club statement. No doubt we'll find out what gets said on the radio soon enough but so far no-one in power is gloating and the BBC in particular are silent..... which comes across to me as contrition.
While I personally, like 99.9% of us, would prefer never to see the twisted cunt in Ibrox again I think the club have acted with a good level of diplomacy and basically given them a length of rope to see what they do with it. How we act if they hang themselves with it is when we'll get to see how strong a spine the board has.

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Our club is far to gentlemanly towards our enemies imo. The club doesn't like a fight i get that, but if they become involved in one through no fault of there own, then they should be seen to win it.

This looks like a compromise, at the very least the club should have insisted McLaughlin be replaced by someone without agenda and more balanced in their reporting.That way the troops could have seen the casualties of the war.

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Stopped giving BBC Scotland hits a couple of years ago anyway.If I want anything on the BBC channels I use Sky 953 and 972 for BBC 1 NI and BBC2 NI.He actually is the perfect e-fit for the bogey man your parents warned you to avoid.Would bet he has a brown raincoat in his wardrobe.Absolute horror of a c*nt.

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Maybe the problem then is the fan or player who lets us down, rather than the reporter who tells the story.


Get real man, there is a massive difference between covering a story and purposely setting out to dig the dirt on someone or something, just to satisfy an anti Rangers agenda.

Time to open your eyes and see this cockroach CM for what he actually is, an unbiased reporter of sport he most certainly is not, as he has proven by his unrelenting appetite for putting into print anything he can find about us, and then adding his poisonous negative spin to it.

I just hope he eventually pokes his shitty stick into our affairs for the last time, and gets himself banned for good, his type should never be welcome at Ibrox.


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You are up there with the most apologetic ones .You may even be out on your own

So rather than blame the person who commits the act, you would prefer to vilify the reporter who reveals it .. ok then (!!)

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The propagandists do as they are told. They have no morals or scruples on anything they do.

No one believes anything the fans reps say. If only these mouthpieces had the foresight to join VB at their protests at the BBC, we may have resolved the issue back then. Time will tell if the biased reporting will cease ( it won't )

The BBC run by a Rangers hating bigot like Mr O'hara will continue to attack our fans and club.

In a nutshell mate .

A legacy of hate passed on by one O'Hara brother to another . With the O'Hara's best pal as chief sports reporter who in turn gets sister a job that she is useless at whilst other people expecting her position were overlooked shows you where the BBC are at.

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Rangers has received assurances from the BBC that their reporting of Rangers' affairs will be balanced.


Effectively being accepted by the BBC that previous reporting was not balanced. Point made by Club and accepted by BBC.

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Effectively being accepted by the BBC that previous reporting was not balanced. Point made by Club and accepted by BBC.

Aye CM will be definitely be balanced, the wee rodent has a chip on each shoulder. What next a dinner to honour Brittney or a wee doo for the Rennie and his courageous (perhaps he meant outrageous) reporters???

Mini needs to remember when you lie with dogs you get fleas

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We were promised transparency by the Board. OK,lets have the full story or else this Board are no better than the one they replaced. The fans have do e their bit, now its up to the Board to prove they are trustworthy. This must not be allowed to remain "behind closed doors". So come on Dave, give us the full story regarding the climbdown.

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