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The Old Firm game is a big occasion and it did seem to get the better of Niko last time round.  It's happened to many great players over the years and we shouldn't judge Niko on that 45mins alone.  If Niko is on form going on to the Scottish Cup game then of course he should play. 

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4 minutes ago, BigBearButt said:

Just wish we had a bit more of his quality in the squad. We looked laboured tonight and toothless in attack. Waghorn doesnt look interested and the subs who came on offered next to nothing. 



Think you're confusing being off form with not trying

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13 minutes ago, DBBTB said:

I still wouldn't play him next week.


Don't think we could afford to play him in a midfield three. If we changed to a 5 he could sit in behind a lone striker and be effective but the manager won't change. Has to be Holt, Halliday and Windass next week. 

That being said since he's getting up to match sharpness now his quality is really showing. 

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He's had a few fitness concerns however the main issue is the fact we have had him playing alongside the likes of Barton and Rossiter who aren't blessed with pace and energy. As such Niko was doing too much running, playing too deep, chasing back, tiring himself out and when he eventually got on the ball was too fatigued to make any real impact.

Playing in a number 10 type role, more advanced, Niko will always thrive. He'll find the pockets of space. All we need to do is find him and find him early. We seemed to do this to good effect, and this has happened in the last few games. If we can get Niko on the ball, in space, in the final third he has that special ability to make something happen. He is a ball player and needs to play high up the park to be a big influence. Having Halliday, Holt, Miller, McKay and Waggy (who all weren't collectively great) buzzing around him makes a massive difference too.......

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