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Facial Recognition To Punish Fans

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So the snp provide the £4mil to have this installed, is this just in SPL premiership grounds or all SPFL clubs?

There is no money in Scottish football,what happens when it goes on the blink? I guarantee the majority of clubs will put other expenses first before fixing the frcctv. In a couple of years it will be virtually non existent throughout Scottish football clubs grounds, except at Ibrox and the piggery.

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Well Gollum has obviously had his balls kicked as this from his report. Must have been tears in his eyes having to mention the scum and scumdee

"The debate over the extent to which clubs should be held accountable for the conduct of their followers has been sparked by recent incidents involving Rangers, Celtic and Dundee United supporters.

Hibernian's visit to Ibrox on 28 December was marred by sectarian chants from the home end, while there were complaints of sectarian songs during Celtic's Scottish Cup trip to Stranraer.

Celtic and Dundee United have both condemned their own fans for setting off pyrotechnics."

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Well Gollum has obviously had his balls kicked as this from his report. Must have been tears in his eyes having to mention the scum and scumdee

"The debate over the extent to which clubs should be held accountable for the conduct of their followers has been sparked by recent incidents involving Rangers, Celtic and Dundee United supporters.

Hibernian's visit to Ibrox on 28 December was marred by sectarian chants from the home end, while there were complaints of sectarian songs during Celtic's Scottish Cup trip to Stranraer.

Celtic and Dundee United have both condemned their own fans for setting off pyrotechnics."

doubt it, he intimates there was definitely sectarian chants at Ibrox, but only "complaints" of sectarian songs for cellic.

We are guilty without trial, but cellic are only accused.

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Why don't the fans of all spfl clubs make a stand and boycott a home game in February, leaving their teams ground empty to show what could happen to them financially if they allow this shite to go ahead.

Boycotting games is not something I really want to see, but the Football boards and the snp need to be told this is a step to far regards peoples freedoms, plus the fans of the smaller clubs need to see it affects them just as much as it does Rangers fans and the scum.

Has our Board said anything regard the meeting yesterday and the malicious stories from morton / the sun about what supposedly happend at Ibrox on the 12th december 2015, or are they staying mute and continue to let Rangers Football Clubs Name be blackend by our haters.

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I take these cameras will pick out the non football fan jihadist coming in to the stadium complete with enough explosive to blow us all to fuck,or will it just catch were guys who sing songs .Only in this twisted republican shithole of a country.

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22 hours ago, cushynumber said:

Well Gollum has obviously had his balls kicked as this from his report. Must have been tears in his eyes having to mention the scum and scumdee

"The debate over the extent to which clubs should be held accountable for the conduct of their followers has been sparked by recent incidents involving Rangers, Celtic and Dundee United supporters.
Hibernian's visit to Ibrox on 28 December was marred by sectarian chants from the home end, while there were complaints of sectarian songs during Celtic's Scottish Cup trip to Stranraer.
Celtic and Dundee United have both condemned their own fans for setting off pyrotechnics."

doubt it, he intimates there was definitely sectarian chants at Ibrox, but only "complaints" of sectarian songs for cellic.


We are guilty without trial, but cellic are only accused.

Agree 100% he's basically saying Rangers fans are bad but the micks are apparently complained about 

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Makes my fucking blood boil.

We have bheggars in every sense of the word and incompetents running our game. 

So once again, me, my wife and kids are to be criminilised for just going to watch a game of Football.

Our board need to grow a pair and need to exercise our democratic right in May and start to dismantle these hating cunts from the top down.

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4 minutes ago, Briton said:

Really?  That's terrible!  HTF can that happen?

So our faces are held on a data base for what? How secure is the data base? What's to prevent some no mark abusing the info. held? What about taking pictures of minors? Not allowed anywhere else, so why at football?

2 million fans per annum on average attend football in this backwater. How many banning orders per year, 12?How many prosecutions and convictions under the easily offended charter, 6?

How many successful prosections in a year for any other offence, not many!

The nearest we had to a riot in recent history was at Motherwell and they weren't even punished by anyone.

So what is the reality of criminal or sectarian breaches at football? The answer is as per the Abertay Uni Prof. yesterday on BBC radio Scotland news. There is no problem, only the myth peddeled by SMSM and Government to perpetuate an agenda.

