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MW and JK Similarities?


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It seems this season between the two top leagues in Scotland and England that Rangers and Liverpool are experiencing similar issues (take away the financial differences).


- Passionate fan base who will back their team home and away

- The managers are trying to keep possession and play a similar style of play

- Both teams have a dodgy defence and are conceding goals easily in most games

- Both teams struggle when conceding the first goal and don't have a plan b

- Both teams missing lots of chances where on paper the game should be a cricket score. 

- Both managers speak very well and are all about the character of a player for where he fits into the squad 

Is there a link between MW and Klopp in the way they are trying to please the fans yet not addressing the issue of defenders. Both managers have not recruited good solid defenders despite issues last year clear to both sets of fans.

Both teams look likely to finish 2nd this year as it stands. 


There is a difference in quality of course because of the EPL money but I think MW and JK are facing similar challenges this year. 

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3 minutes ago, Smile said:

Liverpool have more in common with the Ambulance chasers from the East.

..... Actually surprised by that, I especially recall that our own DK holds them close to his heart does he not? ...... tenuous tie right enough, but one that could ensure we never walk alone again .... :P



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