So where is the need for a facial recognition system that is both unreliable and be subject to abuse, far less eroding civil liberty? 

........and we are not being criminilised?!



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Football is being used as a test, this won't stop here. They're using us as bait for the rest of society, who already have a negative image of football fans thanks to the media. Combine this negative image with constant media attention to sectarian singing and we have a populace that is arguing how to pay for it, rather than should it be allowed to happen or not.

This should be fought against at all costs imo, it's the first step to a big brother state and a lot more is riding on it than football.


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  • 1 year later...
6 hours ago, Virtuoso said:

Nail on the head. This law is only being appealed because it isn't doing what they planned it to do.Catch Rangers fans only.

As a wise man once said:

When you create your own storm, don't complain when it rains....


On 10/06/2016 at 6:51 PM, Pure_Quality said:

If the OBAF Act is repealed the figures will be even more skewed towards us as our songs will remain as 'sectarian' and against the old laws, while the filth will be able to sing their 'political' songs with gusto.

Wonder if it'll take that for the dafties that are backing The Groin Brigdae and Fans (of Celtic) Against Criminilisation to realise why they in particular are so desperate for OBAF to be repealed. 


On 07/06/2016 at 5:26 PM, Pure_Quality said:

Exactly this.

They thought it would be Big Bad RFC fans who were going to get thumped by this new Law, when in fact their IRAoke is now criminilised in a way which it never was under the old legislation.

Any Rangers fan who stands with these cretins will be criminilised under the old legislation under sectarianism when it's repealed, while they'll sing their old 'political' songs with absolute impunity.



On 19/01/2016 at 9:09 PM, Pure_Quality said:

They shouted for it to come in, and are shouting loudest to have it repealed. Fans Against Criminalisation are the groin brigade, celtic trust and other celtic supporters groups utterly apoplectic that their IRAoke is now against the law, when it was only our songs that were before.

Trust me buddy, if this legislation goes they'll be immune and we'll be up on charges when 5 guys sing the billy boys. Mark my words.


On 19/01/2016 at 8:14 PM, Pure_Quality said:

This legislation was brought in because Celtic fans jumped on the O'Ffended bus and wanted Rangers punished for our songs. They didn't think their jolly craic 'folk' songs would be classed as offensive and when it became clear bawling about the IRA would, fucking remarkably, be classed as offensive they want it repealed.

Make no mistake, if this legislation gets repealed and the scum will be belting out their IRA/'political' songs with gusto, while we'll be getting battered for an occasional outbreak of singing which will still be classed as 'sectarianism'.

This legislation is the leveller, so if it's a case of it being a bit shit for the both sides of the OF or just shit for us, I know which is best for RFC.

Absolutely fucking mental that some of our fans want this act to be repealed. We'll be persecuted for 'sectarianism' while they will be getting let away with singing their 'political' songs about the IRA and a united Ireland.

Any, and I mean any, Rangers fan that historically supported this repeal, just so they can get away with singing an odd 'nawty' song, while as an overall support we get shafted and they don't, needs to fucking look at the bigger picture.

This was and will continue to be an opportunity to jail our fans and keep the filth out of jail. It has to be questioned why this is happening.

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On 19/01/2016 at 5:15 PM, Rfc52 said:

Has Scottish football just struck the final nail in its coffin?

They're looking at facial recognition to punish fans. I know many guys on both sides who are decent normal guys who like a sing song and then back to the boozer for a noise up of each other but in general are mates.

So that's folks jobs now on the line because if they can't track you down just after the game then you can be rest assured some computer wanker will be pouring over pictures of fans "misbehaving"

I don't give a fuck what a tarrier sings, a utd fan, Aberdeen, Motherwell or east Stirling but ruining guys lives through songs at the football is a fucking disgrace.

I hope the RST are all over this.

This is the laugh of the century and epitomises Scottish football in my opinion and the SFA. Here we are with things that could be brought in like goal line technology and even something to help improve refereeing in the Scottish game, but the corrupt would rather spend it on attacking fans, diabolical.

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12 minutes ago, Virtuoso said:


I understand why you've bumped this thread and quoted me - will reply later today with my thoughts.


Didn't mean to bump this at all mate, was agreeing with you in the one I saw earlier. 

Fucking @gogzy needs to fix the multiquote function to make it simpler for simpletons like me.

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